Linked Questions

2576 votes
45 answers

Firing mods and forced relicensing: is Stack Exchange still interested in cooperating with the community?

The last weeks and days have seen some erratic behaviour by Stack Exchange Inc., such as likely illegal changes to the content license and the firing of an upstanding community moderator with no ...
amon's user avatar
  • 15.3k
2392 votes
30 answers

Stack Overflow is doing me ongoing harm; it's time to fix it!

Over the last month, Stack Overflow has violated its own policies and precedents to cause egregious and unnecessary harm to me -- to my reputation (personal and professional), to my health, and to my ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
827 votes
51 answers

Net Neutrality and Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange

It's July 12th! (2017) (in Coordinated Universal Stack Exchange Time) Today we're gonna be showing a banner directing readers to the blog post (and thus, indirectly, this discussion) from every Stack ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
670 votes
18 answers

Monica's situation continues unresolved. Is SE hoping the problem just goes away?

This surfaced in the apology thread, but I believe it deserves more exposure. The apology thread was posted October 6th, 2019. In it, the idea was expressed that SE, the company, had done wrong by ...
TheCog19's user avatar
  • 10.1k
108 votes
75 answers

New Post Notices rollout on Stack Overflow

New Post Notices have been launched network-wide. Please post all new feedback, bugs and feature requests to the new announcement post. As has been previously announced, we have been working for some ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
250 votes
39 answers

Unpinning the accepted answer from the top of the list of answers

Today we changed the way we sort answers on Stack Overflow. We no longer pin the accepted answer (with the green checkmark) to the top of the list of answers. By default, we now sort strictly by votes ...
Nicolas Chabanovsky's user avatar
722 votes
7 answers

Dear Stack Exchange: a statement and a letter from your moderators

Dear Stack Exchange, Inc., We know you know about this already, so we'll keep this brief. The past two weeks have been rough. Lots of moderators have lost confidence in you; for some, it was the final ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
  • 36.3k
248 votes
20 answers

How can we put pressure on Stack Exchange Inc. without damaging the community?

Is there a constructive way to put pressure on Stack Exchange (the company) without putting any pressure on the community in general and the moderators in particular? Goals Give Monica her diamond(s)...
Eric Duminil's user avatar
  • 2,916
324 votes
10 answers

How can we help Monica Cellio?

Monica's demotion as a moderator was in the words of Stack Exchange's CTO a procedural error . The consensus among witnesses and users is that the faulty process resulted in an erroneous outcome. ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
133 votes
16 answers

New post lock available on meta sites: Policy Lock

We have just released a new type of post lock on meta sites called the Policy Lock. This lock can only be used by our Community Team, and when applied to a question or answer it will prevent any edits ...
Teresa Dietrich's user avatar
125 votes
14 answers

Checking in with moderators that suspended their activity

As of December 24th, 2019, there seem to be maybe 24 moderators who suspended activity and are still in that state as a result of the ongoing fiasco centered around SE's firing of Monica Cellio. ...
gung - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
289 votes
6 answers

Under what circumstances will Stack Exchange, Inc. share private/sensitive information with the press?

What are Stack Exchange, Inc.'s policies regarding whether and when private or sensitive information will be shared by the company with the public, and particularly with the press? By "private ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
  • 9,948
210 votes
11 answers

How can we move forward if SE will not admit to wrongdoing for legal reasons?

As I understand, one of the major grievances of the community recently over the situation with Monica is that the Stack Exchange team has not apologized for or admitted to any wrongdoing over making ...
Peter Olson's user avatar
  • 7,759
128 votes
12 answers

What are the next steps we as a community should take?

It has been near three months now since the tipping point of the community. Many of us are still very not happy with SE. The situation with Monica is at an impasse SE has told us: "We aren't ...
David's user avatar
  • 9,504
74 votes
9 answers

Is it acceptable to insult god in a user profile?

Like always I hang around in Stack Overflow's chatrooms. Today, someone posted a link to his new "reloaded" user profile. Along the lines I read in Arabic "god is a pig". So I asked him to remove it: ...
user avatar
315 votes
5 answers

Was the retroactive change to CC BY-SA 4.0 approved by Stack Exchange's lawyers?

