Linked Questions

1253 votes
31 answers

Encouraging people to explain downvotes

Note: If you're looking for a simple explanation as to why comments aren't required on downvotes, see Why isn't providing feedback mandatory on downvotes, and why are ideas suggesting such ...
1065 votes
1 answer

What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Some questions and answers are marked Community Wiki and are owned by a community wiki user: (In fact, this very question is one of them) Why have Community Wiki posts? How do Community Wiki posts ...
184 votes
1 answer

What to do when plagiarism is discovered

How should I act if I discover a user plagiarizing fellow users' posts? What if I find someone plagiarizing external resources without attribution? See also: Users are calling me a plagiarist. What ...
158 votes
71 answers

The Stack Exchange reputation system: What's working? What's not?

Update Thank you everyone for the feedback you have provided. At this time, we will work through the feedback we have received to help us determine where to take our research on reputation next. ...
SpencerG's user avatar
  • 9,813
122 votes
2 answers

We need a dedicated plagiarism flag

On Stack Overflow, we've suspected the plagiarism rabbit hole was deep... but we've had some users who are plumbing the depths of that pit and finding out that it's far deeper than anyone realized. Up ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 27.2k
87 votes
4 answers

When should I vote?

I have seen a few questions here on Meta Stack Exchange that cover parts of this, but they are often too local, and none of them seem to cover all the relevant scenarios. I will break it up ...
73 votes
8 answers

Allow users to leave an anonymous comment when voting

I don't know if people don't explain why they up or down vote because they don't care or because they don't want the person to know they voted on an answer (or question)... But, it might be nice to be ...
kemiller2002's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

Is it good practice to refrain from downvoting competing answers?

First of all: I'm not asking that downvoting competing answers should be prevented by the system (there are tons of duplicates regarding this), I'm asking whether you should do it or not. I have this ...
bitmask's user avatar
  • 2,141
32 votes
11 answers

Down Vote "code only" answers?

I have read this: Why do you cast downvotes on answers? and tried searching for a specific view on this scenario but cannot find. If there is a question covering this already I apologize. Q: Would ...
clairesuzy's user avatar
  • 1,725
31 votes
9 answers

Is the "down-voting most/all answers that aren't yours" pattern considered harmful?

Emphasis: This is not a why downvote, or when is it ok to downvote, or what to do when voted down. This question is about a particular pattern of downvoting. Recently, one of my answers was downvoted....
Trey Jackson's user avatar
15 votes
8 answers

Should you downvote an answer that "works" because it is not strictly "correct"? [duplicate]

A question is raised and two answers are posted: The first is a solution that adheres to best practice and industry convention The second uses a kludge to get the right result How should voters act ...
butterchicken's user avatar
12 votes
12 answers

Do you engage in or avoid pile-on down-voting? [closed]

When you see a question or answer you might normally down-vote that already has one or more down-votes, do you find yourself more or less likely to down-vote it? In other words, are pre-existing down-...
Donald Byrd's user avatar
  • 1,093
12 votes
16 answers

What's your up/down vote ratio?

I'm just curious: What's your up/down vote ratio? I'm still new here, but so far my ratio is about 11 to 1 with 209 up-votes and 19 down-votes. I suspect that members become more bitter with time, ...
Jan Aagaard's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Is "doesn't work for me" a reasonable reason to downvote an answer?

Related: Why do you cast downvotes on answers? Is it now discouraged to ask for reasons for downvotes as a comment? I am new here and trying not to get into trouble in my struggle to reach 15 ...
Nicholas Shanks's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

When is it appropriate to downvote answers which are correct, but don't address the real problem?

Sometimes, someone will post code asking a question and have other, unrelated errors, and people will answer and address only those errors. These errors are unrelated to the actual question topic. I ...
enderland's user avatar
  • 20.3k
10 votes
1 answer

Proper reasons to downvote a question?

Coming to the site, it seemed that downvotes are obvious for questions that are wildly off-topic or simply a mess (no effort in writing, badly written, unclear question, pretentious assumptions, clear ...
Justin L.'s user avatar
  • 960
7 votes
2 answers

When is voting on an answer based on the poster appropriate?

If a question is a simple question, then it can garner downvotes, close votes, and be deleted. Perhaps it enters the new triage queue. I think that is appropriate. However, in one of the larger posts ...
Travis J's user avatar
  • 33.5k
6 votes
7 answers

How should down voting be used?

What is the intended use of down voting? Reasons I can understand for down-voting: If the answer is completely off-topic, not even answering the original question The answer is offensive Some other ...
5 votes
10 answers

c# is clearly dominant on SO. Is there a desire, need or whatever to diversify the user base and questions?

(UPDATE: Anybody who thinks this is a rant on C# needs to chill out. I'm not suggesting punishing C# questions. Rather, I am envious of C#'s disproportionate popularity on SO and am asking what, if ...
Stu Thompson's user avatar
  • 12.1k
5 votes
4 answers

What is downvoting really for? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Guide for Upvoting and Downvoting Why do you cast downvotes on answers? It seems as though the definition on what should be downvoted changes daily. I've always kind of ...
switz's user avatar
  • 185
5 votes
2 answers

Rules of downvoting an answer [duplicate]

Are there any rules for downvoting an answer?! AFAIK, you can/should downvote If the answer doesn't solve the OP's problem If the answer suggests the use of a incorrect method If the answer is ...
Rahul's user avatar
  • 5,910
4 votes
2 answers

When and how should I down-vote old posts? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why do you cast downvotes on answers? I've been on SO for only a few months. I've been doing a lot of browsing, playing catch-up with the huge body of knowledge that's ...
Paul Bellora's user avatar
  • 2,524
3 votes
1 answer

Is it right to downvote answers to questions which show little to no effort? [duplicate]

Is it justified to downvote a complete answer to a question which does not show much effort on the asker's part toward solving the question? I believe this is a question applicable to most problem-...
paulinho's user avatar
  • 141
3 votes
4 answers

Guide for Upvoting and Downvoting

I've read the FAQs on SO and meta SO, and still am not fully clear on what deserves upvotes and downvotes. Could someone point to a guide for these things? Here are some examples of questions and ...
ErikE's user avatar
  • 2,404
2 votes
2 answers

Why do good answers get downvoted? [duplicate]

I've recently noticed this answer got a down-vote. A lot of good answers contain one, or two down-votes. Now I realize this is how the system works, and that other users are entitled to have their ...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why is "Proper reasons to downvote a question?" closed as duplicate? [closed]

The question Proper reasons to downvote a question? is closed as exact duplicate of the following question: Why do you cast downvotes on answers? Without looking at the answers, the questions are ...
bernd_k's user avatar
  • 1,641
1 vote
4 answers

What do votes mean?

I have read that reputation does not reflect technical skill. What is the purpose/meaning of reputation then? What do you mean when you vote? Isn't there any technical-skill overtone in your votes?...
dugres's user avatar
  • 141
1 vote
1 answer

How to interpret downvote [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why do you cast downvotes on answers? Proper reasons to downvote a question? I recently got a downvote for a question. Now I know this happens constantly, even to people ...
Jørgen R's user avatar
  • 137
1 vote
1 answer

What are your up/downvote ethics?

I'm upvoting questions if I think they can be useful (maybe I need an answer later on) also on answers, or things I know they're correct I don't upvote to answers on the same question when I already ...
stacker's user avatar
  • 546
0 votes
1 answer

What are the criteria to down-vote an answer? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why do you cast downvotes on answers? What are the criteria to down-vote an answer? Should an answer be down-voted only if it is not correct, or there are other criteria too?
apaderno's user avatar
  • 66.9k

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