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Questions tagged [askubuntu]

For questions pertaining to Ask Ubuntu, a site for Ubuntu users and developers, and how it relates to Stack Overflow/Stack Exchange. Questions about the Ubuntu OS itself are off-topic.

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4 votes
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69 views should have button "Already have a StackExchange account?"

Clicking on each site on , I find I am already logged into each one, except . See also How to link my ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Cannot create new account on Ask Ubuntu

I always get an error stating that I cannot create a new account on the Ask Ubuntu site. I am a member of several different Stack Exchange sites, but for some reason, I can't login to Ask Ubuntu. ...
Jon Thoms's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why doesn't Ask Ubuntu let me share my Stack Overflow login?

On any other site in the Stack Exchange network, if I try to sign up it offers to use my existing Stack Overflow login. I've used this feature many times; the upside is that you get an immediate 100 ...
Mark Ransom's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How do I get to recognize the fact that i'm already logged-in on Stackexchange? [duplicate]

I have a profile on which is recognized on my StackEchange profile ( I have already asked and answered questions there. But even though I'm ...
Camion's user avatar
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2 votes
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Suggested edit pending but the post was already edited and approved by another person

I suggested an edit on Ask Ubuntu at 2020-05-02 21:20:17Z. When I checked later, it was approved by schrodigerscatcuriosity at 2020-05-02 22:37:17Z rejected by one other user. I noticed that it had ...
M.A.K. Ripon's user avatar
3 votes
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Attempt to update profile picture triggers "email address already registered error" [duplicate]

When I try to update my StackExchange profile image I get the following error: Oops! There was a problem updating your profile: This email address is already registered. If it belongs to you, log ...
Jesus Iniesta's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Question closed by both Android Enthusiasts and Ask Ubuntu while they referred to each other [closed]

I asked a question related to an android app in Android Enthusiasts ( which is linked to linux (Ubuntu). My question was put on hold saying that it is off topic, and I was ...
Srinivas V's user avatar
35 votes
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Why was the Ubuntu Code of Conduct clause removed from the Ask Ubuntu terms of service?

Looking back at the old Terms of Service, I noticed they used to contain a special paragraph about Ask Ubuntu. When accessing the,, or sites ("...
ꓢPArcheon's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Why is there only Ask Ubuntu but no Ask CentOS?

I know, I know, Ubuntu is easier for beginners and more popular, but why does Stack Exchange have an Ask Ubuntu site but not Ask CentOS? Although CentOS is not so popular, it's still the top choice (...
Andrew Young's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Creating a site-specific SmokeDetector chat room

I am a regular user of Ask Ubuntu. Simply, how can I make a chat room that only has SmokeDetector posting about Ask Ubuntu and Ask Ubuntu only?
fosslinux's user avatar
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12 votes
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Ask Ubuntu gave question for review when filtered by answers

I sat down to do some routine reviewing this morning, and thought, "Hmm, how about reviewing some answers this morning." No problem, right? Apply a filter. Worked fine, like normal, but ...
anonymous2's user avatar
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Can not log in to Ask Ubuntu [duplicate]

I am logged in to SE and can access the different sites, being logged in. When I go to Ask Ubuntu, I am not indicated as logged in. When I press Google-log in, I am told that the activity is ...
cvr's user avatar
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2 votes
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"" invalid security certificate [duplicate]

I recently found out from here that there is a site, however when I try to go there I get this: So I thought I should just report that here. My browser is Firefox 47.
user avatar
6 votes
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Typo in the Terms of Service

I found a typo in the Terms of Service, section 4. When accessing the,, or sites ("AskUbuntu"), Subscriber will also abide by the most ...
wythagoras's user avatar
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0 votes
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Who proposed Ask Ubuntu? [closed]

I heard that Ask Ubuntu is part of Stack Exchange so I want to know who proposed Ask Ubuntu?
user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Why does Ubuntu have its own site, but other Linux distributions don't?