Update: I have started a GoFundMe in an attempt to have a court or arbitrator settle this. It has raised a decent amount, but more will be necessary to retain counsel. On 2019-09-05, Stack Exchange ...
jhpratt's user avatar
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121 votes
8 answers

Does Fram's ban on Wikipedia seem similar to recent events? What can Stack Exchange learn from it?

There's an interesting Buzzfeed article: Bernstein, The Culture War Has Finally Come For Wikipedia, June 27, 2019. It shows striking similarity to the current happenings here. Quoting Cherry picking ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
-587 votes
21 answers

Statement from SO: June 5, 2023 Moderator Action

Update: GPT on the platform: Data, actions, and outcomes As you may be aware, a number of moderators (on Stack Overflow/across the network) have decided to stop engaging in several activities that ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21.3k
63 votes
8 answers

What effect does the current crisis have on the SE network?

Outraged users are telling Stack Exchange Inc. that their management of the current crisis is endangering the wellbeing of the Stack Exchange sites. This warning has been repeated in many forms ...
I am not the way you speak's user avatar
90 votes
8 answers

What would be good "call to action" elements for "Reinstate Monica" profiles?

Following ideas put up by others, I changed my nickname and profile information to inform potential readers of my content on "other" network sites about the ongoing struggle. Right now, my ...
GhostCat's user avatar
  • 38.1k
199 votes
2 answers

Who are the diamond moderators, and what is their role?

Some people have a diamond after their username (e.g. Michael Myers ♦) What special privileges do diamond moderators have? How can I become a diamond moderator? Who are the diamond moderators? How ...
71 votes
9 answers

Please unlock “Fram's ban on Wikipedia…What can Stack Exchange learn from it?”

The following question, Does the Fram's ban on Wikipedia seem similar to recent events? What can Stack Exchange learn from it? by Rebecca J. Stones has been locked by a moderator. No comments can ...
Mari-Lou A Слава Україні's user avatar
165 votes
3 answers

Is Stack Exchange still planning to respond to the community's open letters?

On October 6th, moderators, ex-moderators, and members of the community published two open letters to Stack Exchange Inc.. These letters have, as of today, been signed 768 times (general letter) and ...
Nate S.'s user avatar
  • 1,186
60 votes
4 answers

Is SE admitting they don't deem recent issues as important?

In this recent blog SE lists out some of the problems with meta. They make some great points, but this one in particular stood out to me: Meta requests don’t integrate with any existing ...
cegfault's user avatar
  • 2,847
101 votes
3 answers

Has there been any discussion regarding the original stated reasons for the question up votes being set at +5 from +10 earlier?

Jeff Atwood's Mar. 19, 2010 SE post Should the weight of question upvotes be reduced? asked about reducing the question upvote reputation changes from +10 to +5, with some discussions there both for &...
John Omielan's user avatar
  • 14.9k
42 votes
4 answers

Is Stack Exchange staff removing GoFundMe links?

According to this announcement, Stack Exchange staff will actively remove links to a legal fund campaign from user profiles, posts, and comments Yet browsing around Meta Stack Exchange, I still ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
57 votes
2 answers

Why are bounties now also censored?

On the question Stack Overflow is doing me ongoing harm; it's time to fix it! there was some activity. As indicated per homepage activity by a user. So I clicked it and wanted to know what's ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
  • 1,235
65 votes
3 answers

How wide/narrow does SE consider activities related to Monica?

In this answer an SE employee has told us that Under guidance from our legal team, we are not able to respond to anything regarding Monica's situation. We will not be answering any questions or ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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33 votes
6 answers

Is it ok to call a question silly?

The latest CoC at the time of writing states the following. I feel the example violates all three sentences. Whether you’ve come to ask questions or to generously share what you know, join us in ...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
  • 3,786
32 votes
5 answers

When is it reasonable to change the owner of a post?

A question about a controversial policy was posted and self-answered by a staff member. After the fact, the ownership of the original question was changed to another staff member, using the tool that ...
De Novo's user avatar
  • 5,345
32 votes
4 answers

At what other sites do people discuss Stack Exchange?

