Linked Questions

9 votes
1 answer

Allow bounty immediately (or at least before 48 hours) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can’t I just offer a bounty for a question right off the bat? Some of the questions I ask get no interest or traffic and only after a bounty is offered are answers ...
tim's user avatar
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-10 votes
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Expedited bounty [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can't I just offer a bounty for a question right off the bat? I can understand not being allowed to issue a bounty immediately, but once in a while it feels like you ...
StackOverflowed's user avatar
7 votes
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Mandatory delay in offering a bounty [duplicate]

What is the rationale for not allowing to post a bounty on my own question right away? If my question is urgent enough for me to offer a bounty, why do I have to waste two days waiting? EDIT: I'm ...
PM 77-1's user avatar
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48 hours is too long to enable the add a bounty [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can’t I just offer a bounty for a question right off the bat? As most of us know now, when a question has a bounty, it can gain more answers faster than the ...
Randell's user avatar
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I would like to see the threshold lowered (in time, not reputation) for starting a bounty [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can't I just offer a bounty for a question right off the bat? I have asked a "big questions" (By "big" I mean long, involved and somewhat complicated). In 7 hours I ...
Cos Callis's user avatar
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I need an answer. Could I start a bounty right away? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can't I just offer a bounty for a question right off the bat? Not long ago, I asked the question How should I modify this SQL statement? I could not get the answer I ...
OrElse's user avatar
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Should the bounty waiting period be reduced to 24 hours?

I've seen the questions asking whether 48 hours is not too long, and why one can't just offer a bounty immediately. I would like to ask the community, at this point, a few years down the line, whether ...
Herman's user avatar
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-7 votes
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Starting a bounty immediately when a question becomes visible

I found a hack which one can use to ask a question and offer a bounty for it as it becomes visible: Compose a new question Delete it Undelete it after two days or more Offer a bounty Edit3 - Abuse ...
Lior Kogan's user avatar
-19 votes
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Who Is Everyone?

After being very annoyed by the 48 hour bounty rule, preventing this question from getting answers, I asked "why", got sent to here, where I found the graph below. It shows when people do/...
Cole Henrich's user avatar
9 votes
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How quickly are questions answered on SO?

I don't have the SQL chops to do this query, so I'm hoping someone else might. I'd like to 'bin' all the questions on SO based on how long until they received their first upvoted answer. Not the ...
Pollyanna's user avatar
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Reduce time in which a user can attach a bounty to a Question

I've just come from reading this post on removing a time in which a bounty can be added, letting users add a bounty right off the bat, something I do not agree with. Whilst I can see bounties taking ...
Mike B's user avatar
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High priority questions and bounty?

Sometimes I have high priority question, and nothing draws attention to a question as +100 bounty. The thing is, I have to wait 2 days before I can set any bounty at all. Which might make sense for ...
vartec's user avatar
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Why do you have to wait a certain period before you can start a bounty?

Sometimes a bounty helps getting your question answered faster. What is the reasoning behind not being able to start a bounty on your questions the moment you submit them? Shouldn't this be possible?
cllpse's user avatar
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Last edit shows unlinked deleted user, but revision list shows user still exists

If you go to this question, you will see the following: It appears as if the user has been deleted -- neither their icon appears, nor are you able to click on it. But this isn't the case. When ...
Josh Crozier's user avatar
10 votes
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"Good" questions vs "Google/Easy" questions

Is SO turning into something where only the easy questions get answered(and viewed more often)? Or am I just asking too specific stuff? I have asked some questions in SO(even earned the tumbleweed ...
corroded's user avatar
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