Linked Questions

1007 votes
24 answers

Show all of my question/answers to me even if they are deleted

I would really like to see all of my questions and answers on the profile page, even if some of them were deleted, and I don't have enough rep to see them on the site. (Note that some questions are ...
vava's user avatar
  • 13.2k
810 votes
15 answers

Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange

This is an unofficial list/changelog of new features and various changes to Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. It is maintained by the community, while a Stack Exchange employee changes ...
142 votes
10 answers

Turbocharging the Roomba: solutions for premature deletion

A couple weeks ago, I asked for help: How can we stop premature deletion? And I got some fantastic responses. A big thanks to everyone who participated in that discussion - you're the reason I don't ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 450k
17 votes
3 answers

Allow Comments on Deleted Answers

Somebody deleted an answer because of an incorrect comment, and I wanted to put a comment on there telling him that the original commenter was wrong, and that he should undelete his answer (which had ...
user130648's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why can't I comment on my deleted posts?

Why can't I comment on my deleted post if I don't agree with the reasons for deletion? My answer to What Stack Overflow is Not was deleted, but I don't believe syntax checking and grammar/spell ...
vascowhite's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

Why can I vote to reopen a deleted question?

I've seen How to uninstall completely remove Oracle 11g client?. Voting to undelete will not work because it was deleted by a moderator, but I managed to vote for reopening for some reason. I doubt ...
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

Are moderators no longer able to add comments on deleted posts?

Moderators used to be able to comment on deleted or locked posts. However I've just noticed I am unable to add a comment to a deleted question on Meta Stack Overflow, as the "add comment" link is ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Moderators can no longer comment on deleted posts?

I'm fairly certain we recently got this ability; this post was marked status-completed last month, and two other moderators confirmed for me that I'm not going crazy and we used to be able to do this. ...
WendiKidd's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Can non-10k users see comments left on their deleted content?

I ask partially in relation to this feature request, but also for my own use; My question is, if I leave a comment on a question or answer that is subsequently deleted, does the (non-10k) poster get ...
Andrew Barber's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Does the OP of a flagged post get comment notifications if the post is deleted by mods?

When I flag new user posts for "Not an answer" or "me too" type stuff, I usually write a comment to the user asking him to post a separate question and don't pollute the universe bla bla. Now I can ...
JoseK's user avatar
  • 1,887
1 vote
1 answer

Can moderators comment or vote on deleted posts? Can moderators answer deleted questions? [duplicate]

I am only curious, how the general lock on deleted posts interacts with the diamond.
peterh's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Moderator deleted an answer. How we know what was his reasons for?

There is a question on StackOverflow posted today (Apr, 26th) that I flagged as duplicate of another question (answered Feb '11), have barely the same question. At any rate, I've answered the question,...
RaphaelDDL's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Can we be more clear why you can't comment on certain posts?

When you look at deleted/locked/review question's or answer's comment area (like the best answer ever) you get to see this very vague message: This message tells me so little. How hard is it to ...
Eb946207's user avatar
  • 480
25 votes
0 answers

Please let ♦'s comment on deleted questions/answers [duplicate]

When challenged, users sometimes delete their question/answer and run away from it (but not the site). Sometimes ♦'s want to comment in order to explain the situation. There is no better education/...
VxJasonxV's user avatar
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