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AI enhanced search doesn't understand voting rules [duplicate]

There's an upvote button in the AI-enhanced search, which upvotes all questions and answers used for the content. That works, but you see the green banner "Thanks for upvoting this content!" ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
6 votes
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The “AI search” on the Math Stack Exchange (and other site with MathJax) can’t show MathJax properly [duplicate]

I hate the AI search, but I still want to point out a thing: The search can’t show the MathJax formatting properly, the AI search has the “$$” thing, so it means that the search can’t show the ...
user1176409's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Save as Q&A errors under AI search results [duplicate]

Apparently, we have AI search results now, and a "Save as Q&A" button underneath. I wanted to explore what this button does (hopefully not what I think it does), but currently, all it ...
Erik A's user avatar
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22 votes
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How to opt out of AI search? [duplicate]

I noticed that any search has a new feature now, of automated GenAI response, e.g. when searching for how to opt out of AI search? I got this: How to get rid or opt out of the part in red circle, i.e....
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Wildcard tag search gives only first 3 matching tags to anonymous users [duplicate]

When I search [*dnd*] on RPG.SE I get nowhere near the correct amount of tags: Now, I lack an RPG.SE account. When a logged-in user attempted the same search, they said they got: [dnd-5e] or [dnd-3....
bobble's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Lists of questions sometimes don't show how many answers

Sometimes lists of questions don't indicate how many answers they have received: Yes this particular question has not only received an answer, that answer has been selected: Why doesn't the list ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Issue with the search term in the moderator page search

In the - moderators page, there is a strange issue with the search text. When I try with "ask" in the search box, it is displaying the matched entries such as Ask Different, Ask ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
6 votes
1 answer

Answered vs Unanswered results inconsistent when searching for tags

When I search for a set of tags (e.g. jsonschema and .net), answered and unanswered treat the query differently. Answered seems to return questions that have BOTH tags. Unanswered seems to return ...
gregsdennis's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is searching with view-filtering inaccurate by design?

To my surprise, I figured out just now that one of my questions on movies has a very high view-count. I wanted to see how many other questions on this site had a similar or higher view-count. ...
Patrick B.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Search is not taking multiple tags if the user is not logged in [duplicate]

If a user in not logged into Stack Overflow, search removes the tag after space. Steps to reproduce: Go to incognito/private mode Hit this URL for instance:
Sunny Kumar Aditya's user avatar
1 vote
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Search for tags only redirect from search page

After performing a search on the advanced search page with only tags in the search box I get redirected to tagged questions page: The search-string on the top of the page in this case gets unfolded: ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Getting questions with >N views despite searching for questions with ≤N views

Trying to search for questions with at most n views, I'm getting questions with more views than asked for. For example, I tried to search for views:1..5 on CrossValidated, but I'm getting results ...
gerrit's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Wrong classification based on noun [closed]

Being a Honor phone user and only recently active on this site, I was checking out the posts related to this phone by searching for the "honor". I ran across this question which confused me till I ...
beeshyams's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Image description not searchable or included in summary

I have a question on Skeptics.SE that prominently features an image. To improve accessibility and searchability I included the text from the image as the image description. This description is ...
Kelly Thomas's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Weird results from search

In the mathematics stackexchange, I found myself searching "radial decreasing maximal" to try to find results about a specific lemma. The first result that was related to the lemma I was interested in,...
mlg4080's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can view parts of deleted posts in SE search

If I make a search on, I can view parts of deleted posts: For example, this search gives me some text from a deleted post: ... Nuplenish To find a great anti- cream that'll actually ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

The search parameter isanswered ignores acceptances

The SE definition of "answered" question is: has an answer that is either accepted or has positive score. But the search parameter isanswered appears to ignore the "accepted" clause: when set to "no" ...
user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Multiple tags search broken when searching as anonymous user?

When I input [asdf][lisp] into the search field on, without being logged in, only one tag remains. Is it broken?
Smit Johnth's user avatar
6 votes
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Inconsistent behavior when typing a number into the search field [duplicate]

Over at the Personal Finance & Money community, when I type 1040 into the search box in the upper right corner and hit Enter, it immediately returns the question with ID 1040, even though there ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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2 votes
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Too many tags in the search query stop the live activity-notification bar

I've been working for a long time with an occasionally updated search string to keep track of the tags I want to follow. This has already caused problems with the searchbox but you can work around ...
Jeroen Vannevel's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Question with zero answers has an accepted answer [duplicate]

I came across this oddity when I ran this search query, sorted by votes: That question has zero answers, but its search result summary is formatted as though it has an accepted answer (green box, ...
Josh Darnell's user avatar
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1 vote
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Why does searching for `user:` return all questions?

I searched for user: accidentally and I got these results with 17 million results: Is there some bug here? Or is this a weird means to query all questions on Stack Overflow?
qwertynl's user avatar
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4 votes
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Search results showing questions without the searched for tag in results

Recently, I was surfing on & I have found one bug in Question filter. I was looking under the java tag and yet I saw questions which were not tagged java The incorrectly shown ...
bugZero's user avatar
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2 votes
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Searching gives repetitive Questions and Answers in single result page [duplicate]

I am searching on StackOverflow site for SolrNet based Question/Answers relating to edismax But it is giving me same result in single result page but as different Q: and A: prefix and votes ...
Harsh Baid's user avatar
4 votes
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Limit tag autocompleting in search

It is great that we have the auto-completion of tags in the search box. When I enter i.e. [*sql*] then all the SQL tags get included in my search automatically and I have a live refresh on them in ...
juergen d's user avatar
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Unexpected search results: Missing entries when paging