The title says it all. What makes Ubuntu so special that it deserves a particular treatment that is not received by any other distribution? Shouldn't it be merged with Unix & Linux SE? For users ...
Santropedro's user avatar
5 votes
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SE sites to provide official product support (or "The case of Ask Ubuntu")

Firstly, I think that I understand the relation between Stack Overflow and Canonical and the roles of each one in the management of Ask Ubuntu site. Here are some related questions: Does Canonical ...
James's user avatar
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0 votes
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Ask Ubuntu is giving the wrong certificate [duplicate]

When I go to I get an error: When I click advanced it says: This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from This may ...
Tim's user avatar
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Unable to log into AskUbuntu or other Stack Exchange sites

I was unable to log in to AskUbuntu, I was basically stuck on the sign in process. Every time I wanted to log in, after seeing the login page, I used to get signed in automatically (because I have the ...
Javad's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why are "bug report" questions considered offtopic only at Ask Ubuntu? [closed]

Why isn't there a same rule for Stackoverflow, Serverfault, Superuser, Unix & Linux and etc.? Maybe one of the answers is that "Because Ubuntu has public bugtracker and/or is open source". In ...
janot's user avatar
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14 votes
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How should Ask Ubuntu handle old questions and answers? [closed]

Ask Ubuntu will be 4 this year and as we toddle off into the future, we leave a trail of posts behind us. Some are historically excellent, some were never that good and never got answered, and some ...
Oli's user avatar
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7 votes
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The Stack Exchange SSL certificate does not cover Ask Ubuntu or Math Overflow

It looks like HTTPS recently went live on mSO, and so I went looking at the shiny new SSL certificate. Unfortunately, I discovered that it seems to cover all the Stack Exchange sites except for Ask ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why does Ask Ubuntu have a special Top Bar? [duplicate]

I was looking at how the new top bar looks on every Stack Exchange and I wondered. Why do the Linux enthusiasts have a different top bar unique of all Stack Exchange websites ?
ʞunɥdɐpɐɥd's user avatar
0 votes
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Ask Ubuntu as off-topic migration slot [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: More options when flagging for migration Nowadays on Stackoverflow there seem to be a lot Ubuntu-related questions, mostly related to installation of various IDEs and ...
Chris Hasiński's user avatar
3 votes
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Are "historical significance" questions always supposed to be closed?

The Ask Ubuntu question, What IDEs are available for Ubuntu?, has a "historical significance" notice, but is still open. (It seems to be neither closed nor locked.) All questions with the notice that ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
2 votes
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Legal text on Ask Ubuntu Chat needs to be updated

The Terms of Service say, When accessing the,, or sites ("AskUbuntu"), Subscriber will also abide by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which ...
TRiG's user avatar
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-13 votes
2 answers

How to ask a question across multiple Stack Exchange sites? [duplicate]

How do you ask a question on Ask Ubuntu, Server Fault, the Unix and Linux SE, and Super User all at once? My particular question is about Ubuntu so I put it there, but it could easily fit at any of ...
Thufir's user avatar
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68 votes
3 answers

Super User versus Unix & Linux versus Ask Ubuntu

What's the difference between Super User, Unix & Linux, and Ask Ubuntu? In general, what's a rule for deciding where to post a question when I have one (which might apply to any of those three)? ...
dspyz's user avatar
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3 answers

I would like to merge my two accounts

I had an account with AskUbuntu and another one with StackOverflow. I have been trying to merge the two of them. How do I go about it? Thanks. PS: I just realize I might have created a third account ...
Oo Nwoye's user avatar
3 votes
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Ubuntu on Mac: does it belong on Ask Different or on Ask Ubuntu?

Which StackExchange site if preferred when asking questions specific to Apple hardware, but concerning running Ubuntu? Specific example, would be "how to get hardware component X of MacBook Pro ...
vartec's user avatar
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Copy Editor badge problem?

I just got told I had the copy editor badge on Ask Ubuntu. However my gold badge count did not change so I became suspicious. According to Google's cache I had the Copy Editor badge ten days ago. ...
8128's user avatar
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1 vote
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New account has generic name and associations [closed]

Note: the solution is to disassociate accounts and reassociate. Then copy your profile to fix the names. Original I'm pretty confused about account associations. I went over the AskUbuntu site. I ...
dlamblin's user avatar
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