Linked Questions

3 votes
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Can I ask another question based on the previous question and its comment?

I don't know if it is duplication but I wanted to make another question which is modified based on my previous question and its comments. For example, I posted a question about a claim and its proof. ...
Eddy Piedad's user avatar
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Handling "chain questions" [duplicate]

I just wrote an answer for this question . It solved their original problem. Great. Then they changed the question by updating the code, invalidating my answer. We're now having a discussion in ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
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After answering questions and also being accepted require to help if questioner gets in some other problem?

We should help them if they get in other problem? Like i answered the question in accordance to question which was asked. My answer was also accepted. Now, after some time e.g. hour, day or two. The ...
Heart's user avatar
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Can I edit my own question, where I am going to change all my code snippets?

I asked a question in stack overflow. After asking a question I tried some other way in my project, in which there was some progress. So my question is whether I can edit all the code snippets in my ...
Freakyuser's user avatar
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Answering based on original question

Here's a situation... I give a valid answer for a question based on what the OP posted at first. Then OP comes back and tells that this answer is not what he wanted because OP has got some more ...
user avatar
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What to do when people change their questions to something completely different? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What is the etiquette for changing the substance of a question? See the revision history of this question, and the revision history of another question. In the second ...
Jeroen Wiert Pluimers's user avatar
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Questions changed on getting answer to current question [duplicate]

I have seen that users ask questions related to code and, when they get solution to their current problem, they just make those changes to code in current question itself and change the question ...
LearningC's user avatar
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What to do when your answer is invalidated by a significant change to the question? [duplicate]

I just answered a question on Stack Overflow here. If you look at the history of the question my answer stands OK. But now the OP has changed the question due to some unknown reasons. Due to which ...
Rahul Tripathi's user avatar
2 votes
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Answering Duplicate questions in and then another Duplicate Question within the Comments [duplicate]

I answered a question. The question is a duplicate, which I flagged. The OP then asked this question via comment. The comment question is also a duplicate question. Is this the correct response? ...
user avatar
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Editing an answer to change the answer

Yesterday I answered a question: Here is my answer Then me and another SO user argued about the correctness and possible problems that might occur if the question owner uses it. All these argument ...
Mp0int's user avatar
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Button to show the version of the question as of when answer was posted / last edited?

Sometimes when reading an answer it doesn't seem to correspond entirely to the question asked, and if I want to find out why the procedure then becomes: Scroll up to the question again Check if it ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Edit wars with new users

Note: I am not trying to Kumbaya a new user's way in; I want to see any suggestions as to how edits might end the edit war on the post, instead of a simple lock. Besides, my first question is about ...
Zhiltsoff Igor's user avatar
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Edit leading to whole new question [duplicate]

Recently I answered a question on Stack Overflow regarding a problem with a MySQL connection. Initially it was very obvious that the question was about a problem with a connection, but after some ...
Hassaan Salik's user avatar
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Can we have it so that if you visit your own profile, it doesn't update the "last seen"?

Note that the behaviour is obviously not so simple as "it updates each time you visit it". From what I can see, the last-seen is updated the first time I visit my own profile, each day. Whatever it ...
GreenAsJade's user avatar
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Show some sort of popup if a user uses code in their post and does not format it correctly

For example I have seen people post questions and answers like this: You should use instead of because does not do what you think it should do and does what you want. But it should have looked ...
qwertynl's user avatar
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