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12 votes
1 answer

What do I need to know as a user about authorising applications that interact with Stack Exchange?

I know that I can grant permission of an application to do something with my account on the network. What can and cannot an application do if I allow it? For example, if I see a description like: ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 15.8k
3 votes
1 answer

Using the filters “fromdate” and “todate” on the /badges API endpoint has no effect

It looks like the fromdate and todate filters have no effect on the /badges endpoint: Example without these filters:
A.L's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

I comply with backoff orders, but still get "Violation of backoff parameter"

I sometimes get throttle violation errors from the API {'error_id': 502, 'error_message': 'Violation of backoff parameter', 'error_name': 'throttle_violation'} despite complying with back off orders ...
avm23's user avatar
  • 183
9 votes
1 answer

Cloudflare blocking requests to StackExchange API when User-Agent header is not specified

Since around 8/14/2024, our services requests to are getting blocked by Cloudflare. Despite not having any changes in the traffic pattern or the actual code. ...
Simon Schlegel's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

API returns reputation history events for deleted posts, yet no post_deleted events are included. Why? Bug? What do I do?

This SE API request for user 30382 of Mathematics site returns the following items: ... {"reputation_history_type":"post_downvoted","reputation_change":-2,"post_id&...
avm23's user avatar
  • 183
15 votes
1 answer

Cloudflare challenge on API and WebSocket traffic used for AI Analysis

Currently, there's a reproducible issue with Cloudflare blocking (via user/browser challenge as in this question) all API and WebSocket traffic from several sources. This is impacting the AI analysis ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Why is the API method for statistics not accessible?

Why is not accessible?
beyondtime's user avatar
47 votes
0 answers

What, exactly, is "OverflowAPI"?

The description on the OverflowAPI website is rather vague marketing speak: OverflowAPI is a subscription-based API service that provides continuous access to Stack Overflow’s public dataset to train ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 55.4k
5 votes
1 answer

How can I get bounty information from the API?

I want to get information about all bounties that were active within last 3-4 days. This should include started, awarded and expired bounties. How do I do this? Here are my thoughts. If a bounty is ...
avm23's user avatar
  • 183
2 votes
4 answers

Stack Exchange site names for API URL query parameter

When calling a Stack Exchange API we need to specify which site we are trying to fetch the data from in a API URL query parameter (site=webapps.meta) like below:
Gangula's user avatar
  • 411
1 vote
1 answer

Stack Exchange API doesn't work for meta sites

The Stack Exchange API doesn't seem to be working for certain sites like For example, the below API to get the answers to a question by ID doesn't work for the following ...
Gangula's user avatar
  • 411
-8 votes
1 answer

Finding my upvotes on Data Explorer

This T-SQL finds all the questions I have answered on SO. I want to determine if I upvoted the question or not (as ...
JMP's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes
1 answer

How can I get information of a tag with the Stack Exchange API?

The API documentation of usage of /tags/{tags}/info GET does not give us this information: How can I get this text description?
Denys Medvediev's user avatar
64 votes
11 answers

The company's commitment to the data dumps, the API, and SEDE

Many words have been written around the company's commitment to the ongoing existence of the data dumps, the API, and the Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE). Much of that text can be confusing or ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21.2k
97 votes
0 answers

Will SE shut down the free API for good? [duplicate]

SE has intentionally disabled the data dump. And the CEO has stated to the press that he plans to charge AI companies for access to the data. Given these developments I think it is almost inevitable ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I set "site" to anything other than Stack Overflow, like the Blender or Ethereum Stack Exchange sites, for example?

I was able to run this request USER ID/timeline?sort=creation&page=1&pagesize=100&site=stackoverflow just fine. For some reason, when I change ...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a simple API for getting the number of unread messages?

Stack Exchange obviously has a complex API to meet the possible needs of its users, and it seems to require registering applications in order to use it. All I'm looking for though is a simple way of ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to programmatically get the days 'visited' information? [closed]

On our Stack Overflow for Teams: Enterprise instance, I'd like to use the API to build a report on how often users visit the site. I can see this information in the admin dashboard (e.g. below, "...
Steve Dunn's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there API support for

I'm able to use the API to get selected questions from by running
Grzegorz Skaruz's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

API request for "favorites" now returning an empty list – is there a way to get something equivalent for saves?

I have a script which I use, based on the StackExchange API, to regularly download a local backup of various questions relevant to me (the ones I've asked, answered, or favorited) across various SE ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to run a Stack Exchange data query with the Stack Exchange API

I'm trying to find out if there is a way to run a query/complex search on the Stack Exchange API. I need to find all users that have a reputation greater than 250 and are from a certain location. I ...
Andrew Gremus's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Question based on Authentication

I am creating a connector which will integrate with the Stack Overflow API. I need to generate an access token of Stack Overflow account so that I can fetch its API. But when I am generating an access ...
user20040276's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the refresh frequency of the Stack Exchange API?

I'm using the Stack Exchange API and noticed that a comment that I added just now was not being reflected in the API. Is there a refresh frequency for the API? If so, what is it? I was not able to ...
Gangula's user avatar
  • 411
6 votes
2 answers

Missing code block language when using the Stack Exchange API

I managed to search and get questions with HTML body with Stack Exchange API. I am using the following request:
nbl7's user avatar
  • 161
1 vote
0 answers

Why only 50 related tags?

I'm using the Stack Exchange API and I want to get related tags of a particular tag. Fortunately, the API provides such an endpoint (/2.3/tags/devops/related?pagesize=100&site=stackoverflow). ...
Ranim Khojah's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Is there an API that I can consume to detect the current release version of each SE network site?

