Linked Questions

1121 votes
1 answer

How does accepting an answer work?

What does it mean to accept an answer? How do I accept an answer, and what are the rules? Can I accept my own self-answer? What are the reputation benefits? Which answer should I accept? Should I ...
5 votes
2 answers

Accepted answer does not always appear at the top [duplicate]

I just recognised that an accepted answer does not always appear first, at the top of the other answers (for example here). Sometimes it does, but if I reload the page the two answers change their ...
Christopher's user avatar
  • 1,715
1 vote
1 answer

Why is the accepted answer at the end? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Vote ordering of accepted answers has changed: Accepted below top voted See this question : JQuery UI datepicker not sitting over dropdowns in IE 6 The accepted answer is all ...
marcgg's user avatar
  • 5,090
5 votes
1 answer

Accepted answer subject to random sorting [duplicate]

I answered one of my questions (see How can I use Microsoft Word's spelling/grammar checker programmatically?) and accepted it but it randomly appears first or second (out of two answers).
Andrew Keeton's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Accepted answer not ranked first [duplicate]

I came across this question on SharePoint StackExchange and noticed that the accepted answer was ranked second: Refreshing the page will swap it between first and second position randomly as if it ...
Chris Latta's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Bug in nonaccepted answers sorting higher than the accepted answer [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Vote ordering of accepted answers has changed: Accepted below top voted I’ve just noticed an answer where a non-accepted answer sorting higher than the accepted one: I didn’t ...
tchrist's user avatar
  • 13.1k
1 vote
1 answer

Shouldn't answers marked as "accepted" rise to the top of the list? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Vote ordering of accepted answers has changed: Accepted below top voted I have a case where I asked a question and received an answer that I upvoted (because it was helpful, ...
devuxer's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why is the accepted answer, below another (very highly voted) answer? [duplicate]

In this HNQ of Unix and Linux SE, I saw that the accepted answer, with 248 votes, is below another answer with 1382 votes (Yes, I am talking about gimme gimme gimme!) . But as far as my knowledge ...
Jaideep Khare's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Accepted answer should not be first if there is a more highly upvoted answer [duplicate]

Its ordered by the number of votes but the answer chosen by the user is shown first. In some of the questions, the chosen one may not be right or incomplete or not so good as a different one. Many new ...
balki's user avatar
  • 145
0 votes
0 answers

Why is an accepted answer displayed lower than another (more upvoted) answer? [duplicate]

In this question, a non-accepted answer (the one with 27 upvotes) is placed above the accepted one (with 20 upvotes). I quickly checked some other questions and found that this behavior wasn't ...
asteri's user avatar
  • 1,529
0 votes
0 answers

Accepted Answer Below Other Question? [duplicate]

I was looking at this question, and noticed that: The accepted answer was below another answer. It's not like the other answer had more votes, it had the same amount of votes. The accepted answer is ...
Luke's user avatar
  • 135
110 votes
8 answers

Can we exempt negatively-scored accepted answers from getting the top spot? [duplicate]

Similar to this request but narrower, I'm suggesting we make a particular exception for negatively-scored accepted answers (those with score less than zero, or some other threshold like -3), so that ...
Jack Douglas's user avatar
  • 7,745
31 votes
5 answers

Shouldn't the answer with more votes be above the accepted answer? [duplicate]

After reviewing this question... I'd like to make an argument for answers that have attained more votes than an accepted answer always be ranked above when answers are being sorted by votes (the ...
jondavidjohn's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Add year to question and answer dates

Seeing as how SO's one year anniversary is coming soon, question and answer dates are going to need to display the year.
raven's user avatar
  • 8,950
15 votes
2 answers

Answer with more upvotes appears above accepted answer? [duplicate]

The highest-voted answer on this question has three votes, and appears above the accepted answer (two votes). I think it's an amusing coincidence that it just so happens to be a Jon Skeet answer. What'...
Donut's user avatar
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