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Ads being cutting off at the end

Just saw this on Code Review: The asker's name is Julian Hernandez -- the last letter has been cut off. As has the very edge of the S in PK_FILE_EXTENSIONS (but that's because it's a big single word)....
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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Can I host Careers ads on my own website?

There is a Stack Overflow Careers campaign which runs on I could not find how such campaign is created. Is such campaign limited to privileged users? If not campaign ...
Tarun's user avatar
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Don't show me the new "come review" ads after I've hit the daily limit

As I'm sure many of you know, SE recently introduced some ads to encourage users to pitch in on the 101k+ and growing close queue. Today I finally saw one of them. That's fine, I really haven't ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Careers adverts: location not accurate

On the Careers front page, after the featured jobs ads, there is a section jobs near [your location], with a further link to More [your location] jobs. For me, the location it's using is waaaay off ...
Alex KeySmith's user avatar
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We need some latex in these ads

We have some math ads that look like this: Can we not render the LaTeX or whatever it's called? This ad makes no sense to me in its current state.
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Site name cut off in advertisement

Here is a screenshot that should pretty much explain everything: Kind of looks unprofessional when part of it is cut off.
uɐɯsO uɐɥʇɐN's user avatar
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Report ad feature needed

After two recent incidents of advertisers using fake UI in ads do we need a way to report ads that's quicker than raising the issue on meta? Since ads are seen more by newer users we can't rely on ...
Sam Hasler's user avatar
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Suggestion: Advertisements for CVs

As Stack Overflow has grown, it has become increasingly clear that we're going to have a significant amount of unsold ad inventory for the forseeable future. And the open source advertisement idea is ...
balpha's user avatar
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Yet another small ad CSS bug [closed]

I accessed the site with Internet Explorer 7 from my university today, just to see how it looked for unregistered users. I came upon this: Not short of the irony of the ad, look at the starts. ...