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Questions tagged [association-bonus]

Use this tag for questions related to the +100 reputation award when you reach +200 reputation on any site.

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8 votes
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Seeing the follow questions popup on sites I have more than 15 rep [duplicate]

When the follow questions/answers feature was rolled out, it included a popup notifying users about it. There was a feature request asking for it to be globally dismissible, and Yaakov Ellis mentioned ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
  • 3,233
51 votes
0 answers

Let's prevent association bonus abuse

The association bonus grants otherwise no-rep users a lot of privileges. That's good if we trust them (great even, since it allows us to flag spam across the network), but could be terrible if we don'...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 56.4k
2 votes
0 answers

After 2 accounts were merged, I didn't receive the reputation bonus on one site [duplicate]

I recently created a new account on the Parenting Stack Exchange site, and in the course of 3 days, earned ≈400 reputation. I later realized that my other accounts hadn't received the reputation bonus,...
rando's user avatar
  • 129
6 votes
1 answer

How do I get the association bonus if someone moved my post to another Stack Exchange site?

I originally asked the question Which heat pad content materials will keep me warm the longest? on Physics Stack Exchange - it was my first question on the site - and I think I got the association ...
Kjara's user avatar
  • 163
10 votes
1 answer

Is showing the +100 in the top bar on joining a new site with the association bonus considered intentional today?

For years, whenever I've joined a new site, I've seen a +100 in green in the top bar on the achievement dropdown. I've always thought that this was part of the system's design. I've never been annoyed ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

I did not start with 101 rep on a new site, despite doing so before

I came originally from SO and I know when I joined SF, SU, and programmers.SE, I started with 101 rep with a gracious in-network bonus - or whatever y'all call it. I recently joined outdoors.SE and ...
M Babcock's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Should we prevent "Improve this Question" from appearing when a user has 200 reputation on another site?

When a user gains 200 reputation on any site, the association bonus applies as soon as they join the site. However before they join, they are treated as a 1 rep user. This means that "Improve ...
Anonymous's user avatar
  • 1,364
6 votes
2 answers

Why do some users have an association bonus even if they are not in any other Stack Exchange sites? [duplicate]

Why do some users have an association bonus even if they are not in any other Stack Exchange sites (as shown in their profile)? P.S.- I came across many users recently (like this one or this one).
Eisenstein's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

What happens to users who request deletion of their accounts, who both qualify for immediate deletion and for staff to preserve their votes?

To provide context: For a long while, there's been a feature where users who request deletion of their accounts and meet certain criteria for low activity have their account deleted immediately, ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

What happens to the associaton bonus if an user is deleted and then recreate on a site? [duplicate]

This question came to mind while reading a comment on another question about loosing privileges dues to bounties. Suppose an user has enough rep on a site to get the association bonus on their other ...
ꓢPArcheon's user avatar
  • 34.8k
2 votes
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Include "the association bonus doesn't count" message in a protected question label [duplicate]

While reading a deleted post from Meta Stack Exchange at, I saw one of the older "protected question" labels: And then I saw one of the newer protected labels (this ...
Ollie's user avatar
  • 26.9k
9 votes
0 answers

Bounties and deletion feature abuse [duplicate]

I have a potential exploit for the association bonus awarded and the bounty system. Primarily, it deals with reputation-inflation. Initiation and motivation: Most of us at least have 200 reputation ...
Fourier Pikachu's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Association bonus (+100 rep) and site disconnection bug?

Bug 1: Association bonuses for no apparent reason. This user joined our stack with 101 rep (from the association bonus). On checking rep I see one other stack with 101 rep, and one stack with 1 rep. ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is reputation's association bonuses' link leads to a 404

Go on any What is reputation? page. (Tested on Meta Meta, Code Review and Travel) In the "How do I earn reputation?" section below the list there is a link for association bonuses. Click on &...
Peilonrayz's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is all reputation equal, or was this a bug? [duplicate]

Due to long use and positive reputation across other stack exchange sites, I've started getting 100 reputation immediately on joining a new stack-exchange site. A question interested me in a site I ...
HumanJHawkins's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Why do some users (still) not have the association bonus? [duplicate]

From this post on Meta SO I understand that the change in the value of question upvotes from +5 to +10 led to a bug resulting in some users not receiving the association bonuses. That question is now ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why this user hasn't got the association bonus on Super User [duplicate]

This user has more than 200 rep. On Stack overflow but why he hasn't got the +100 association bonus on Super User? Link to user:
Wasif's user avatar
  • 207
9 votes
1 answer

Have multiple site accounts and enough reputation to qualify for the association bonus, but didn't receive it

Is it still a thing? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. Ask Ubuntu: 264 Meta SE: 81 Linguistics: 56 Area 51: 51 (spooky!) Super User: 33 Unix & Linux: 3 Stack Overflow | User Experience | Bicyles | ...
Moilleadóir's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is the Association Bonus not showing up as privilege in the Help Center?

