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Where is the notification in the app when a post of mine is edited?

Today in the app I was told I had three unread messages in my inbox but I only saw two: This is because the “answer edited” message only shows up on the website: Can this be fixed? App ...
Laurel's user avatar
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"Answer migrated" message not shown in inbox screen in app

Today, an answer of mine was migrated from Meta Stack Exchange to Meta Super User. While I do recall seeing a '1' on the inbox icon in the app, I can't see the message itself: The message is only ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Inbox and achievement navigation bar buttons are too close together

The inbox and achievement buttons are now a lot closer together than they were. It may not seem like much but even my skinny fingers struggle to hit the right button... and I know some fat fingered ...
Cai's user avatar
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Inbox message in app shows HTML encoded characters

I can't remember if is has always been like this, but the recent update seems to break the encoding of messages in the inbox in the iOS app: This happens in the achievements box too: Can ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
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iPad app inbox "stuck"

In the iPad app the inbox shows unread notifications as a badge. When you tap on the icon a list pops up with the unread notices subtly highlighted in light blue. After you tap on one of the notices ...
Ex Umbris's user avatar
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iOS app doesn't show edit notifications in the inbox [duplicate]

Viewing SE in a desktop browser, I get edit notifications in the inbox: But in the iOS app (version 1.2.2), I do not see edit notifications in the inbox:
pacoverflow's user avatar
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iOS app crashes selecting comment from inbox

All was well in 0.1.56, then 0.1.57 started crashing, fixed in 0.1.58, returned in 0.1.59. All that fun happened here: App version 0.1.57 keeps crashing Selecting any comment from the inbox crashes ...
mhlester's user avatar
  • 11.5k
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Crash adding comment

The SE iOS app crashes when adding comments to certain posts. It was discovered to be if the "Add an Answer" button was visible, not just responding to a deleted comment. Edited to match answer. ...
mhlester's user avatar
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Should clicking on inbox items remove them from the new inbox items on the site? [duplicate]

After getting an inbox notification in the app, clicking on the notification de-highlights it in the app but does not acknowledge the notification on the site itself. Should it do so?
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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