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55 votes
3 answers

Capitalization of post action links is causing multiple rows of links

Just now, all the post action links at the bottom of a post suddenly are capitalized and slightly bigger. Which in general is nice, but sometimes they're now in double rows, and inconsistently too: ...
Tinkeringbell's user avatar
  • 41.2k
2 votes
1 answer

Winter Bash has ended, but the hats metadata still seems to be available

Winter Bash 2020 has ended, but I discovered an old Stack Overflow tab from a few days earlier which still had the snowflake hats icon on top. To my surprise, when I clicked it, I still got my list ...
Tim Biegeleisen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

My Hat Dash record scores don't show only until I play one round - winter bash

I sometimes play Hat Dash, but I also want to see my record scores. But I realize that when you click the Hat Dash button, your top scores do not show, it's is just a big blank space below the unicorn....
U13-Forward's user avatar
  • 8,878
3 votes
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Another potential problem with the Edward hat

I think I meet the criteria for the Edward hat: Each day during a 5-day period, ask a positively scored question and have no negatively scored, closed or deleted questions. Date Question(s) ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
6 votes
1 answer

How do the Hat Dash points work?

I know this seems like a simple question - I had just assumed that your points were directly related to the amount of time spent in the game. But my top scores table definitely shows situations where ...
David K's user avatar
  • 2,992
3 votes
2 answers

Tripped on a speck of dust in Hat Dash

I was waiting for my code to compile, but suddenly while playing I died for no apparent reason!
Kroltan's user avatar
  • 235
3 votes
1 answer

Hat dash stats not matching the leaderboard

When I finish a game in Hat Dash, it says: Games played: 239 over 152.3 minutes When I look on the all-time leaderboard, it says: User Minutes Total Games kylejrp 130.92 133 I'm aware that games ...
Kyle Pollard's user avatar
  • 7,743
4 votes
2 answers

Winter Bash Rep Hunter hat not delivering

I was checking my answers and I counted that I have ten answers with positive score, but I wonder why I am not getting the Rep Hunter hat? Isn't the trigger to have 10 answers all upvoted in one day? ...
U13-Forward's user avatar
  • 8,878
-2 votes
2 answers

Where can I report scoring bugs?

I found a scoring bug in the Hat Dash Game! Where can I report step by step to reach this bug? I had read this page and thought I would create a bug report with the steps to reproduce it here, but I ...
Yusuf T's user avatar
  • 123
9 votes
1 answer

Why didn't I get a "Jump for Joy" notification this morning?

To earn the right to play the Hat Dash game, you need to first get the "Jump for Joy" notification: I didn't get this notification in my inbox or Winter-bash drop-down (first notification I ...
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

No Hat Dash Button

I just realized I should see a "Hat Dash" button on winterbash home page when logged in: However, no such button for me: Can I please get the button too?
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

"Flashlight" hat not awarded with theme set to "System setting" when dark mode engages

Not sure if this is intentional or not; however, given the description is "Try Dark Mode" and not "Set the theme to Dark Mode", I figured I'd bring it up. At least under Safari 14....
JMY1000's user avatar
  • 231
10 votes
1 answer

CommonMark regression: image embed exclamation sign syntax broken after <p> tag

I ran into a regression change in the post formatting engine CommonMark. If you try to embed an image using the exclamation sign syntax ![foo][bar] and the paragraph starts with a <p> or <hr&...
b_jonas's user avatar
  • 714
-20 votes
1 answer

For what it's worth, 'four' is missing transparency

On the Winter Bash 2020 countdown page (which is awesome, by the way!), I couldn't help spotting this: All digits except four have transparency in their internal parts. Poor four doesn't. Can it ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Close vote retraction confirmation prompt incorrectly says re-voting is never allowed

There is an existing feature-request, Allow another close vote after retraction, that is marked as completed. Per that request, it is now possible to vote to close a question again after retracting a ...
Michael Freidgeim's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Ads should not cause a content shift

I recently joined a few Stack Exchange sites on which I don't have the reduce ads privilege yet. The issue I experienced happens with the two "leaderboard" style ads that are displayed to ...
publicdomain's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Question bookmarks are not removed if my account is deleted