Why is qualifying for the association bonus (at 200 reputation) not mentioned in the privileges list in the Help Center?
LegendusMaximus's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Bug in account reputation association?

I found out recently that if you have over 200 rep in a stackexchange community, you are supposed to receive +100 rep on all stackexchange sites you are a part of. Despite having over 300 rep on ...
Will's user avatar
  • 287
3 votes
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Did I merge my accounts or not?

Today I managed to recover the password of my old account and wanted to merge it with my new one. I changed the email address of the old account to the same one which is saved in my new account. I ...
qwerty's user avatar
  • 139
4 votes
1 answer

Mark 200 reputation in the privilege ladder

Despite being an important mark, the reaching of 200 reputation is not marked in the privilege ladder. The achievement grant in fact some privileges around the SE network Qualification for an ...
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Am I hacked? Or what happened with my reputation? [duplicate]

I just logged in- and.. I am worried. Is it okay? Just to make sure, I don't use and never wished to use and never used a hacking engine.
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Association bonus after deleting the network profile

If you use SE and get the association bonus, proceed to delete your profiles from all SE sites and have your network profile deleted, and then create a new SE profile using the same credentials, will ...
user571469's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Joining new SE site with association bonus: +98 rep visual glitch [duplicate]

I just joined Code Review SE and was surprised by this visual glitch: It says "+98" on the top right corner, but the popup clearly states "+100". I can think of 2 possibilities: I started with 2 rep ...
Xcoder's user avatar
  • 373
-10 votes
1 answer

Remove "be nice new user" message from users who are active in other sites on the network [duplicate]

This answer is clearly not answering the question (examples before 1950), and is marked a new user, but has a 61K+ reputation on another site (stack overflow) and thus we shouldn't have to explain the ...
Guy Schalnat's user avatar
10 votes
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In the last hours, why do new users with the association bonus think that Web Applications is about developing web apps rather than using them?

On Web Applications today, May 17, 2019 GMT-5, we've received several questions about developing web applications from new users with the association bonus (reputation = 101). We have always had this ...
Rubén's user avatar
  • 16k
10 votes
1 answer

Can a user make two accounts that both get the site reputation bonus at 200 rep then merge the two accounts, getting the association bonus twice?

If an alternate account earns 200 reputation and gets the association bonus, then the alternate account is merged with a different account that also has earned the association bonus, do both bonuses ...
Jodast's user avatar
  • 257
-14 votes
2 answers

Association bonus conflicts with 'Trusted User' privilege

When you hit 200 reputation on any Stack Exchange site, you are met with the prompt: You've earned a bonus 100 reputation because we trust you on other sites in the network. The key part is: ...
Lordology's user avatar
  • 845
-19 votes
1 answer

Increase trusted user rep bonus on a new site to 125 from 100

When a user trusted on other sites joins a new site, they get 100 free rep. This should be changed to 125, so that trusted users don't have to wait 40 minutes between posting questions. Alternatively,...
Nick's user avatar
  • 127
2 votes
2 answers

The association bonus does not persist as advertised and "Altruistic" users are penalized

The association bonus FAQ says: This bonus gives users who have shown some basic understanding of how the Stack Exchange system works a boost past the initial site restrictions on sites where they ...
Awesome Poodles's user avatar
1 vote
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Is the site association bonus taken into account for Brunhilde hat? [duplicate]

The Brunhilde hat is described as: earn 150 reputation points on three different sites (not including Stack Overflow) within 15 days. Does the +100 site association bonus count towards the ...
alecxe's user avatar
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4 votes
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Am I trusted or not? [duplicate]

