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Use the search API to query Stack Overflow Teams questions [closed]

We have Stack Overflow for Teams at my company. Is it possible to use the search API to query questions there?
user48408's user avatar
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7 votes
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How do I delete all my comments?

I want to delete all of my comments, but the$ID/delete API method has a limit of 20 deletions per day. I don't want to call it every day for months, so is ...
Abyx's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to get reputation changes network-wide via the API?

Using the notifications API, I can get everything that shows up in the achievements popover, except for reputation changes. I can use reputation history for this, but it's per-site so would require a ...
gary's user avatar
  • 163
6 votes
1 answer

Does access via the API count towards Fanatic and Enthusiast badges in 2019?

I've done some research and read some of the posts about this topic, but none of them are up to date. The answer from 8 years ago says that accessing via the API does not count for badges: Does ...
Hykilpikonna's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use a search regex for tags in the Stack Exchange API

I want to simulate the question search using regex behaviour of Stack Overflow using the Stack Exchange API. For example, using c++* for tags will give questions which have c++ as prefix in tag such ...
Zeeshan Akhter's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a Stack Exchange WebSocket action for multiple tags?

I'm developing an app to show all new questions for any tags that user is watching in realtime. So instead of using the REST API, I want to use the WebSocket at: wss:// I'...
Mojtaba Hosseini's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Does Stack Overflow provide public Python APIs for querying?

I'm interested in writing an application on top of Stack Overflow. For example: Get the answers to the questions identified by a set of ids, get the questions that are related to the questions ...
ThinkGeek's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Accessing the latest comments on a site from the Stack API

Context: As a moderator on a relatively small beta site, I often notice spam, chatty, rude or entirely unrelated comments on old posts. It'd be nice if I had an easy way to monitor them. From the ...
user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a sandbox chat room for testing the API? [duplicate]

Right now I have one (1) reputation and I need 20 to be in a chat. How do I test the chat API? Do I need to get more upvotes to chat or is there a "sandbox" chat that does not need rep? I know that ...
ptestb0001's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where do I find a history of changes to Stack Exchange's API?

As the title says is there a place where I can find a history of changes to the API? The API I am talking about is here: I want something more detailed than what is ...
ptestb0001's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting Duplicate Questions from Stack Exchange API

I want to use to get duplicate questions. Scenario: I get a question from using GET .../questions/{my_question_id}. In the next step I would like to get a ...
WUUUGI's user avatar
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3 votes
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Stack Exchange API for Tags won't set has_more to True

I have this request URL:!9Z(-x.0nI What I need is to have a pagination ...
TheWimpyKid's user avatar
2 votes
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Get answers in JSON for a given Stack Exchange article

We are trying to figure out how to get the answers for a given question ID in JSON or XML instead of HTML - so far for a URL like this:
alphablender's user avatar
6 votes
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Stack Overflow Teams API: How to get all questions or posts data?

I am trying to build a database of all the posts and answers on my Stack Overflow team information. I am able to download all data in the "Settings" -> "Billing & Accounts" tab but I am looking ...
Oliver Han's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Too many requests made by this IP. Key reason? [duplicate]

This is may seem as a duplicate but I want to get this straight. I am sending some requests to the Stack Exchange API for a project I am running. But after testing it I get this response: {'error_id':...
Orestis Zekai's user avatar
6 votes
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Stack Exchange API - Obtaining the Tag Watchers Count

I've reviewed the entire Stack Exchange API v2.2 and have not found how to obtain the tag Watchers Count; e.g.: How to obtain the 'watchers' count using the Stack Exchange API?
Alex Skorkin's user avatar
4 votes
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Get a post's text, from the Stack Exchange API, in decoded and pastable form?

I know how to retrieve body_markdown with the Stack Exchange API. But if I copy the retrieved body into a Markdown editor then I don't get back the "real" body of the answer. I've tried using ...
Csa77's user avatar
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Unable to fetch data from the Stack Overflow API (too many requests)

I am trying to fetch API data from: But I am getting the error: {error_id: 502, error_message: "too many requests from this ...
pragun gandotra's user avatar
3 votes
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How to return multiple users objects with single API call?

I am using the following to return JSON of a user object:<my key> I need multiple ...
Joel Guerra's user avatar
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How to approve Stack App and log in to Stack Overflow using REST API?

I would like to create a small application just for me to log in to Stack Overflow and see my profile. The issue is that if I understand the documentation correctly, I have to first approve my ...
Xenon's user avatar
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Where is the chat API page on the site?

I received news about the chat API changing in a couple of months from another chat user and API library developer, but I can't find any mention of it on my own now. So I went to look at the prime ...
user1306322's user avatar
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How do we get the API build date/number?

The API keeps breaking and often gets fixed, all without a single peep in the Change Log. Officially the API is unchanged since version 2.2 in February of 2014. But we know from the resolved bugs ...
Awesome Poodles's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange API: create a question with an embedded Image

I have been looking at the API for some time and can discern no ready answer: Is it possible to create a question using the API, which contains embedded images? I can achieve the same by replicating ...
GMasucci's user avatar
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3 votes
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Stack Exchange API - getting answers for the questions object

I use To get a sample question, I use the address Thanks to this, he gains a question. ...
sdfgsdgsgr's user avatar
5 votes
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Getting all questions with a specific tag

The Stack Exchange API supports /questions/{id}/tags/{tags} but it returns only a selection of questions available on Stack Overflow. For a school project I need to find all questions containing the ...
Danny Horvath's user avatar
-5 votes
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'StackAPI' throttling exception

I am trying to use StackAPI to query your API. I am trying to fetch the top questions/answers from each of your Stack Exchange sites. Here is my code snippet. As you would note, I am making the thread ...
Santino's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I automatically join all SE sites I haven't joined yet?

