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Questions tagged [announcements]

For questions about Stack Exchange announcements, or announcements from the Stack Exchange team that detail recent changes across the network.

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4 votes
1 answer

Why isn't tag [announcements] a red moderator tag?

Sub-question: Is it true that all Stack Exchange employees are moderators of Meta.SE? I find there no point in leaving announcements as a regular tag, because everyone can post questions that carry ...
45 votes
1 answer

Dear Stack Exchange: "New" is not a version

Check out the new top bar (it's this new top bar). I mean, check out the new top bar. I mean, check out 35 + 8 pages of vaguely tagged questions regarding the "top bar", or the "new top bar", or some ...
74 votes
0 answers

List of communities with base css updates completed

By January 2016, All communities have been updated The design team has been rolling out design updates to sites as part of network-wide update to a new base css framework. The updates allow us to: ...
5 votes
1 answer

Should we update the TOS post with a banner to point clueless users at SO for their programming questions?

Ever since the TOS update, Meta Stack Exchange keeps getting flooded by ridiculous questions (mostly about general programming and code, but occasionally for other sites than SO) whenever the ...
188 votes
7 answers

"Autobiographer" Badge now only requires sharing what YOU want with the community

As of today, "Autobiographer" will be awarded to anyone fills out the free-form "About Me" field on their profile. We will be awarding it retroactively, so you don't need to do anything if you ...
110 votes
3 answers

New! Smarter profile creation and syncing

We've made some changes to profile editing. The TL;DR is: We now encourage users to set a name and picture during signup. If you sign up with Google or Facebook, we pull them in and let you edit ...
41 votes
4 answers

Mobile web refresher, part 3

Here’s the final major installment of the mobile web redesign/refresher. We have also fixed or implemented a minimal large part of the issues and requests mentioned in the previous refresher questions....
107 votes
9 answers

Mobile web refresher [duplicate]

We are rolling out a revisited version of our mobile web sites with the following aims: A navigation and look-and-feel more consistent with our desktop UI in a mobile friendly way. Better usability ...
0 votes
1 answer

Allow site proposers to post an admin message during commitment phase

So, Jeff and Robert left admin messages at Developer Testing : Unit Testing and more… and Electronics and Robotics: So, technically the [feature-request] Allow one announcement during commitment ...
5 votes
2 answers

Where should we post statements regarding Area 51 proposals?

This proposal had announcements deleted with the following comment: Announcements are not for comments: Please ask questions in the discussion section. But the stuff that was deleted was not a ...
23 votes
0 answers

Join us in Denver for our opening reception! [closed]

In case you haven't seen my blog post announcing this, we’re planning a big office shindig for the evening of September 27th at our new Denver office, and you're all invited! Check out the details ...
8 votes
3 answers

How to "answer" announcements posted on a site's meta?

It's important to every main site that its meta site is healthy and thriving. One way to ensure that a meta is thriving is to make sure that posts don't go unanswered. However, we have some meta ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Will ACTA achieve a site announcement? [closed]

Will StackOverflow/StackExchange display a message about ACTA (IMO 1000x worse than SOPA) as well?
-1 votes
1 answer

Should site-wide special announcements appear above the action buttons

In this case i'm talking about the Steve Jobs one on Note that I'm not debating whether it should be displayed or not. I just feel that, since it has a coloured background ...
-10 votes
2 answers

Announcements feature on SE

I think it would be nice to have an Announcements feature on the SE sites. An announcement would work different then a question in the form that some relevant information to the community as a whole ...

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