Linked Questions

34 votes
10 answers

What is needed for users to trust the Stack Exchange company?

As one of the "curators" on strike I follow as much of the conversations and progress as I can. I again and again encounter the trust issue, which is a festering wound that seems to be ...
Chindraba's user avatar
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325 votes
5 answers

Dear SE, please stop disparaging the moderators in the press

The VP of Community for SE gave the following statement to the press: Stack Overflow ran an analysis and the ChatGPT detection tools that moderators were previously using have an alarmingly high rate ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
27 votes
32 answers

We are updating our Code of Conduct and we would like your feedback

Update, May 31st, 2023: The updated code of conduct has been released network-wide. A good Code of Conduct is a handshake agreement between users and the company. It is a document that inspires trust ...
Bella_Blue's user avatar
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105 votes
2 answers

SE seems pretty set in their path to change the sites as we know them and the testimony of former employees are proof of that

A Tweet from Tim Post that always stood out to me was the following: We never manage through sharp sticks, ultimatums or threats. I honestly believe this is why we have the most professional ...
Script47's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

FAQ/Handbook: communication channels used by Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange and are websites where online communities ask and answer questions. Communication is important for communities. This should also include communication with the ...
Sextus Empiricus's user avatar
125 votes
14 answers

Checking in with moderators that suspended their activity

As of December 24th, 2019, there seem to be maybe 24 moderators who suspended activity and are still in that state as a result of the ongoing fiasco centered around SE's firing of Monica Cellio. ...
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
95 votes
2 answers

Why are there a lot of users with Reinstate Monica in the username? [duplicate]

Across all Stack Exchange network sites I have seen a lot of users with "Reinstate Monica" in the username, and I am not sure what this means.
TechnicGoblin5R's user avatar
101 votes
3 answers

Has there been any discussion regarding the original stated reasons for the question up votes being set at +5 from +10 earlier?

Jeff Atwood's Mar. 19, 2010 SE post Should the weight of question upvotes be reduced? asked about reducing the question upvote reputation changes from +10 to +5, with some discussions there both for &...
John Omielan's user avatar
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54 votes
19 answers

Is there a good term/phrase to denote the "current events"?

I just answered on Warning potential new moderators? and people (rightfully) rejected my first version where I spoke about "the Monica situation". I agree, we shouldn't associate the name of a ...
GhostCat's user avatar
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39 votes
6 answers

Checking in with the Lavender community

Lavender mods had written a letter to SE pertaining to their issues. They asked roughly for three things: Pay attention to the complaints by LGBTQ+ users about disrespect Consequences for ...
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
239 votes
3 answers

Why haven't the statements to the Register been retracted?

Why haven't the statements made by the Stack Exchange director of community: In response to an email from The Register, Stack Exchange director of community Sara Chipps said, "On Friday, we ...
thebjorn's user avatar
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55 votes
10 answers

What, if anything, can SE do to resolve the ongoing conflict in a timely way?

Back in late September, at the inception of the current mess, I was under the impression that if SE had immediately reinstated Monica and withdrawn the new CoC, the furious atmosphere would have ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
56 votes
7 answers

Is it time for Stack Exchange, Inc and the community to legally separate amicably?

There's no need to rehash the issues that have led to a lack of trust between the employees of Stack Exchange, Inc and the members of the community. Suffice it to say that astoundingly they continue ...
Stop Harming the Community's user avatar
62 votes
4 answers

How to disentangle the CoC discussion from the Monica issue?

The last question in the unofficial and awesome Pronominal Proposal is Q30. I heard that someone was removed as a moderator for pronoun-related behaviour that seems, according to the above, as if ...
BlackShift's user avatar
246 votes
20 answers

How can we put pressure on Stack Exchange Inc. without damaging the community?

Is there a constructive way to put pressure on Stack Exchange (the company) without putting any pressure on the community in general and the moderators in particular? Goals Give Monica her diamond(s)...
Eric Duminil's user avatar
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