The system only allows a comment to have only one @name in it. Unfortunately if this is a meta discussion about how notifications work, of the discussion about not deleting @postowner from comments, then you get an error message saying only one user can be notified.
Since it is common to use @postowner
in these comments, please make a special case exemption for that specific literal use.
Addendum: to be clear I am talking about the literal string "@postowner" not a @ directed AT the postowner
and stuff like that. As I wrote in a comment to my feature-request, it would be nice if just all invalid @lerts were allowed.@postowner
. That defeats the entire point. Obviously you're talking to the post owner if you don't address someone else specifically. And if you're going to address people, at least use their user names...@postowner
in comments, it has been done a lot in the last couple of weeks in the discussions about the automatic removal of it. People are using it to talk about @ comments, not some generic reference to the postowner@postowner
, and a[feature-request]
so that we can have more meta discussions/rants about something that isn't likely to change is the definition of pointless.