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Can't register for Area 51, nor use my existing SE account (doesn't match any existing meta.SE question I can find)

I just clicked to follow a proposal on Area 51, and then confirmed my email (the usual one I use for Stack Exchange), and then refreshed my area51.SE tab. I expected that somewhere along the line here,...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
2 votes
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Closed Area 51 proposals show more to anonymous users than when logged in [closed]

This is what the What If proposal looks like when logged in: That's fine, I can live with that. However, this is when not logged in: Same page, same browser (Firefox 107 x64). One in a normal window,...
Mast's user avatar
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Area 51: Unable to log in: No user found [duplicate]

When I click the (tiny) button to log in to Area 51, it gives an error: I obviously have to have a user account to ask a question here, so this is definitely a bug. Could this be fixed so I can ...
ᴇɴᴅᴇʀᴍᴀɴ's user avatar
11 votes
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Unable to join Area 51 community [closed]

I tried to join the "Area 51" community to support a proposal, but I have problems connecting to my other profiles. I commit before joining the community and this might have been the problem....
Cristina Marcolin's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I delete my Area 51 account? [duplicate]

I joined Area 51 to propose a site for identify-my-rock questions (banned at Earth Sciences). The proposal was rejected and I edited my profile with "Please delete me". That was three months ...
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9 votes
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Can’t login to Area 51 ( Unable to log in with your OpenID provider: No user found)

I think I originally signed up with a Launchpad account, but looking at “My Logins” I see two accounts: a StackExchange one (used yesterday) and Launchpad (used Jun 28 ’18) so I suppose I created a ...
Moilleadóir's user avatar
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Area51 duplicate account?

At Area51 I somehow ended up with duplicate accounts: o_O These are both me. This happened ...
Tschallacka's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Cannot log into Area 51 with OpenID

I recently tried many times to log into Area 51 with my Stack Exchange OpenID. Each time, I got this: Then, I went to my OpenID account, and I saw this: ...what is going on?? I have chrome, and ...
FlipFloop's user avatar
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Community is inconsistent with account lists [duplicate]

Here we see Community's list of accounts. She has 106 communities (does that exclude beta sites?) and has 1 rep on all of them. But over at her Network Profile, she only has one account, on Area 51: ...
Tim's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How to delete my Area 51 user account? [duplicate]

I have accounts in Stack Overflow, Programmers, Unix & Linux and Area 51. I don't want to continue my Area 51 account, so I planned to delete my Area 51 account. I have performed the following ...
Sathish's user avatar
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how long does it usually take to delete my Area51 account and private beta account

I am in need of deleting my Area51 account, I have read a similar post about this here, but my situation is slightly different - I have used it and are member of a private beta (Space Exploration). I ...
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2 votes
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Area51 multiple OpenID login goof [closed]

I just logged in to my Area 51 account from a second computer using my alternate OpenID information. From there I clicked through some screens about associating my account with others on the Trilogy ...
fbrereto's user avatar
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