Linked Questions

0 votes
2 answers

Why is there an edit link for answers from other people? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can any user edit any other user’s question or answer? I just asked a question and I was going to comment on one of the answers. Instead, I accidentally hit edit and I ...
johnny's user avatar
  • 105
3 votes
1 answer

Minimum reputation to edit [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can any user edit any other user’s question or answer? Given how reputation privileges are gradually earned, how is a user with 1-rep enabled to suggest edits? This user, now ...
Jason Sturges's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why do we allow multiple peer edits for a given question? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can any user edit any other user's question or answer? If the person asking the question wants to edit the details of the question that's fair. But I am wondering why ...
Jay D's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote
1 answer

Should I be seeing an edit button for other users while logged in to stackexchange? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can any user edit any other user’s question or answer? I am logged in to stackexchange using chrome mobile and it looks like I can edit other users posts. There is an edit ...
jelkimantis's user avatar
77 votes
4 answers

What should the standard spelling be - British or US?

I just saw someone edit the title of this question to change the spelling from favourite (The British spelling) to favorite (The US-English spelling). Does Stack Exchange have an accepted standard on ...
Simon P Stevens's user avatar
108 votes
2 answers

Roll out 10k tools gradually between 3k and 10k reputation for users who have shown interest in helping the site

I. Short Version Make it easier for lesser rep users who actually contribute in janitorial work, by giving them access to some of these tools between 3k and 10k. II. Long Version A. Pre-ramble ...
Lorem Ipsum's user avatar
  • 23.5k
33 votes
5 answers

Is seeing other people's bookmarks a privacy issue? [closed]

I can see that anyone can see other peoples' bookmarks. I don't care much about this, but I was thinking: is this a privacy issue? For example, someone downvoted some questions or wrote negative ...
Mirage's user avatar
  • 1,863
22 votes
3 answers

Was this a valid edit that I should have approved? [closed]

This edit came up in the queue the other day, which I rejected as I felt it should have been a comment, and I checked, was already a comment by the editor.
asawyer's user avatar
  • 424
30 votes
3 answers

Is it correct to edit a question to remove a verbose introduction?

The question starts with I know that this isn't the first post with this problem, but I am stuck with this for a day (total, not 1 day in a row). Somehow I can't get this to work, maybe it is ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
1864 votes
0 answers

FAQ for Stack Exchange sites

Community FAQ For sites in the Stack Exchange 2.0 network To see a list of commonly used words and phrases, see the glossary. For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. Asking ...
7 votes
3 answers

Why are approved edit suggestions worth reputation?

I'm not against it at all. I like it. I'm just curious what the rationale is/was. Of course I agree that good edits are good and that good things should be incentivized, but why with rep? The help ...
starball's user avatar
  • 27.5k
-15 votes
2 answers

It appears that people are making simple edits and answers just for reputation points

I hesitate to ask questions on Stack Exchange as usually I will get lots of edits and answers, but usually the edits are formatting and spelling, and the answers are simplistic (e.g., read the ...
Tom Cumming's user avatar
-7 votes
2 answers

How to ask about the origin of certain "rule" and its "ruling" attributes

How do I ask about the source of terms and "rules" not explained on a per-site Tour and Help Center without disturbing too much Meta Stack Exchange? Should I make a post for each term and a ...
Rubén's user avatar
  • 16k
-23 votes
1 answer

I suggest to do a flag button inside an edit block [duplicate]

There isn't an individual flag for edits: we can't use a special flag relating to someone who edits a post of another user. Now the only way to draw a moderator's attention about someone's edit is to ...
Loviii's user avatar
  • 66

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