Linked Questions

43 votes
1 answer

Give extra close votes, only accessible via /review

With question and answer up and down votes, one has so many they may cast per vote period. From What are the limits on how I can cast, change, and retract votes? : Thirty post votes per day per ...
user avatar
43 votes
1 answer

Reliable count of votes that I've cast today

I often want to know how many votes (upvotes and downvotes) I've cast today, so as to know how far I am from the 40 vote limit. In the old days, this information was easily accessible on each page by ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

Daily vote limit hit before reaching actual counts?

According to the latest update, in addition to the 30 vote limit, there's an additional 10-vote limit only for questions. I got the notification about reaching the daily vote limit, however the ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Simplify vote-limiting logic

In the beginning there were daily vote limits. Then we realized we want to encourage voting on questions and so the idea of giving an extra 10 votes for questions was accepted. Then it was ...
feetwet's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Why is there general opposition to requests to increase post vote limits?

There is a limit of 30-40 post (question/answer) votes per day (What are the limits on how I can cast, change, and retract votes? and Please don't require answer votes to be cast before question ...
Jason C's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Could there be a warning that the answer vote limit is nearing?

I was browsing around photo se, reading and voting some quality answers and suddenly got greeted by this: Come back to vote on more answers in 10 hours, or use your 10 remaining question votes now ...
Jari Keinänen's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Where's my Vox Populi badge? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Does Vox Populi badge require that all the 40 voted posts are not deleted by end of day? I was a very good boy yesterday, voting 40 times (and getting the message that told me ...
Donal Fellows's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Vox Populi isn't applied retroactively?

A new badge Vox Populi was introduced, but isn't this applied retroactively? I had hit 40-vote limit earlier. Or is this applicable to those votes after the new changes were done?
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
4 votes
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Bug in vote count, since status update

Hi, I was pleased to see the new votes cast item on the user status hover over thingy... However, I think it might have broken the restriction on the number of votes that can be cast in a day. I ...
forsvarir's user avatar
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3 votes
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Didn't earn vox populi [duplicate]

In Stack overflow within searching my problems solution I finished my total no of voted ie 40 vote and this is two times but it is still not showing in my badges why ??
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why voting limit reduced from 40 to 30 for me? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Are there any voting limits? I was doing review on Stack Overflow. And I have voted 30 times a day. Now when I was voting one question, popup for vote limit reached is came ...
Somnath Muluk's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Answers/questions votes cast rules [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Please don't require answer votes to be cast before question votes How are daily allowed votes separated between answers and questions? I've just used 30 votes of my ...
Akram Shahda's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can't upvote either questions or answers, though I'm only at 34 today [duplicate]

I am stuck at 34 votes on MathOverflow. Some previous answers like this Meta Stack Exchange post say that this is because the 40 votes should be 30 for answers, 10 for questions. But, it seems ...
auspicious99's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What is "10 additional "question-only" daily votes"?

Jeff said that Stack Overflow added 10 additional "question-only" daily votes (This Blog), and total votes limitation increased to 40. But I voted 30 times in today, ...
Charlie's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Daily vote limit took a downvote feedback into account even though I don't have the downvote privilege

In Stack Overflow, I reached my daily vote limit on 39. However, I cast 10+ question up-votes before reaching 25 total (Q & A votes), but I didn't get the 40 total. What did happen is I tried to ...
Mariano's user avatar
  • 407

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