Linked Questions

72 votes
3 answers

Old usernames stick to Community Wiki posts

On a whim the other day, I changed my meta name from Lord Torgamus to Popular Demand. I just noticed that the old name has "stuck" to the author tag of a Community Wiki question I asked before the ...
-8 votes
2 answers

Suggested edit should be allowed to improve an explanation

I think the suggested edit mechanism is really a mess. If you want to improve an explanation or add some tips to an answer it is not possible. Because edits should correct grammar or format. Some say ...
6 votes
1 answer

How to choose between several incomplete answers?

If I asked a question (namely this one), and the solution I end up using is a combination of some of the answers, and another answer explains why it is correct, How to choose the answer to accept? ...
108 votes
10 answers

Should the community wiki police be shut down?

Read me first: What are “Community Wiki” posts on Stack Overflow? Some times I post things that are border line community wiki, like this question: Are there any C# open source log viewers? which ...
11 votes
3 answers

Question asked by same person (and answered) on different site - how should it be answered

At this question (and a number of others with similar tags), a SE question has been answered elsewhere on a domain-specific non-SE Q&A site. Indeed, the same user acknowledges posting both places ...
12 votes
2 answers

Help develop the site and community knowledge base in your language

I think everyone agrees that it is great to have a lot of technology Q&A. In this way, anyone can quickly understand how to use a technology. The Stack Exchange engine is a quite complicated tool ...
1 vote
0 answers

What is and how do you visit the community wiki [duplicate]

I have never used the community wiki and just want to know what it is and how I get onto it.
7 votes
1 answer

I don't like to scroll sideways to read embedded code. Any solution?

I have a wide screen like 70% of the people, still the Stack Overflow site has a small resolution support and any embedded code scroll sideways. Is there any settings that can resolved that ? (...
14 votes
2 answers

What is the reason behind auto convertion to Community Wiki after 5-10 edits? [closed]

I have this answer to this post that gets a steady stream of upvotes. Due to the fact that more and more users actually upvote the answer (and maybe like it), I continually monitor it, reading it ...
20 votes
6 answers

agree/disagree button on meta or upvote/downvote effects based on tags

I just got rid of a question ban, after doing some stupid stuff when I just got on meta. I asked a question which got closed because it was a dupe of a whole lot of other questions. After that, I ...
6 votes
4 answers

How do I avoid becoming depressed by downvotes?

I am much better at discussing a person's problem with them real time and recommending a solution than doing this online.The format at stackoverflow is very much forum-based, (i.e. not real time), and ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why are there non-CW answers under this CW question?

What are the hidden features of Stack Exchange? Since this question is a CW, all answers are supposed to be CW, too. However it looks like something went wrong here and here. Why???
0 votes
1 answer

Reputation history stuck at yesterday after association bonus on Stack Overflow

After I got my association bonus yesterday, my reputation stopped increasing. With the bonus 100 rep, I got a total of 165 reputation yesterday. And today I wrote some answers and I got 1 up-vote ...
16 votes
1 answer

If the OP accepts a community wiki answer, do they get +2 rep? [duplicate]

Community Wiki answers give no reputation to the people who voted for them. They also don't give the +15 of acceptance if they are marked as accepted. But does the OP (of the question) get the normal ...
10 votes
1 answer

Do edits in the 5-minute grace period count as edits towards community wiki status? [closed]

It's clear from the faq about cw that 10 edits by the author makes a post community wiki. There's also a 5-minute grace period on editing such that multiple edits in that period don't create multiple ...

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