Is there an API that I can consume to detect the current release version of each SE network site? For example, during the last 5 months the design of the sites has changed, and changes have been made ...
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Accessing Stack Exchange API behind a firewall - are there IP address ranges to whitelist?

Scenario I am calling Stack Exchange APIs to collect Stack Overflow Teams data for my organization. In order to call these APIs from the server where I would like to run it, I must first request ...
snydergd's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What scope to supply to get a refresh token from Stack Exchange?

In the process of implementing a OAuth app for Stack Exchange, I noticed that none of the approaches that conventionally work - supplying a offline_access scope, for example - result in the OAuth ...
Benn's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I save the result of a Stack Exchange API call into a text file using curl?

As I run the following, curl > result.txt I got the ...
electrical apprentice's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there an API for user badges?

Is there was a way to pull down 'badges' for users of various sites in the network. I noticed that there is an API call for all badges in the system, but can't see one for users.
timhc22's user avatar
  • 145
1 vote
0 answers

Too many requests from this IP address [duplicate]

I am using the StackAPI library for Python to access Stack Overflow questions. I need to collect all question IDs attached with a particular tag (for example, regex). I used the search bar on Stack ...
akalanka's user avatar
  • 119
25 votes
2 answers

The API is unexpectedly retracting flags

I use the Charcoal FIRE userscript to red-flag posts. Today I found this SuperUser question (possibly 10k by now since it's spam) and I spam flagged both the question and answer. The question I ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 27.5k
17 votes
0 answers

What is the status of development and future of the SE API?

While as a non developer, and whose code tends to consist of hastily hacked together bits of bash its not of direct use for me, I'd love to have the option of a android app again. While the official ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Less results when hitting the API compared to using the search bar for the same query

I am new to Meta so let me know if I need to add clearer information or correct it. I am currently trying to determine what the differences in functionality between making API calls and using the ...
Ryan Jones's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Possibility of using booleans in the query parameter of /search/excerpts

We can use the symbols ; (respectively &) on the tagged parameter to represent an AND (respectively an OR) boolean operator on tags. For example, the API call /2.2/search/excerpts?order=desc&...
shamisen's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Possible error on /search/excerpts documentation?

The StackExchange API documentation states the following for the tagged parameter of /search/excerpts: tagged - a semicolon delimited list of tags, of which at least one will be present on all ...
shamisen's user avatar
  • 195
2 votes
0 answers

Stack Exchange API, access token request

I've done the OAuth process with Stack Exchange and I have my access token. I'm trying to perform this request
manubrio's user avatar
  • 131
-5 votes
1 answer

How can I fetch all the new users that are created on all Stack Exchange sites via Stack Exchange API?

Is it possible to fetch all the new user accounts that are created (from some date) on all Stack Exchange sites via the Stack Exchange API? And how can it be done?
USERNAME GOES HERE's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Is it abusive to use a sockpuppet account for API calls? [duplicate]

Other questions ask about acceptable use of sockpuppet accounts, but I'm interested in if using multiple sockpuppet accounts for API calls. In my mind the answer would be that they're not abusive ...
nthnchu's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Add an additional parameter as a filter to an API call

I would like to pass a filter in the API and use this option to receive the favorite count: However I receive this error: Error in !metadata$has_more : invalid argument type
demia's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Are there any ways to petition to increase your Stack Exchange API limit?

I know there is a 10,000 query limit for the Stack Exchange API, but I was curious if there was any way to ask for a one-time increase of API requests as I just need to do a one-time pull to get a bit ...
HermSang's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why is a{answer-id} generated by Google not working when passed to the Stack Exchange API?

I am writing a crawler that takes a URL from a Google search, for example and use it to fetch data from Stack Overflow using ...
Gautam Krishna R's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What's the URL format that shows all comments expanded for all SE sites?

I want to archive some questions. But some comments are hidden because of the mechanics of how SE's UX work i.e. I have to click on show X more comments below each post. So, like
JustLikeThat007's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to see the daily reputation history of a group of users?

For research purpose, I would like to see the reputation history of a number of users. The reputation history API does not include events such as penalty due to downvoting other users' answers. So the ...
BellmanEqn's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What does "full reputation history" provide in addition to "reputation history"?

There is an API for "full reputation history", in addition to one for just "reputation history". What does the "full" version give me that's missing in the regular one? Thanks!
BellmanEqn's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is the close reason returned by the API different?

Up to few moments ago my script was working correctly fetching question information from the API. Right now my script fails because the duplicate close reason is different. Previously it was: ...
Dharman's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to get only accepted answer in return from the Stack Exchange API?

I found out that I could get only accepted questions from Stack Overflow using this API call. But now I want only the accepted answer to be part of the returned object; I don't need other answers. I ...
fuzious's user avatar
  • 141
2 votes
1 answer

Query questions based on 'last_activity_date'

Is there a way to query questions based on 'last_activity_date' in StackExchange API? The API documentation says that 'fromdate' parameter considers the creation_date for the query. My use case is ...
Ankit Garg's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to get only question title and accepted answer with specific tags via the API?

How can I get questions with x, y, z tags having at least three upvotes and with an accepted answer? Also, I would like to only retrieve the question title, only the accepted answer, tags on questions ...
Prafulla Kumar Sahu's user avatar
8 votes
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Can the number of elections graph from the former Elections site be re-created?

There used to be an elections site that obviously showed how many elections took place each month over time. Image by Tim Stone But that site for reasons unknown to me no longer exists in that form....
rene's user avatar
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