I can add an indefinite number of bookmarks to a question by bookmarking the question, deleting my account, and repeating. Bookmarks are not removed on account deletion. Is this behavior intentional? ...
RevolutionaryDuck3134's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Cannot view all inbox items without creating a Meta Stack Exchange account

When I click "View all inbox items," if I hadn't joined the Meta community, it will redirect my to "Confirm new account" for Meta. For some reason, I need to have a profile on Meta ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

HTML comments break formatting from that point

I was writing up a signpost support question on our site meta. That post included a link which would need to be updated to another such question once asked. I therefore wanted to include an HTML ...
Someone_Evil's user avatar
  • 2,338
2 votes
2 answers

Profile preview does not work for all posts

If you know, there is something like popover in all posts' authors area. So when I hover the author's avatar, I get some information about him. So, this does not work for all posts.
Michael Adams's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Received inbox message about election that is underway, but there is no active election on the site

Just saw this: In words: The Stack Overflow 2020 community moderator election is underway — nominations now being accepted. However, when clicking the message, I was greeted with: Or in words: ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Deleted comments on followed posts persist in the global inbox

I think the title says most of it, but when you follow a post you get notifications in your inbox about comments made on those posts. These notifications persist even after the comment is deleted even ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

"Go get it" button on editing badges has been removed on all other sites; should it be removed on this site too?

On Meta Stack Exchange, when tracking any of the editing badges (Editor, Strunk & White, or Copy Editor), opening the progress dialog shows a button to "Go get it". Upon clicking, you're ...
Spevacus's user avatar
  • 29.1k
13 votes
1 answer

Line after blockquote in spoiler not a spoiler?

When putting a blockquote in a spoiler, the line(s) after the blockquote are not hidden; this does not seem to be the behaviour I would expect? Hovering over the spoiler reveals the hidden text as ...
Kralc's user avatar
  • 241
1 vote
1 answer

Fenced code markdowns in posts before 2019 doesn't render correctly

This answer on Ask Ubuntu was posted in October 2016. The last revision was made then only and there answerer used fenced code markdown (```) which at that moment wasn't introduced on Stack Exchange. ...
Kulfy's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Line between number of answers and answers has vanished

I just saw now that the line between the number of answers on a question, and the answers to that question, has vanished: There used to be a gray line between those two parts (where the red ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
-19 votes
2 answers

Grammatical error in consent banner

I found a grammatical error in the consent banner (the banner at the bottom): "understand" should be changed to "understood". So the banner content would become: By using our site, you acknowledge ...
Agha Saad's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

congratulations for wrong badge [duplicate]

I got a notification “You’ve earned the "modular-arithmetic" tag badge”. However, when I clicked on it, I got congratulations for the last tag (card-games), for which I’d ...
joriki's user avatar
  • 923
4 votes
1 answer

Can't comment on blog article

Tried to comment on this article for the first time but it said "Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!" (which is a Wordpress message). Why? Is this a bug? What am I ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 297
-17 votes
1 answer

I click upvote, the score becomes negative one (from zero) [closed]

I was trying to upvote an answer, but the score became negative rather than positive.
malthe's user avatar
  • 107
7 votes
1 answer

Some posts from users who are not "new" users (e.g., one with over 620 answers & about 18,000 rep.) ending up in the First Posts queue

The Math SE post Do most numbers have exactly $3$ prime factors? currently has 2 answers. The top of the timeline for the question is Note the question's user SmallestUncomputableNumber has over 1,...
John Omielan's user avatar
  • 14.9k
8 votes
1 answer

Question deleted under RemoveDeadQuestions does not show negative score at deletion time

A question deleted under RemoveDeadQuestions does not show negative vote at deletion time. From the question timeline (link needs mod access on Earth Science SE): At score 0, it should be removed ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 9,409
0 votes
1 answer

Incorrect Tag Scores in Profile Activity Summary [duplicate]

Issue: My profile summary on SO Meta shows that I have one answer and all of that answer's current tags show in the Tag section, however the points of the answer do not align with the points of (all) ...
JFoxx64's user avatar
  • 1,375
1 vote
1 answer

