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13 votes
1 answer

What's up with this post and what appears to be double careers ads in the same post?

Coming here from a Hot Network Question (everyone's favorite way to get site visitors), I happened to notice on this question: Looks like there are now careers ads embedded into posts, apparently as ...
enderland's user avatar
  • 20.2k
0 votes
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Confusing and Logout button not working on top right corner

Today I was using Stack Overflow Careers when I noticed a confusing flow in your site. I believe it should be addressed or if it is due to some logic please explain it to me. I am including the ...
tayyab nawaz sulehri's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Stack Exchange Career, at "Improve your CV" I am asked "Link to a Stack Exchange network account" but "StackExchange" is excluded from that list :-(

Stack Exchange Career. At the tip section "Improve your CV" in the right upper corner, I am asked "Link to a Stack Exchange network account", But "Stack Exchange" itself is excluded from that list :-(...
Rolf Hemmerling - user3283760's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Careers Stack Overflow - Tag "ruby-on-rails" returns jobs that don't contain the tag [duplicate]

Click on the tag "ruby-on-rails" from a job or just go to and you'll see a lot of jobs (969 for me right now), a lot of them not containing the ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Bug on Reply to

I answered to questions: But seems like recipient got only:
Daniel's user avatar
  • 111
2 votes
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SO Careers: Remove extra gray underline from the 'most recent' navigation tab

The 'most recent' sorting navigation tab shows a little extra gray underline to the right of it. Here is a screenshot of the same: Upon doing inspect element, I see there is margin-right: 4px; ...
HackerKarma's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Provide ability to change "interested" to "not interested" on Careers

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature request. I recently had a message on Careers, to which I prematurely hit "Interested." I then later wanted to change to "Not Interested" but am unable to do ...
enderland's user avatar
  • 20.2k
10 votes
1 answer

Careers ad asking if I want to work where I already work?

I just saw this ad on the side of Stack Overflow: I currently work for It even shows it when I click on the link! How is it possible that the system does not link 2 + 2 together and ...
Naftali's user avatar
  • 21.7k
1 vote
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Shouldn't email address be excluded from Careers messaging data?

I am a curious person, and often I like seeing how pages are constructed. I am conversing with a potential employer at the moment on StackOverflow Careers and to my amazement, I saw that their email ...
CodeWarrior's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Email address included in profile export despite promise not to

For Stack Overflow Careers: Going into "edit profile" mode and clicking the first edit link leads to various personal details, including email address. The "email address" field, when active, has a ...
David Lord's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Why is Grand Cayman not a valid location in SO Careers?

There are programming positions in Grand Cayman and there are programming jobs in the Caribbean Islands. Neither of these is allowed in the "Relocation" choices under Careers. You guys don't like ...
boatcoder's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

The notification of when I applied for a job doesn't take my timezone into acount

I just applied for a position on The confirmation message is currently telling me I applied Feb. 1st However where I am that is actually Tomorrow. Here's a screeenshot of ...
Raystorm's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Company page is not German

This localized ad displays Company page anzeigen at the button. While anzeigen is German, Company page is not. It could be Stellenanzeige öffnen or Stellenbeschreibung anzeigen
juergen d's user avatar
  • 39.3k
2 votes
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Control doesn't sift through photos in company page

While browsing a company page, e.g. of CheckedUp, I see photos but the controls that move you back and forth don't work: (clicking either of them has no effect) Tested in latest version of Chrome and ...
JonH's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Why is forcing me to widen my browser window?

