Linked Questions

-18 votes
1 answer

Fast Answers on Stack Overflow [duplicate]

I'm used to programming in a classroom environment where people are able to answer questions quickly, if I get stuck. I'm preparing to do my first solo project over the summer. Is there any way to ...
stevenjackson121's user avatar
2011 votes
7 answers

What is the XY problem?

What is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it? Return to FAQ index Other languages: ES, JA, PT, RU
354 votes
6 answers

How do I write a good title?

A good title helps your question get the attention it deserves. What goes into a good title? Return to FAQ index
737 votes
1 answer

How do I get attention for one of my own questions without a good answer?

I asked a question almost as soon as I got my account. I got a few decent answers, but none of them helped solve my problem. The question has long since become buried by newer questions, and there's ...
321 votes
2 answers

Should questions include "tags" in their titles?

I've seen questions edited to remove the language name from the title. Won't search engines - and folks using search engines - have an easier time finding them if these "tags" are kept as ...
23 votes
8 answers

What should I do if I am afraid to post for fear of downvote hell?

--- The General Question --- Should I avoid posting (writing questions or answers) unless I am willing (and able) to put forth the exorbitant effort required to produce "exceptional content". **Will ...
abmays's user avatar
  • 521
1866 votes
0 answers

FAQ for Stack Exchange sites

Community FAQ For sites in the Stack Exchange 2.0 network To see a list of commonly used words and phrases, see the glossary. For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. Asking ...
4 votes
2 answers

Writing the perfect question

I've been told by a certain someone that Stack Overflow can provide a good exercise in communication. I was sceptical about this at first but on the odd occasion I do write a badly formulated ...
James P.'s user avatar
  • 985
6 votes
3 answers

How to refine / improve a posed question? [closed]

Suppose I asked a question in an area where I am no expert. Then the question is getting answers that point out that the question is ambiguous or has not enough information for a meaningful answer. ...
emacs drives me nuts's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Why do I not receive reputation for answering question? [closed]

I check Stack Overflow every day and one thing that surprised me is that the users do not upvote my answers or select my answer as The Answer when my answer is the solution. Am I missing something ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Tips for formatting your answers

Is there any place where I can find tips to make my answers and questions more presentable and readable ?
Jushua Norman's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Sandboxing the FAQ for Stack Exchange sites to make it international

The content was taken from the rev. 233 of FAQ for Stack Exchange sites to test an idea shared on a comment to my answer to Help develop the site and community knowledge base in your language. The ...
Rubén's user avatar
  • 16k
-11 votes
1 answer

Where can I ask this question about programming language? [duplicate]

Question: How first programming language made? Description: I want to know how first programming language made?
Arian's user avatar
  • 7
0 votes
0 answers

How to decide on which site to ask a question (deciding between stackoverflow, superuser and unix & linux) [duplicate]

I'd like to ask a question, whether it's possible to create patches using git format-patch against a remote git repository (i.e. not from a local clone/checkout). As this is not necessarily about ...
doktor5000's user avatar