Linked Questions

12 votes
2 answers

flag option in the 10k tools review should act the same as "flag or disagree"

When you are using the 10k tools to review flags, you get the following dialog: If you click on the "Flag or Disagree" option, you get the following options: If you expand the post out and ...
jmac's user avatar
  • 23.1k
27 votes
1 answer

Make disputed flags not be "disputed" if declined by a moderator [closed]

Currently, the behavior of flags in the 10k queue is this: If action is taken, either by the community or by a mod, the flag is "helpful" (positively affecting flag weight) If they are marked "...
Manishearth's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

On Piling On (or, Flagging Flagged Posts) [closed]

Every once in a while, I notice an alert when I log onto the Stack Exchange: Wanting to be a good Stack Exchange citizen, I'll often click on that highlighted number, and see what's going on. ...
J.R. means 'Just Reinstate''s user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

As a moderator, am I supposed to handle NAA flags or let the reviewers do it?

NAA flags have been feeding into a review queue for a while now. I understood that post to mean that except in egregious cases we moderators should let the community handle it, just as we prefer that ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Do not recommend the “not an answer” flag for conversion to a comment

The official guidance for the “not an answer” flag reads: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

Remove the flag notification in the top bar when I have done my job with it [closed]

I have the moderator privileges on Code Review. Even though it's quite rare that flags appear over there, it is still quite annoying that once I have done my job with a flag and therefore cannot do ...
Simon Forsberg's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What exactly is meant by "flagged and deleted" in the 10k tools help center article?

On the topic of deleting questions, the help center article for Access to moderator tools has the following to say, with my emphasis: When should I delete questions? Closed questions that are of no ...
Spevacus's user avatar
  • 26.8k
26 votes
1 answer

Please dim the color of the review task counter when there are no actionable tasks

I am glad to notice that the massively annoying refusal of the 10k flag counter to disappear when I'm not needed has been appropriately dealt with via the extreme decapitation method of simply ...
E.P.'s user avatar
  • 19.5k
11 votes
1 answer

How successful has the review indicator been?

Is there data about the amount of reviews that the new not-so-shiny review notification icon has caused? Has it increased the amount of reviewers? Decreased? No significant change?
Braiam's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

A review that completes with an unanimous deletion recommendation does not delete the answer

I recently flagged some positively-scored answers that weren't answers by our local policy for that kind of question. All reviews are completed by now, but regardless of the reviewers' votes, nothing ...
ACuriousMind's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What should be done with the [flag-queue], [flag-dashboard], and [moderator-queue] tags?

There seem to be 3 different tags on Meta Stack Exchange that are seemingly all about the same topic (the flag dashboard for moderators located at /admin/dashboard on a site), or very similar topics: ...
V2Blast's user avatar
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-17 votes
3 answers

Got the Marshal badge - too easy

Once I looked up to profiles with the Marshal badge. They certainly must have made some sort of effort, I thought. Over a looong time. When I earned the Deputy bagde I was happy, a hard earned bagde ...
davidkonrad's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why does this naughty popup want to confuse me?

As 10k users don't have any special ability to handle flags (since March 19, 2014), what does "handle flags" do there?
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.6k
21 votes
2 answers

Separate the "disagree" option in flag review interface [closed]

As of April 22nd 2014, the 10k flags queue is no more thus the below isn't relevant As it stands now, the "disagree with a flag" option is, unintuitively, buried in the middle of a bunch of "agree"-...
Nick T's user avatar
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25 votes
0 answers

The flag counter in the 10k tools should reflect the posts I can actually see [closed]

This came up recently in the Physics meta, and as it is a network-wide issue I am bringing it here. Currently, the 10k tools page in Physics (and, I surmise, network-wide) has a toolbar on the top ...
E.P.'s user avatar
  • 19.5k

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