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6 votes
0 answers

Stack Snippets console message formatting fails at interpreting a doubled percent sign

Both of the lines below, using the console message formatting syntax, are supposed to print "%" to the console twice, and they indeed do in the native developer consoles of Chromium, Firefox ...
5 votes
0 answers

Indented Stack Snippets don’t render well

This Markdown: - foo if (Math.random() < 0.5) { console.log("hello, world!"); } else { console.log("goodbye, cruel world!"); } Renders as: foo > > ...
3 votes
0 answers

The code snippet window sometimes doesn't close

The code snippet window sometimes doesn't close. Below is an example of this issue on SO with Chrome + Windows 10 when I was writing a question, which prevented me from continuing to write the ...
16 votes
1 answer

Code snippet link text conflicts with underline in Firefox

On my browser, the Show code snippet link for the code snippet alert("This is some example code"); renders as follows: It looks like the line and the text are in separate elements, allowing ...
14 votes
0 answers

Snippet button missing on Staging Ground question creation

I've been wondering why there is no 'create snippet' button when asking a question on Stack Overflow! I found this meta post asking where it was 7 months ago and staff mentioned that it was being ...
7 votes
0 answers

Stack Snippet is not supported on mobile devices - time to reconsider it

There have been a couple of cases when I wanted to write an answer on my iPhone and ran into non-working stack snippets editor, only to be greeted with magnificent error: not supported on mobile. Well,...
12 votes
1 answer

Editor in "Ask Question" page has two snippet icons

There are two snippet icons displayed in the question's body Markdown editing tool. Clicking on both icons opens the snippet section. I am able to reproduce this on Meta Stack Exchange and Stack ...
23 votes
1 answer

Who sniped the snippet?

I am trying to ask a question on Stack Overflow but the code snippet button is missing for some reason. Expecting this Currently Available How can I bring back the code snippet?
4 votes
0 answers

Appearance of HTML and CSS snippet is changing when it is indented

Today I was editing this question to change the formatting of its code into a runnable snippet. Once I configured the snippet, Stack Overflow would not let me submit my question because it thought ...
4 votes
0 answers

Snippets in nested list items break nesting in post preview

Similar to "Why aren't runnable code snippets formatted correctly within lists?" (which appears to be resolved), when a snippet is in an item in a nested markdown list, it breaks the nesting....
6 votes
0 answers

Indenting interactive interpreter invokes interesting interactions [duplicate]

Stack Snippets still attempt to be rendered when indented or within code fences. This behaviour was first observed "in the wild" on this (now deleted) answer on Stack Overflow and in ...
8 votes
0 answers

A small problem when using "Tidy" to format JS in the "Code Sandbox" if the code uses "dynamic import"

When creating an answer to the question, I drew attention to the incorrect formatting of the JS code via "Tidy" in "Code Snippet" when using "dynamic import" in the code. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Alignment bug of Run Code Snippet buttons after approving suggested edit

I approved a suggested edit on this post by clicking the edit link directly on the post. After approving the edit it seems the "Run code snippet" buttons are vertically aligned in the diff ...
2 votes
0 answers

Stack Snippet console styles can be overriden [duplicate]

While editing a post I put the code into a runnable Stack Snippet and noticed that the styles affected the console: console.log('good luck reading this when the console wrapper dimensions are ...
11 votes
1 answer

Is there something wrong with the snippets?

I posted a question on Code Review. It did not meet the standards and was closed. I asked the same question on Stack Overflow. While the code in Code Review produces error, the code in Stack Overflow ...
5 votes
1 answer

How do I force Stack Snippets to render as a code block?

Usually, posting blocks of code on Stack Exchange websites is very simple: You can indent everything by 4 spaces. Both lines are indented by 4 spaces. or ``` You can start and end the code ...
4 votes
0 answers

If you run a code snippet, a hat still appears (hats are above snippets in the Z-order) [duplicate]

If you run a code snippet, a hat still appears. Steps to repro: Go to a question where there is a snippet and where the OP wear a hat well, if you find that hard, just go here. rowspan not changing ...
1 vote
1 answer

Bug when running code snippet [closed]

I discovered a bug in the code editor. The following code has two videos, which should automatically play if the video is in the viewport and pause if the video is not in the viewport anymore. This ...
9 votes
0 answers

JavaScript code snippet Tidy function injects a separating space into the null coalesce operator

For JavaScript snippets, the Tidy feature injects a space between the question marks that compose the nullish coalescing operator ??[1]. Example: Prior to Tidy: console.log(((a, b) => { return a ?...
8 votes
1 answer

Snippets can be formatted in monospace

Example answer with bug. By indenting the snippet generating comments, you can make a pretty odd snippet style, where the button titles are shown in a monospaced font. let test = "Hello, world!";...
6 votes
0 answers

Inline diff view in revision history breaks runnable code snippets

When viewing the inline diff view in the revision history of a post, pressing the "Run code snippet" button tries to concatenate both revisions:
12 votes
1 answer

Clicking to reload an updated answer removes the code snippet buttons and removes syntax highlighting

If you are looking at an answer with a code snippet in it, and the answerer updates the answer, you see An edit has been made (etc.). If you click that, the answer is refreshed, but the code snippet ...
17 votes
1 answer

Ejecutar (Run) button background is the same color of the button text: white

This is related to Submit buttons change color when hovering on non-English Stack Overflow sites, but in this case it's a problem because the button background is the same color as the button text: ...
9 votes
0 answers

I cannot type certain special characters in the snippet editor

When using the snippet editor, I cannot type the following characters: : (deletes the next word instead) = (moves cursor forward a word instead) I assume this is because the snippet editor uses ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why aren't runnable code snippets formatted correctly within lists?