Why is forcing me to widen my browser window? I don't like my browser full width. I don't want to be forced to widen my browser window or scroll to get at other parts of the ...
Marjan Venema's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

"Hidden" We couldn't find any commits you've made to this project. Careers.SO

Recently I linked my Careers profile with Github and I added a project I recently contributed to but am amazed to see a notice which says Hidden We couldn't find any commits you've made to this ...
Mr. Alien's user avatar
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6 votes
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Stack Overflow Careers reminder email: contradicting expiration date

The reminder email says: We noticed you have not accepted our invitation to join Stack Overflow Careers. Only 3 days remain before it expires [...] But please act soon: this invitation expires ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
5 votes
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Something is not Right in Rightster [duplicate]

Earlier today I noticed this Careers ad: The squared circled "r" is utterly mispositioned. Quick digging into the HTML showed the background to be this, which is correct, but I could not find ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Custom URL on Career 2.0 404

My created page with link The 404 page after following my new url.
Mason Everett's user avatar
4 votes
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Missing map for a specific company (esri)

I followed a sponsored ad to see the Esri company page on Careers. Impressive. Scrolling down, I noticed something weird: So I went to a different company page, where I saw it should contain a ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
4 votes
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Disassociated/deleted user's posts still showing up on Careers profile

I was looking at a user's Stack Overflow Careers portfolio, which had multiple answers which seems to have been disassociated (I think after the account was deleted?). For example, this post was ...
Qantas 94 Heavy's user avatar
1 vote
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Bug with Completeness Score (Personal Statement) on Careers

Currently, my completeness score on my SO careers profile is incorrect, because of the personal statement. I have filled out a personal statement, which is over 400 characters, as the objective states,...
Pip's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

"Education or experience entries in each of the last 5 years" not calculating correctly?

I'm having a similar issue to the one discussed here, but whatever fix was applied does not seem to have resolved it for me. I have education listed for 2007-2011, and I have work experience listed ...
pieman72's user avatar
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5 votes
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Careers company ad, logo obscuring banner

Well, I'm uncertain if this is truly a bug or not, or if its just Imgur who happened to 'mess up' here, but there appears to be a slight issue with SE's handling of career company logos, and their ...
Daedalus's user avatar
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Undo edit from import?

I tried the import from linked in option and it blew away one of my experience sections with all the text in it. Is there a way to retrieve a previously saved version?
user253670's user avatar
7 votes
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When sharing a careers ad in a Facebook message, wrong preview icon is pulled

A super minor thing (and perhaps a Facebook bug), but... When sharing a SO Careers job post on Facebook, it uses the intended OpenGraph image thingy, which is the careers logo: But when I share it ...
Pekka's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Careers RSS feed does not limit results on location

I am trying to get job details through a Careers RSS feed, but it does not return the proper data. When I try the below URL I expect C# jobs from London:
Laxmikant's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Buggy technologies field (under the experience section)

On Careers 2.0, the technologies field (part of each experience entry under the Experience section) does not work properly on Firefox. Could this please be fixed? It is very hard to edit existing ...
user242595's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Careers sidebar has an incorrect location

On my box, in the careers sidebar, it displays jobs from the Chicago area My ISP reports my IP address as being in that area. However, I am REALLY in Minnesota. I have entered my geographical ...
Steve Wellens's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Not all jobs available for zip code

In the job search pages, not all jobs show for a zip code search. I am in the UK, searching for jobs in the US (I am a US citizen). When I search using my VPN, I can see 13 jobs for a particular zip ...
jle's user avatar
  • 153
6 votes
1 answer

Hyperlinks are not visible in the generated PDF CV

Don't know if it's intentional or not, but hyperlinks are colored like a normal text in the generated PDF on, which makes them indistinguishable.
dragoon's user avatar
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7 votes
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Bought job listing, company page still does not show up with zip / city

I posted this some time ago: Typing the ZIP code doesn't yield the company page So we bought a job listing as shown here:
JonH's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Sent/Received message counters on Careers are wrong?