I occasionally read comments that seem to imply there are other places on the Internet where the Stack community has discussions. Other than the occasional Medium post I'm not aware of these. Do ...
Mark Harrison's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

What is the policy on destroying users with very spammy profiles but have not posted spam yet?

A little bit of background first: Over on Puzzling.SE, we've been nuking users that look very spammy, before they've had a chance to post anything. It began with posts like this, which advertised ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 84.5k
58 votes
2 answers

What resources is Stack Exchange dedicating to meeting the needs of Photography Stack Exchange and other "non-technical" sites?

I'm reposting this from Photo Meta because it has gotten no response in over a month, and we are in a situation where other users are asking Is the Photo-SE community effectively dead? — it sure feels ...
mattdm's user avatar
  • 4,537
144 votes
1 answer

What gives SE the legal right, under the CC-BY-SA license, to modify user profiles without indicating that the content has changed?

The Terms of Service clearly indicated that all content that you provide to SO Inc is licensed under CC-BY-SA, and that would include your About Me section of your user profile, which SO Inc is ...
user avatar
-42 votes
1 answer

Time to get back to work? [closed]

A while ago I asked in this post; if continuing to support the community by performing review tasks and such was a good idea. At the time I personally thought it was. Today SE stopped being a ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
-10 votes
5 answers

Can my answer about current events be undeleted?

In mid-November, SE staff posted a Q&A style announcement "Why is SE removing links and community ads about legal issues?" here on meta. To my knowledge, this was the first "official" post from SE ...
faintsignal's user avatar
36 votes
1 answer

What legal risks would Stack Exchange face if it does not actively remove links to a legal fund campaign?

Juan M announced "Stack Exchange staff will actively remove links to a legal fund campaign from user profiles and posts" and implies that this is being done "under direction from our legal team". What ...
Stop Harming the Community's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

My suggestion for Winter Bash 2019 was deleted for no reasons

Not a long time ago, there was an idea to create the "Reinstate Monica" hat. I've put that into action. After an hour of photoshopping, I got the result. And I posted it, with the title "Reinstate ...
Ver Nick's user avatar
  • 4,341
27 votes
1 answer

What exactly does "links to a legal fund campaign" mean?

I understand that links to a certain legal fund campaign will be removed. My user name had again been changed without notice. For a few days my user name had been a broken-up URL to a short (22-line) ...
user12205's user avatar
  • 1,877
9 votes
2 answers

When should edits removing clarifying links be reverted

An SE employee has removed a link that added clarity to an answer. This is presumably in response a new SE policy. It seems the SE policy, at least if applied to links that add clarity) is at odds ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Self-learner badge has been incorrectly awarded

In the famous Why is SE removing links and community ads about legal issues? question by Juan M. he has been awarded the Self-Learner badge with his infamous answer. But: The question is not his. ...
Miquel Coll's user avatar
31 votes
0 answers

Are we doing anything but spinning our wheels?

There is no real conversation between the users here and the management of SE, and has not been for, what, six weeks? Both groups are out of their depth. We are out of our depth because we have no ...
user avatar
14 votes
0 answers

Can we post links to Monica's GoFundMe page again now that donations to it are closed and she's reached an agreement with SE?

In mid-November, SE began removing links to Monica Cellio's GoFundMe campaign, under the direction of their legal team. However, today, the campaign has been closed and is no longer accepting ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
-16 votes
1 answer

What will the community's next step be now that SE has declared inactivity and silence towards the current events? [closed]

I suppose you all have read this unpopular answer. People have responded critically and sarcastically towards SE's declaration that they "will not be answering any questions or comments about that ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
-676 votes
71 answers

An apology to our community, and next steps

I’m David Fullerton, Stack Overflow’s CTO, responsible for the product, engineering, and community teams. I joined Stack Overflow in 2010 because I believed in the vision and mission of Stack ...
user avatar
-757 votes
73 answers

Feedback post: Moderator review and reinstatement processes

Update (2020-06): A new revision to the reinstatement process linked below has been posted. Please go to Feedback post: New moderator reinstatement and appeals process revisions for an intro and ...
Catija's user avatar
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