Consider the following code snippet. console.log("this line is all right"); console.log("but this line is indented"); This should be a part of the same bullet point but it's not. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Broken view after expanding a snippet

Find a post with Stack Snippet (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) and go for "Expand snippet", for example this one. I got this strange view on Chrome 70 (Windows 10):
0 votes
0 answers

Code snippet has a different behavior on Chrome when running in modal or post

I am using Chrome on a Mac, and noticed that some snippets were not working as expected. The interesting part is that when you edit the snippet (on the modal) they run fine; but when you run the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Options from HTML select inside a Stack Overflow question or answer will be positioned fixed [closed]

As the title already tells: When someone is answering a question or creating a question with a fiddle inside and when this fiddle contains a HTML <select> element, the child <option> ...
2 votes
0 answers

Icons in snippet editor don't match link color

On sites with non-blue accent colors, the icons next to the "Tidy" and "Reset" links in the snippet editor stay blue and don't match the accent color. For example, on Code Golf:
1 vote
0 answers

The Snippets console is getting truncated too severely

Plenty of Snippets don't need HTML and just put their results in the console. See an example below. The problem is that the console only displays the last 50 lines -- which completely borks some ...
7 votes
0 answers

Snippet CSS content is corrupting the console display

I have encountered a bug in the Stack Overflow snippet interface. I have created a div and wrote some css in the CSS section for the same. I noticed that the div CSS content is affecting the console ...
5 votes
0 answers

Links overlap on snippets

With certain screen widths, the “Hide results” and “Full page” links on snippets overlap (e.g. here, you need to run the code snippet to repro) Using a smaller or bigger width makes the page ...
3 votes
1 answer

Getting JS Error while clicking Copy Snippet to answer

To answer this question, I hit "Copy Snippet To Answer" button. But nothing happened. So that I checked my console and found below error. I did hard refresh and checked for the same, still getting ...
4 votes
0 answers

Increase min-height on SE code snippets to prevent scrollbar from blocking code [duplicate]

When using Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow, anytime there's a one-line code snippet with a horizontal scrollbar, the majority of the code becomes covered. I am using Chrome v72.0.3626.109. Looks ...
4 votes
0 answers

Vertical scroll bar overlaps top static bar

In attached image, Vertical scrollbar just overlaps when code snippets is too big and am scrolling up on code snippet area that time vertical scroll will overlap to top static bar.
1 vote
1 answer

Can not create Stack Snippet with YouTube API

When writing How to remove event listener on Youtube player?, I tried to create a Stack Snippet but I could not add the YouTube API client, which was needed to display the issue. The client is on ...
4 votes
0 answers

Snippet editor for touch devices can be opened if you show perseverance

Opening a code snippet editor via the button from the toolbar cannot be used on touch screen devices like my iPad, i.e. I see the following notice: But occasionally tapping code snippet button ...
11 votes
0 answers

Code snippet comments in code formatting break the formatting of the post

When special HTML comments used for snippets are present in a post, these comments break the rendering of the post. For example, consider the following markdown code (notice that the whole thing is ...
2 votes
0 answers

Console on snippet going behind contents

I was googling for a code and I reached this Stack Overflow page. Owl Carousel on change not working I tried running the code in answer and it will log something in console in every slide change. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is the behaviour of code snippets correct, when doing a review task?

I was reviewing a post, and it looked to me that it had an obvious error in its code-- but it had a Code Snippet button, so I decided to click it to make sure this obvious error was there. Sure ...
3 votes
1 answer

While undeleting deleted answer, the snippet seems missing

Yesterday I made an answer to this question Why does width and height affect how a flex item is rendered?. I got some downvotes and so I decided to check am I missed something. I temporarily deleted ...
3 votes
0 answers

Repeating Run Code Snippet row when other answer gets reloaded

In a nutshell, this is the problem: You have an answer with a code snippet. There's another answer that just got updated. You see the "an edit has..." message and click on it. The moment, the other ...
6 votes
0 answers

Can't run Stack code Snippets on the mobile site

Is it a known issue that stack snippets don't have the "Run code snippet" button underneath on the mobile version of the site? Searching for this yielded nothing, both on MSE and MSO. I've posted a ...
11 votes
1 answer

New code snippet causes error on submit?

StackOverflow's editor seem to have changed, or to be more precise, the settings for the snippet editor that allow to run code in questions/answers have changed. The snippets are now executed in a ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why is there a script error in all Stack Snippets?

I am not sure whether this has been asked before or not, or if anyone else has this problem. I get this "script error" everytime I execute any script in the code snippet tool of Stack Overflow. I have ...
1 vote
0 answers

Dojo Toolkit (Dijit) example does not work in Stack Snippet

This snippet is adapted from The snippet works in FireFox, but Chrome gives a browser error: Uncaught ...
1 vote
0 answers

Snack snippets sandbox makes Chrome web browser unresponsive

The sandbox linked to in the [snack-snippets] tag wiki makes my browser sluggish/unresponsive. My CPU usage jumps to 25%, so I think there are either too many snippets, or some of them require too ...
2 votes
0 answers

Code snippet editor is not loading in Chrome!

I don't know whether this is a bug or security issue with chrome. But I'm getting a screen like this when I click on the snippet button. Any help would be helpful. Chrome Console This is what I'm ...
7 votes
1 answer

Typo in Stack Snippets: "Javascript" should be "JavaScript"

That's not a pluralization bug, so I shouldn't expect Jeff coming to my house with a giant "S", right?
2 votes
0 answers

Snippet console.log() return different value than browser console

Not sure why the console.log() in my snippet return different value of the browser developer console : You could see that it return an empty array [] instead of filled one like console below. The ...