Linked Questions

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Is it okay to add information without asking a question? [duplicate]

Can you add information without asking a question? For example, I found a Firefox addon that lets you see the generated source of a page, but I don't want to add it to an answered question. Can I just ...
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2 answers

How do I reply on my own topic? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Stackoverflow: Should I answer my own question, or not? How could I add a reply on my own question? Like in the most other forums?
user141286's user avatar
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What is the best way to answer your own question? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Etiquette for answering your own question What if you figure out the answer to your own question, what is the approved way of answering your own question?
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Etiquette: How do I insert some useful info into the form of a question

For example, I have found the link to a PDF with VS keyboard shortcuts very useful. But being constrained by the question/answer format, it seems a little clunky to ask the question "where can I find ...
MrBoJangles's user avatar
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Is there a way to post a guide on something without first asking a question? [duplicate]

I keep coming across bits of information throughout the internet and every so often, I collect enough data to do a solid write-up on that topic. It'd be nice if I could post that consolidated info in ...
Volumetricsteve's user avatar
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Minimum requirements of self-answered question [duplicate]

Are there any rules (or guidelines) for a Asking and Answering your own question? What are the minimum requirements a self-answered question needs to meet, or do you treat it just like a normal ...
54D's user avatar
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Trying to be helpful ... it would have been a question, b-b-but [closed]

I was solving my own problem and several times came close to posing it as a question See: However, shedding ...
gerryLowry's user avatar
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better to post question with separate answers or a question with answers in the main body? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Etiquette for answering your own question Should I answer my own question, or not? I want to post a question on which I've done already quite a lot of research. I want to ...
Toad's user avatar
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Can I publish my own solutions on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Posting and answering questions you have already found the answer to Should I ask a question I know the answer to? Etiquette for answering your own question I know Stack ...
Wytze's user avatar
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-10 votes
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Answer is deleted, Answer and question is down rated, Not able to understand Moderator policy

I did few hard and extensive search on few point of facebook graph API exploration. My question matched with few PHP geeks' question, I answered there and got negative votes. I got java community ...
pkm1986's user avatar
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Where do Vim questions belong and what is the community opinion about answering your own?

A few days ago, I stumbled onto a nice announcement: Vim ported to mobile devices. Since it was news at a time, I decided to post a question and give an answer right afterwards about it. From what I ...
Rook's user avatar
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-12 votes
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Why was my question downvoted although I was just sharing my knowledge, Q&A-style?

We can share knowledge by answering our own questions. Reading this Stack Exchange blog entry helped me understand that if you have a question that you already know the answer to if you’d like to ...
Somnath Muluk's user avatar
-13 votes
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Ratio of answer types

Related to post: Etiquette for answering your own question As far as I can tell, Stack Overflow is semantically both of a) a place to share information and b) a nerd battleground. Users do not care ...
Nerdman's user avatar
-45 votes
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Is time to remove "Answer your own question" option from question page?

The story behind this question is that a new user posted this question with a simultaneous answer. I posted a comment indicating that "answering own questions was extensively debated" and ...
Aacini's user avatar
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