I've logged in to Careers today and the sent/received counters for messages from employers seem to be wrong. I've got 4/4, but I'm sure it was 4/5 yesterday. Here's my inbox: If you add the counters ...
Tudor's user avatar
  • 597
1 vote
1 answer

Incorrect skills showing under my userid

I believe the technical skills that are shown below the handle are picked up from However, in my case android is showing up as adobe. Please see the screenshots below:
unlimit's user avatar
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5 votes
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Careers has trouble with my location

Stack Overflow Careers insists that I live in »Tubinga«, which appears to be the Italian or Spanish variant of »Tübingen« (where I live). It completely ignores what I put in the »city« field and ...
Joey's user avatar
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Careers 2.0 - Open source section - can't add technolgies

Keep on getting this 'Use Original' link, and it doesn't seem to like what I enter into technogloies. After that, I can't save (well, the save button is there but does nothing), and I loose my ...
Roy Truelove's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Quotes don't work in Careers search

When doing a careers search, it appears that quotes don't mean anything when put in the search field. One easy to find example. The second result is this, which has the word "functional" in it, but ...
N_A's user avatar
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1 vote
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Careers Notification for a message keeps getting resent

I'm not sure wether or not this is the right place to post this, but I've clicked on the feedback is welcomed link on the Careers Stackoverflow site and arrived here. I have a Careers profile which I ...
Prody's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Careers 2.0 distance slider does not work on Chrome/Firefox

The Careers 2.0 distance slider does not work on Chrome or Firefox on Windows 8 Profesional:
Rob Alarcon's user avatar
3 votes
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Date range for CodePlex projects not working

Seems the date range import for CodePlex projects on Careers isn't working correct. After updating the project it shows: CodePlex, ; followed by 15 people
Martin Buberl's user avatar
1 vote
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Why doesn't my profile on Careers 2.0 not show my progress in the Kinect tag?

My Careers 2.0 profile shows that I am in the 30% for the c# tag, but for the kinect I am the highest answer-er. I also have more up-votes and answers in the kinect tag. Why does my profile not show ...
Liam McInroy's user avatar
5 votes
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Profile information being sent with application is older and does not match what is currently shown

Three applications later and I just noticed that the resume PDF being created automagically contains older information, almost all of which I have since vastly revised, and does not contain any of the ...
Philip Regan's user avatar
3 votes
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Careers table support inconsistent between preview and actual rendering

I just edited my careers page, and I added a table in markdown. I know markdown is only partially supported and I kind of expected it not to work, but the preview rendered it exactly like I wanted, ...
mayhewr's user avatar
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12 votes
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Careers adverts on stack overflow

When I'm logged into StackOverflow it shows a side bar advert for "jobs near London", it knows I live 400 miles away in Glasgow because I've told it that in my profile, so why isn't it showing me more ...
Colin Mackay's user avatar
4 votes
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Careers 2.0: article link gets broken

I have added the following URL to my profile as an article: The page gets retrieved ok during the initial edit, but the link that gets placed on ...
Kothar's user avatar
  • 143
6 votes
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Careers 2.0 profile fails to update city

I am reporting one of the weird bugs I have encountered today when I created my profile by accepting the invitation. When I accepted the invite, it asked for my city, state, zip, with everything in ...
deej's user avatar
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13 votes
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careers.stackoverflow is not allowing me to put my real City name [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Location field spells city name incorrectly When I enter my city name while editing my careers profile, it changes my city name from Pula to Pluj after saving the profile. ...
Andrej Mitrović's user avatar
5 votes
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Careers 2.0 cannot retrieve URL of blog post I wrote

I tried to add an article I wrote to my profile but I receive an error response of: "Sorry, we could not retrieve that URL for some reason." I have been able to add links from 2 other domains, so I ...
YeahStu's user avatar
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Summoning Bitbucket personal repo to Careers profile does not link

We have an option to link our personal repositories to our profile but when I try to link my personal Bitbucket repository to my profile - it does not show a link to my repository. This feature was ...
peakit's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Careers 2.0 county/area issue

I know this isn't a huge issue but on Careers 2.0 when I enter my area as "Ayrshire" or "North Ayrshire" it gets automatically changed to "Strathclyde". Now as far as I am aware and according to this ...
Scott Logan's user avatar