Tiny communities list block on the Edit Profile Page Has something been changed recently? On the communities page the whole block was narrowed. Cause of this css rule: .wmx5 { max-...
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

"Posts as guests" are logged as different users using the same email address

SO.ja allows "Post as a guest" and in some cases using the same email address, but it's recorded as a different account. We need to repeatedly comment on how to merge accounts. Is this behavior ...
cubick's user avatar
  • 3,058
3 votes
1 answer

Autocomplete (@-tab-complete) of a username sometimes fails

When we comment about others' answers or questions, we may want to notify the other user. As far as I known, we can type @username_you_want to mention the user you want get in touch with. Most times ...
Travis's user avatar
  • 157
6 votes
1 answer

Did the kerning/leading just change on SE?

It's very slight, but I just ran through all my SE tabs in Safari refreshing one after the other, as I do a hundred times a day [when I'm bored] & everything on each page just spaced a tiny bit ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
  • 7,607
12 votes
1 answer

Duplicate deletion (same time) in question timeline

Impressed by how quickly a post on Academia SE was correctly flagged as spam, I looked at the timeline for Academia post 142860 (10k on Academia required) — it was deleted 58 seconds after posting, ...
gerrit's user avatar
  • 9,409
14 votes
1 answer

Trailing hyphens are ignored in tag suggestions

Trailing hyphens are ignored in tag suggestions. Example from, tested in Chrome for Android: Typing la- should have brought up la-paz instead of the five suggestions ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Sponsored tags no longer show appropriate icon

Sponsored tags no longer show appropriate icon next to tag name. For instance, Android tag had green Android logo, that is no longer there: While it is always possible that some tag is no longer ...
Resistance Is Futile's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is there a bug in the Mother of Dragons trigger?

The secret hat 'Mother of Dragons' has the following trigger: More specifically: I have asked a question a week ago on Earth Science: Does the geothermal activity influence the climate in Iceland? ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
14 votes
1 answer

Names of close-voters are not visible in the post notice but in the revision history and timeline

I am not a user with close/reopen votes privileges on Travel Stack Exchange, therefore I can't see the names of the close voters in this question: However, they are visible when going to the revision ...
double-beep's user avatar
  • 6,341
7 votes
1 answer

Where does that border come from?

Since today, post notices do have a blue border: As you can see in the images in the post notices rollout Q&A that these used to have a gray-ish border. Either the colors have been updated ...
Jonas Wilms's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

I am wearing a hat which I am not supposed to have

Most of us got "Glasses With A Number On Top" hat by mistake and by default I was wearing it from start but that hat was put back in the suitcase by SE but I am still wearing it: It should have been ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
  • 7,616
8 votes
2 answers

Why wasn't I notified of new privileges I gained as a result of the recent reputation recalculation?

FYI: In the rep recalculation for questions, privileges didn't follow. Today, a single upvote on this question, which constitutes all my activity on that site since recalculation, triggered the ...
WBT's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Snippets can be formatted in monospace

Example answer with bug. By indenting the snippet generating comments, you can make a pretty odd snippet style, where the button titles are shown in a monospaced font. let test = "Hello, world!";...
David Wheatley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Weird boxes in question title and body

I've just noticed these weird boxes in this specific question. Is this normal or does this look like a bug? It even appears in this link-generated sentence: Javascript line-height Property with █████...
customcommander's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

New Post Notices are reverted to old ones

As of today I not longer see new Post Notices across SE sites. They are all reverted to old ones. Question with old notice on Stack Overflow Question with old notice on Code Review Question with ...
Resistance Is Futile's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Self-learner badge has been incorrectly awarded

In the famous Why is SE removing links and community ads about legal issues? question by Juan M. he has been awarded the Self-Learner badge with his infamous answer. But: The question is not his. ...
Miquel Coll's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Single use tags are not deleted after six months if they were recreated via a rollback

The question Understanding risks of logging into Stack Exchange sites from a shared computer or network has two tags which have only been used once and have no tag excerpt or wiki: shared-devices and ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k

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