The following search query has a page size of 50. On page on there are 3 entries. On page two, there are many more, but they flicker and go away... down to 4 answers. Any adjustment to paging ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
4 votes
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Possible bug in tag-based search when searching in "Unanswered" section

Searching via the search box I was looking for unanswered questions in the "Unanswered" section and searched using this query [javascript] [jquery]. This tag search gave results from the "Questions" ...
Sergio's user avatar
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10 votes
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"Notable questions" badge page and search report different numbers for questions with 2.5K views

On Travel-SE, there are currently 171 "Notable question" badges awarded. However, when one uses the search interface with views:2500, there are 106 results. The two numbers should be equal, and it's ...
mindcorrosive's user avatar
5 votes
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Tag search includes [sass] on search for [*css]

When searching for [*css], the sass tag is incorrectly returned:
Danny Beckett's user avatar
2 votes
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Quotes don't work in Careers search

When doing a careers search, it appears that quotes don't mean anything when put in the search field. One easy to find example. The second result is this, which has the word "functional" in it, but ...
N_A's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Search term "XYURLGenerator" yields no results [duplicate]

I am trying to search for XYURLGenerator, which exists in the comments here. Why won't StackOverflow find these questions? Thank you!
JavaSheriff's user avatar
1 vote
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Bug when viewing a list of questions based on tag

I recently viewed the I noticed that despite there being 387 questions tagged and 50 questions per page, I only saw 1 question on this page. ...
Nathan Koop's user avatar
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"Url" search option should not ignore new version of duplicate links in the results

The search seems to ignore the new duplicate links when I search for linked questions. (These links have the heading "This question already has an answer here".) An example for the question "Headers ...
Peter O.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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Search queries in quotes that contain certain words are ignored in the results' excerpts

In the first result, "test this" appears later in the question, and is not displayed. In the second result, "test this" appears in the excerpt, since it's already in the excerpt from the unquoted ...
Hod - Monica's Army's user avatar
-1 votes
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Search results being duplicated (again)

This seems to have been addressed before, despite the status-completed tag I'm seeing this again, so I'm resubmitting this. I didn't see any more recent postings of this of this issue. The new search ...
eykanal's user avatar
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7 votes
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Searching for a tag without brackets doesn't recognize the tag

I normally search for questions tagged with sql-server and related. So, I typically search for sql-server, sql-server-2008 without using brackets and it automatically understands that I'm searching ...
Lamak's user avatar
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7 votes
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Search for users has a blind spot

Trying to find myself on the SO User page I run into weird results. My display name is "Erwin Brandstetter", obviously. If I type Erwin, I find myself in the search results. If I type Branst, I find ...
Erwin Brandstetter's user avatar
0 votes
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Searching for multiple tags only returns some of the matching questions

Here's a search for two tags, meteor and routing: It only returns one question: But there's another one, tagged with those two tags, which ...
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Search bug: automatic string-tag conversion

Searching [batch] database turns to [batch] [database] but [batch] file don't changes. Worth saying that both database and file are existing tags. Not sure which one is a bug, but my logic tells ...
ajax333221's user avatar
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Searches on historically locked questions by locked status and <tag> do not work

While removing the hidden-features tag, I noticed that searching on a tag, as well as with the locked status filter does not work. See here for the hidden-features tag:
casperOne's user avatar
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Searching for or (with or without pseudo-tag) with other search criteria does not work in search box

I've been looking for a way to search questions with one tag or another applied to it. However, I must use the search box because I also wish to search for questions that have no answers applied to ...
casperOne's user avatar
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A search for closed questions containing a specific string isn't returning any results

If I search for "closed:1 ritchie" on Programmers it returns no results even though a search for just "ritchie" is returning some closed questions. The same search on Stack Overflow does return the ...
ChrisF's user avatar
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Why does my user number show up in the search box when clicking my profile information?

Hey all- I just noticed that if you click on your username on the top bar, when your profile shows up, in the search bar at the top you'll find an explicit search for your user account. For my meta ...
templatetypedef's user avatar
4 votes
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New search is broken on Stack Overflow

Two days ago, I posted about the search on Meta not working properly when switching from the relevance tab to the votes tab. The answer I accepted is that they were doing testing. Now I see SO has the ...
Tony_Henrich's user avatar
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1 vote
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Cannot search for 'like'

I'm not going to speculate on the cause of this bug (although my money's on it being a SQL keyword), but is it a known bug that searching for 'like' on StackOverflow sends the user to the same page ...
GlenCrawford's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is the bicycles proposal shown when searching for phys?

"physic" is not even mentioned in the description! And substring searching seems to be partially implemented, since the Physics proposal shows up as expected. However, nothing shows up at "physi", ...
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar
3 votes
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User search results are incomplete

A little while ago (before he changed his name again) I went looking to find out what Downvoter had changed his name to on meta, so I went to search for "Manuel" on SO (to find his 'related accounts' ...
Ether's user avatar
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3 votes
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Searching for a question with [ in the title

I had a question which was very difficult to find on google, because the question was in reference to the linux command /usr/bin/[. Google seems to ignore the [ part of my search rendering the answer ...
The Unhandled Exception's user avatar
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Searching for questions tagged [or] returns ALL questions It returns all questions :) Even a search on [or] doesn't work, it get redirected to the very same URL. Maybe the search algorithm should count the ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Bug: tag search including "C++" plus at least one other tag fails to parse correctly

When searching for questions tagged C++, it works fine: When searching via the search bar, typeing "...
Dathan's user avatar
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