Linked Questions

10 votes
1 answer

Why do edits need two approvals, even from high rep users? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why multiple approvers for proposed edits I have about a zillion rep on SO. I can edit pretty much anything anywhere without needing approval...with one exception. If a low-...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Requires several people to confirm edits, but I can make edits myself? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why multiple approvers for proposed edits Cron job scheduling The original poster didn't code-format his crontab. (Oh the pain!) Another user edited. Very helpful. But he ...
sarnold's user avatar
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4 votes
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Approving edits in StackOverflow needs aditional votes even if user already has the edit privilege himself [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why multiple approvers for proposed edits With over 2K reputation, a user can edit a post without anyone else having to review it, however, when that same over 2K user reviews ...
Miquel's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Why is there a need for more edit approvals when I can edit? [duplicate]

Sometimes, there is an edit made by users with not enough rep. So I click, and sometimes approve. There, I have a message saying "2 more users needs to approve for the edit to take place", or ...
Florian Margaine's user avatar
2 votes
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Why can't a 2000+ user immediately approve an edit? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why multiple approvers for proposed edits I think that if I'm allowed to edit a post, I should be allowed to approve someone else's edits immediately (i.e., without waiting ...
aioobe's user avatar
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1 vote
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Editing question vs. approving suggested edits [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why multiple approvers for proposed edits Instant edit approval for high-rep users On SO, if I edit a question my edit is immediately in effect. But if I approve an edit by ...
Caner's user avatar
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Editing questions does not need a second opinion, but approving an edit does [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why multiple approvers for proposed edits I've come across what seems to be a strange behavior of stackoverflow: I have the privilege to edit other user's questions. When I ...
Oswald's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why is it that a reviewer with full edit privileges cannot single-handedly approve an edit without improving it? [duplicate]

This issue seems to be a universal feature of SE. If a user suggests an edit, two users with access to the review queue are necessary to validate the edit, even if the first reviewer has full edit ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why do multiple people have to review an edit, when I have edit privileges anyway? [duplicate]

Why do multiple people have to review an edit, when I have edit privileges anyway? Should it not just automatically apply if I approve it?
Petah's user avatar
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1 vote
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Approval of edits [duplicate]

With my reputation on Stack Overflow, I am allowed to make edits to questions and they will become immediately visible. However, sometimes there is a question and someone edited it, I call up the edit ...
Paul Ogilvie's user avatar
315 votes
1 answer

How do suggested edits work?

When clicking "edit" I see: Your edit will be placed in a queue until it is peer reviewed. We welcome edits that make the post easier to understand and more valuable for readers. Because ...
28 votes
2 answers

Unable to edit posts with pending edits

It's currently not possible to edit posts where a suggested edit is pending; even if I've already placed an accept/reject vote, I just get a popup box when I click on 'edit' to approve or reject the ...
bdonlan's user avatar
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18 votes
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Abridged too far?

The new editing seems to have led to savage cuts being accepted, for example: UTF-8 Encoding size The links have been restored since, but as can be seen from the history, at one stage the post was ...
Remou's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are the Stack Overflow edit queue and flag queue becoming slower due to technical issues or growth?

Is SO suffering a performance loss from the network / hosting infrastructure, or is there an unexpected audience these days ? I have noticed for several days that the edit suggestions approval take ...
Seki's user avatar
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-9 votes
1 answer

illogical editing rights

I know there are quite some questions around about this topic, but still I'd like to say something about it. IMO, the logical way of editing should be something like: novice user - no editing rights ...
Christoph's user avatar
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