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Filtering unread inbox notifications only displays items that are unread in the summary list and not all unread items

I currently have 2 inbox notifications marked as unread. One is a relatively recent notification (yesterday) and the other is a relatively low priority item that has been sitting around since 2022-12-...
Henry Ecker's user avatar
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"Answer migrated" message not shown in inbox screen in app

Today, an answer of mine was migrated from Meta Stack Exchange to Meta Super User. While I do recall seeing a '1' on the inbox icon in the app, I can't see the message itself: The message is only ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Inbox number wrong?

Edit: Feature-request: Add a "stack count" before stacked messages to reduce possible confusion. Like [2] comment on QUESTION Whenever someone posts an answer to your question, or a comment ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Update moderator election post comment notification link [duplicate]

Ever since the Primary voting started, the inbox notification links for comments on nominations is broken. Clicking on the notification used to take you directly to the candidates nomination post ...
Raghav Sood's user avatar
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Inbox functionality has something left to be desired

The inbox hasn't been very nice to me. Often I will see a red number at the top left of the page, indicating that I have some new alerts in my inbox. It is a useful feature and I would definitely ...
Peter Olson's user avatar
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