On SE sites which I haven't joined yet, neither inbox nor achievements are available. I'd like to have these available in all sites. I could wait around for the devs to fix it ... or I could join all ...
muru's user avatar
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API method for getting text of posts?

I am looking for an API method that gets the text from posts, using the post ID or URL (not saying it has to be one way or another) but cannot find one. Does Stack Exchange have one?
user avatar
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2 answers

Data on who offered bounties

Is there a way to know who offered bounties on each question on SE? We are working with the SO datadump, and there is data there on bounties in the Votes.xml file. However, there is no information on ...
splinter's user avatar
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-9 votes
3 answers

How to get data on who viewed questions and profiles?

I am working with the Stack Overflow datadump and have a general question. I would like to obtain more detailed data on the "views" attribute, pertaining both to question views and profile views. ...
splinter's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can I collect the number of times a tag is used per month using the API?

What is the best way to collect the number of times a given tag is used in a given month using the stack exchange API? Is it by going through all the questions asked during a the given month that ...
mel's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Choosing best resource for crawling data from Stack Exchange sites

For the purpose of an academic research project, I would like to obtain detailed data on questions, answers, tags, users, etc. That is, I seek historical data, as detailed as possible. I have seen ...
splinter's user avatar
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Don't have the required information for signing up for an app key in the Stack Exchange API

I would like to use the Stack Exchange API for the purpose of academic research. Now, standard users are limited to 300 requests per day. For increasing this limit to 10,000 per day, users need to ...
splinter's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can I receive "immediately" notification about new questions posted that meet certain search criteria?

I noticed that you can do any tag combination with or and and (just separate the tags for space) operators in the search box and when you hit the search button you will be redirected to an URL like ...
user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to get the list of all posts I've upvoted via the API? [duplicate]

I'm looking for a way to get the list of all my upvotes on Stack Overflow, however after looking through the API list, seems there is no way to achieve that. And I know I can view my upvotes in votes ...
Haibara Ai's user avatar
5 votes
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Can I send myself an inbox notification?

For developing apps and userscripts that deal with inbox notifications, it's often useful to get a notification for testing. Is there any action I can take that will give myself an inbox notification?...
Jason C's user avatar
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/posts/{ids} reports that it requires an access token, but that's not documented

Hitting the following URL:<valid key>&filter=!b0OfN.wXSdUuN(&pagesize=100&site=stackoverflow I'm getting a HTTP 400 (Bad ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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Retrieving network profile avatar via API

The network profile avatar (e.g. the one displayed on the network profile page) seems to be its own thing, settable by copying it from a site of your choice. Is there a way, given a user's network ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Is there an API I can get my total amount of reputation and badges from?

I have already seen the flair™ image I can embed on my website. However, I think it's small and I don't really like the design. I would like to retrieve my overall reputation and badges as seen in ...
Noah Krasser's user avatar
4 votes
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API authentication channelUrl from a userscript?

The Stack Exchange API has this Javascript library for authentication. What do I pass as channelUrl for a user script running on SE sites? The docs said it needed to be "a blank page on the same ...
Jason C's user avatar
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How do you retrieve API site names from /associated?

The /associated API call returns an array of network_user objects, each of which looks like this: { "badge_counts": { "bronze": 1, "silver": 2, "gold": 3 }, "question_count": 25, "...
Jason C's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How can I get a list of links for questions with a specific tag?

Is there a programmatic interface for getting the questions with a specific tag? The thing I have found was But this is not up-to-date. I could write some ...
Gergely's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is there a sandbox for the API where I can post questions? [duplicate]

Is there a sandbox site for the Stack Exchange API? I have found a couple of questions which were made for testing answers (EG The API Sandbox), but no way to test posting or editing questions.
rapid's user avatar
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What does "new_active_users" field represent?

I'm working with some site data obtained via the Stack Exchange API and I see each site has a field called new_active_users. I looked at the type info page for site data, as well as usage of /info ...
Phrancis's user avatar
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Is it possible using the SE API to get a list of another user's posts that I have upvoted?

I'm looking to obtain a list of another user's posts that I have upvoted. I learned in a previous question that this is not possible through the Stack Exchange Data Explorer, because any private data,...
Ben Miller's user avatar
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How could I get my own vote activity from API?

For the sake of curiosity I want to visualize my vote activity on Stack Overflow. I can scrape it easily from HTML, but it would be elegant to accomplish it using an API.
theotheo's user avatar
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Are option_ids for flags guaranteed to not change?

When given an integer as option_id, the API path /answers/{id}/flags/add raises the flag corresponding to option_id on a specific answer (same goes for its counterpart for questions). Are these ...
user8397947's user avatar
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18 votes
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How can I get the text from a large number of deleted posts?

I'm looking into running a machine-learning project on EL&U to detect low-quality posts. To do that, I need a large dataset - and to get that, I need to get the text from a large number of deleted ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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Stack Overflow API to build commercial apps [closed]

I want to create a desktop client for Stack Overflow using the APIs available and it will be a paid app. So my question is, whether this is allowed or not. Can I create a software using their APIs for ...
Hari Das's user avatar
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API /answers/{id}/flags/add route has multiple bugs

The API route to flag an answer has a couple of issues. The first of these may or may not be a bug, but the second definitely is. Firstly, sending a request that's apparently identical to the example ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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