Linked Questions

41 votes
2 answers

Improving the System to Deal with Bad Answers

When someone asks a bad question, the closed question system is designed to have three goals: Prevent bad questions from causing harm as-is Allow time for editing/improvement of the question Auto-...
jmac's user avatar
  • 23.1k
37 votes
1 answer

Avoid tweeting bad questions

I realize that tweeting questions by @serverfault (and other SE twitter accounts) is automated, but shouldn't questions with close votes not be tweeted? For example this is way OT for SF and has 4 ...
MDMarra's user avatar
  • 7,142
34 votes
3 answers

Add an audit log to record when particular question enters and leaves hot list [duplicate]

The Hot Network Questions page displays a constantly changing list of 100 questions, since it deals with time since recent activity. But are changes in this list ever recorded anywhere for posterity (...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.3k
13 votes
2 answers

Is the SE migration policy changing?

We just had a question pop-up at Arqade that was pretty off-topic. It's a game development question, but what little I understand about GameDev is that they don't accept, "How do I get started?&...
fbueckert's user avatar
  • 16k
-8 votes
3 answers

Remove <religion>.SE sites from Hot Network Questions

I have deep issues with the 'Hot Network Questions' containing questions from the religion sub-sites. This is not because I dislike questions about religion, nor because I think these sites have no ...
Spork's user avatar
  • 301
43 votes
2 answers

Better criteria for the hot questions list

The list of hot questions is shown on and the MultiCollider (the dropdown in the top left). The idea behind it is, as far as I understand it, to present interesting questions across ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Ease up on the Hot Network Question Randomness

Whenever I refresh Stack Exchange sites or go to a question, the Hot Network Question list items are re-listed or re-ordered, quite dramatically it seems. This seems like a new thing. It's actually ...
LarsTech's user avatar
  • 2,445
11 votes
2 answers

How many questions escape community protection because of reputation gained within checked question?

Community's auto-protection of questions is implemented such that quick upvotes to answers from new users make those answers cease to trigger the checks for automatically making a question protected. ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.3k
-12 votes
1 answer

Why did this question make it onto HNQ? [duplicate]

I see that Can an employer be forced to allow an employee to bring a gun to work (Washington State)? has made it to the HNQ list. What process makes it possible for such a very localised (...
Andrew Morton's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

Avoid sharing bad questions at Facebook

Related: Avoid tweeting bad questions Sharing questions by Stack Exchange FB account is possibly automated, but shouldn't it avoid sharing questions with close votes? For example this had (I ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.3k
33 votes
1 answer

Users arriving at a bad Hot Network Question should be able to express their dislike

The hotness score of a question is influenced by the reaction of users arriving from across the network. Since most of such users do not have 125 rep on the question's site, the feedback SE receives ...
user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

Recover Close votes if asker deletes their own question

We should recover close votes cast on questions which are deleted by the owner before actually being closed. For example, a user posts a question, and I think to myself that it looks familiar. A ...
eldarerathis's user avatar
  • 3,169
-25 votes
1 answer

People without a minimum number of up-voted questions of their own should be restricted from flagging or suggesting edits to other's questions

I think people only answering questions sometimes lack empathy with people asking questions since they are seldom in that situation. I use "empathy", deliberately, as distinct from "sympathy". With "...
David's user avatar
  • 673
3 votes
1 answer

Popular question with popular answer and votes for closure

I have answered this question with 1.8k views, 16 upvotes (on Biology SE that's quite good) and counting. My answer is well-received (21 upvotes, accepted). Now people are voting for question closure ...
AliceD's user avatar
  • 873
19 votes
0 answers

The "hot" questions algorithm should use logic to avoid controversial questions

There's an existing proposal to let moderators opt-out questions from HNQ: Allow mods or gold tag badge holders to prevent question from being on hot network questions list I would like to add: there ...
djechlin's user avatar
  • 14.6k

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