A few minutes ago I registered on Meta. I received 100 rep points because you trust me on other sites. You've earned a bonus of 100 reputation because we trust you on other sites in the network I ...
Patrick's user avatar
  • 199
2 votes
1 answer

Wrong association bonus point number shown while joining Space Exploration community [duplicate]

Recently I had joined to Space Exploration community. Though I have receive 100 association bonus point, wrong number was shown as notification.
Kiran Shahi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Users with only the association bonus can answer protected questions on per-site metas

A user on Photography has only 103 rep, and has the association bonus rights. So their rep without the association bonus is 3. Yet they were able to post this answer to a protected question on the ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
8 votes
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Should protected questions prevent the comment privilege from the association bonus? [duplicate]

At 1 rep, a user can post, i.e. ask a question or post an answer to a question. They must earn sufficient rep to be able to comment. Users with the association bonus get 100 points added, so a new ...
Cool Fool's user avatar
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-22 votes
1 answer

Proposing multiple association bonuses

Stack Exchange only has one 100-reputation association bonus awarded when one of your accounts crosses the 200 reputation mark. This is a problem because a user can have access to moderator tools at ...
user298438's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Should we use the number "110 reputation" more widely with regards to the amount of rep needed to answer protected questions?

Please note: This is not a request to do anything. I'd like to obtain a general consensus before filing specific requests for specific changes. We apparently get quite a bit of confusion from users ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why do we use [bonus-reputation] instead of [association-bonus]? Let's not!

Everyone calls it the "association bonus". Is there a historical reason for this? Can we please at least synonymize the two or (preferably for me) make association-bonus the master tag? On our FAQ ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 111k
3 votes
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Remove user restrictions privilege "earned" at 101 rep with association bonus only? [duplicate]

I know that as a new user(or one with only the association bonus like me), one cannot post answers to protected questions, like this one: However, I noticed something very strange. When I click on ...
Xcoder's user avatar
  • 373
5 votes
1 answer

Association bonus not awarded when joining new site, plus profile not updated

I just joined While joining Error page appeared (error page does not specify any details but URL indicates openid error?) I noticed I did not receive association bonus and ...
Piro's user avatar
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-17 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to remove restrictions from StackExchange sites manually?

I am a relative newbie on Stack Exchange, and use the same single-sign-on account to log in to all of the Stack Exchange websites. I understand that reputation and badges are counted separately for ...
Andrew Lau's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What exactly is threshold for answering protected questions? [duplicate]

This is said in the FAQ Privileges not tied to a specific threshold To answer protected questions, you need to gain 10 reputation on the site – the association bonus does not count. In ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Association bonus for combined reputation across multiple Stack Exchange sites

The Association Bonus is awarded when one of your linked accounts has reached 200 reputation points, and as a result, all associated accounts are given a 100 point bonus. The bonus is awarded because ...
MechtEngineer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How does the Site Association Bonus Work?

I was reading the FAQ on the site association bonus and it raised a number of questions on it. I have looked at other answers for questions similar but I have still got a number of questions. If I ...
Jake Symons's user avatar
1 vote
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Haven't received association bonus on Arqade

I have over 200 reputation in Stack Overflow for a long time now. On all sites I joined, I got the association bonus, e.g. in Movies.SE I got it when joining back in July 2017. Also, on sites I ...
Mibac's user avatar
  • 137
0 votes
1 answer

Reputation history stuck at yesterday after association bonus on Stack Overflow

After I got my association bonus yesterday, my reputation stopped increasing. With the bonus 100 rep, I got a total of 165 reputation yesterday. And today I wrote some answers and I got 1 up-vote ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Let's raise the privilege to set bounties to something that needs having been active in the site [duplicate]

In User signing up to many stackexchange sites and offering the association bonus as a bounty a case is being discussed about a user that got 200 reputation in one of the Stack Exchange sites and ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
30 votes
1 answer

User signing up to many stackexchange sites and offering the association bonus as a bounty

This user has a lot of communities joined today and 1 rep They seem to be methodically signing up to sites and then offering the 100 rep association bonus as a bounty. Is this a problem? Should the ...
Martin Smith's user avatar
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5 votes
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Where do people's reputation bonuses come from? What impact do these reputation bonuses have on site development?

When a user joins a new Stack Exchange site, if they have 200 or more reputation on at least one other site, they get +100 reputation on the new site. This allows them to avoid some of the ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 55.4k