Linked Questions

1 vote
1 answer

How to get a new profile page for our community? [duplicate]

I really like the intuitive profile page of Meta Stack Exchange. Is there a way to upgrade the same in a different community, for example, Ask Patents?
Pushpak's user avatar
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0 answers

Why have these sites not yet gotten the shiny new profile page? [duplicate]

I've noticed that a few sites seem to have slipped through the cracks for the new profile page. At first I thought it was just RPG.SE, but investigating further it looks like a number of them have ...
user avatar
534 votes
18 answers

Global auth is dead! Long live universal login

Update: Universal login is in place and considered "done". If you see anything weird, please submit new bug reports. As y'all know, our current flavor of "global authentication" ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
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89 votes
75 answers

New profile pages are out - bugs and feedback master list

Update: Thanks for all the feedback and bug reports! I am locking this thread so people don't keep answering it when we no longer monitor it. If you see a bug or want to raise a feature request, ...
Oded's user avatar
  • 155k
91 votes
14 answers

New 10K tool: question close statistics

Two years ago, we rolled out some significant changes to closing, along with a massive number of changes behind the scenes to clean up the supporting logic that had grown crufty over the years. As ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
20 votes
6 answers

Why we initiated the latest round of design changes and the role of meta

Now seems like a good time to remind ourselves of why we started making dramatic changes to the design of every site on the network. From Joe's post on meta: We're introducing a new product, Teams (...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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56 votes
2 answers

Do we really need to capitalize usernames?

I have just noticed that on couple communities (ELU, Money, Electronics and maybe others), the username is written in all-caps in the profile page. I would like to ask whether this is really necessary....
yo''s user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

SFF and Mi Yodeya (and other sites without CSS update) are experiencing odd link colors & Broken User Profile pages

Odd CSS link colors have appeared again on at least some of the sites without the CSS update, specifically including Science Fiction & Fantasy and Mi Yodeya, and likely others. User profile pages ...
Catija's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

The question is misaligned, too far to the right

This is happening on all three trilogy sites. It is also happening at Ask Ubuntu and Home Improvement, as well as on the beta sites Crypto and Expatriates, but it is not happening at Travel. Those ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Problems with SF&F and Seasoned Advice SE CSS

There are some pretty substantial issues with the display on SF&F SE. Names are showing up in blue instead of red, profiles are aligned incorrectly (all the text is appearing in a single column ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Are the printable, vectorial versions of the SE site icons somewhere accessible?

I would like to print them in good quality. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any of them anywhere. Are they accessible?
peterh's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why am I getting different versions of my profile page on different sites?

My profile pages on different sites are different. Science Fiction and Fantasy profile: Meta Stack Exchange profile: Meta Stack Exchange profile looks like a newer version. Does that mean ...
user178465's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

"How to delete my account" page is outdated

The "How to delete my account" page seems to be outdated, since the profile pages were updated. Only minor edits in text and a new screenshot should be needed:
JNat's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Old User page developing rendering errors

On the old style user pages such as mathoverflow I noticed that the long comment on the right is floating lower today than it did previously (as recently as yesterday). I don't know if we care, but I ...
hildred's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there a generic link to your site profile that doesn't require your user ID?

Six years on, is this possible yet? Is there a generic URL for my-user-page? I ask as I wanted to link up all the sites in the first list, here: List of communities with base css updates completed ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar

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