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Not Receiving Email Confirmation for Proposal Creation on Area 51 [duplicate]

I'm experiencing an issue where I'm not receiving the email confirmation required to create a proposal on Area 51. The goal is a register a Stack Exchange site for an open source community. This is ...
Jørgen Svennevik Notland's user avatar
9 votes
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Cannot log in to Area 51 (so cannot ask this in its Discussion Zone)

I have an Area 51 account1: But I cannot log in: The option to sign up does not work either: The option to join this community starts off okay and picks up my email (which I have not screen-shot) ...
Rick's user avatar
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Can't register for Area 51, nor use my existing SE account (doesn't match any existing meta.SE question I can find)

I just clicked to follow a proposal on Area 51, and then confirmed my email (the usual one I use for Stack Exchange), and then refreshed my area51.SE tab. I expected that somewhere along the line here,...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
2 votes
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Closed Area 51 proposals show more to anonymous users than when logged in [closed]

This is what the What If proposal looks like when logged in: That's fine, I can live with that. However, this is when not logged in: Same page, same browser (Firefox 107 x64). One in a normal window,...
Mast's user avatar
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Area 51: Unable to log in: No user found [duplicate]

When I click the (tiny) button to log in to Area 51, it gives an error: I obviously have to have a user account to ask a question here, so this is definitely a bug. Could this be fixed so I can ...
ᴇɴᴅᴇʀᴍᴀɴ's user avatar
11 votes
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Unable to join Area 51 community [closed]

I tried to join the "Area 51" community to support a proposal, but I have problems connecting to my other profiles. I commit before joining the community and this might have been the problem....
Cristina Marcolin's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I delete my Area 51 account? [duplicate]

I joined Area 51 to propose a site for identify-my-rock questions (banned at Earth Sciences). The proposal was rejected and I edited my profile with "Please delete me". That was three months ...
user avatar
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I just registered to Area 51 and it sent a confirmation email to my old (already-changed) email address [duplicate]

I just registered to Area 51 and it sent a confirmation email to my old (already-changed) email address; here is a screenshot to indicate this: Well, This problem seems to be related to another ...
user avatar
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Area51 site says "no user found" if I press register button

I have create an account from "sign up" button in the Area51 site but when I try to connect me to Area51 site it says "No user found". I have followed a topic that interest me and seems it have ...
PiemP's user avatar
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Area 51 login apparently requires the HTTP referer to be on

I have a Mac on Mojave 10.14.6 (10.15 is newest) with Firefox 69.0.1 (according to Mozilla's website, the current release is 69.0.3). I just tried to log in to Area 51, and got stuck on the page ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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Can’t login to Area 51 ( Unable to log in with your OpenID provider: No user found)

I think I originally signed up with a Launchpad account, but looking at “My Logins” I see two accounts: a StackExchange one (used yesterday) and Launchpad (used Jun 28 ’18) so I suppose I created a ...
Moilleadóir's user avatar
3 votes
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Where to ask questions about external sites (like Google accounts)

Today, I had a question about Google accounts. So, I went to and scoured for a possible site to ask about external unrelated sites. I searched and searched for minutes, but I ...
Arihan Sharma's user avatar
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Area51 duplicate account?

At Area51 I somehow ended up with duplicate accounts: o_O These are both me. This happened ...
Tschallacka's user avatar
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Cannot log into Area 51 with OpenID

I recently tried many times to log into Area 51 with my Stack Exchange OpenID. Each time, I got this: Then, I went to my OpenID account, and I saw this: ...what is going on?? I have chrome, and ...
FlipFloop's user avatar
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Unable to follow an Area 51 proposal after turning from Guest into logged in user and unfollowing [duplicate]

I am trying to follow Prestashop under Area 51. I clicked follow, it gave me an email, I confirmed it, and it made a guest account. I didn't want to follow as a guest, so I unfollowed it, and then I ...
Goose's user avatar
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How did I end up with two Area 51 accounts, and can I get this fixed?

I already had an Area 51 account, but today, logging in the same way as usual (using Facebook login) on a system that hadn't visited Area 51 before, I ended up getting a brand new account instead of ...
hvd's user avatar
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Community is inconsistent with account lists [duplicate]

Here we see Community's list of accounts. She has 106 communities (does that exclude beta sites?) and has 1 rep on all of them. But over at her Network Profile, she only has one account, on Area 51: ...
Tim's user avatar
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Leeway for spammers promoting stack exchange sites and Area 51 proposals? [duplicate]

Browsing the new questions queue in English Language Learners, I see several rapid-fire questions from an account with a spam-like name: This account is quite forthcoming about it's intent: ...
Substantial's user avatar
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How can we determine unique users participating in an Area51 proposal?

I have been active on Area51 for a while now, and I don't think this has ever been a real concern before. Some background. In July of this year I noticed that unless blatantly obvious, multiple ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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Unable to create or log out of Area51 account

My problem is very similar to Duplicated account - unable to sign in On Area51, it shows me logged in as user117753 and keeps prompting me to visit my user page to set my name and email. I've tried ...
rink.attendant.6's user avatar
14 votes
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How to delete my Area 51 user account? [duplicate]

I have accounts in Stack Overflow, Programmers, Unix & Linux and Area 51. I don't want to continue my Area 51 account, so I planned to delete my Area 51 account. I have performed the following ...
Sathish's user avatar
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Duplicated account - unable to sign in

I'm quite active in the web section of StackOverflow. When I went to support the Area 51 Web Design proposal I unknowingly "committed" on an unregistered account. After having committed, upon seeing ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
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how long does it usually take to delete my Area51 account and private beta account

I am in need of deleting my Area51 account, I have read a similar post about this here, but my situation is slightly different - I have used it and are member of a private beta (Space Exploration). I ...
user avatar
4 votes
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How to delete Area 51 account

I have an Area 51 account that I have never used, and I want to delete it. Shouldn't there be a delete button on my profile page? On other sites, you can self-delete if you haven't voted or asked a ...
woz's user avatar
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Add Area 51 Link to Accounts Tab

Now that Area 51 is public, there should be an Area 51 link to my profile.
jjnguy's user avatar
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Area51 multiple OpenID login goof [closed]

I just logged in to my Area 51 account from a second computer using my alternate OpenID information. From there I clicked through some screens about associating my account with others on the Trilogy ...
fbrereto's user avatar
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