I entered over 100 lines of code for my question, and then pressed "Submit" on Stack Overflow. The website gave me an error, saying that my code was formatted wrong. It suggested that I use the Ctrl+K shortcut or the code button to format it. It also said to use indents of 4 spaces.
Initially, I had indented 10 times and was using a 2-space indentation style. I tried cutting the initial indentation to 4, and it didn't work. Then, I changed my nesting style to 4-spaces. That didn't work either. I tried putting the code in backquotes. That didn't work. I highlighted everything, pressed Ctrl+K....didn't work. Pressed Ctrl+K twice...didn't work either.
How can I get my question online?
http://pastebin.com/ugYfbupR (Note: The commented lines were not initially commented. I added them because I thought it would be easier to read on the pastebin.)
The issue has recurred with medium font size. Here's a paste of an answer I have tried to post that has returned the same error message:
Please note that I haven't accommodated any pastebin standards for coding, and this is the post as I initially intended it to appear: http://pastebin.com/GDBMKN0R