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Wildcard tag search gives only first 3 matching tags to anonymous users [duplicate]

When I search [*dnd*] on RPG.SE I get nowhere near the correct amount of tags: Now, I lack an RPG.SE account. When a logged-in user attempted the same search, they said they got: [dnd-5e] or [dnd-3....
bobble's user avatar
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Incorrect Tag Scores in Profile Activity Summary [duplicate]

Issue: My profile summary on SO Meta shows that I have one answer and all of that answer's current tags show in the Tag section, however the points of the answer do not align with the points of (all) ...
JFoxx64's user avatar
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14 votes
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Trailing hyphens are ignored in tag suggestions

Trailing hyphens are ignored in tag suggestions. Example from, tested in Chrome for Android: Typing la- should have brought up la-paz instead of the five suggestions ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
15 votes
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Single use tags are not deleted after six months if they were recreated via a rollback

The question Understanding risks of logging into Stack Exchange sites from a shared computer or network has two tags which have only been used once and have no tag excerpt or wiki: shared-devices and ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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How did I just receive a tag badge if there were no recent upvotes on that tag and no edits to add that tag to prior answers?

Yesterday (14 October) in Music: Practice and Theory I received the bronze modulation tag badge. Yet a look at my reputation shows that I haven't received any upvotes on answers for modulation-tagged ...
Richard's user avatar
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4 votes
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Incorrect number of questions shown on tag mouseover

I recently answered this question. I also edited the question's tags from exact-duplicates to duplicate-questions as the former is now synonymized to the latter. However, when mousing over the latter ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
6 votes
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Answered vs Unanswered results inconsistent when searching for tags

When I search for a set of tags (e.g. jsonschema and .net), answered and unanswered treat the query differently. Answered seems to return questions that have BOTH tags. Unanswered seems to return ...
gregsdennis's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a bug in the implementation of the Research Assistant badge?

I was doing several tag wiki edits (both true tag wikis and excerpts) in []. I saw the counter "Your badge progress" on the right sidebar increasing: Your Badge Progress Research ...
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
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Search is not taking multiple tags if the user is not logged in [duplicate]

If a user in not logged into Stack Overflow, search removes the tag after space. Steps to reproduce: Go to incognito/private mode Hit this URL for instance:
Sunny Kumar Aditya's user avatar
8 votes
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Tag score updated in one tag, but not others for same answer?

On Meta Stack Overflow, I have a recent answer scoring 11 for feature-requestdocumentationreview-audits. The funny thing is that my tag score for documentation has updated to 11, but feature-request ...
Nissa's user avatar
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Search for tags only redirect from search page

After performing a search on the advanced search page with only tags in the search box I get redirected to tagged questions page: The search-string on the top of the page in this case gets unfolded: ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
4 votes
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Filter returns questions which do not match any of the wildcard expressions

This tag filter selects questions which match the following wildcard tag pattern: *mail* OR rfc* OR *smtp* The filter is returning questions tagged php, which does not match any of the wildcard ...
MetaEd's user avatar
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First two tags only visible in tagged questions page for few tags in stackapps

There is a strange issue with the tampermonkey, firefox tags in stackapps. For sample: When filtering the [tampermonkey] in search box the questions are listed with only the first 2 tags, even ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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Issue with questions asked this year in Tags page

In the Tags page of Stack Apps on each tag, I can see the numbers times it was asked in the recent period. The detail having an issue. Since it is the first month of the year, so the month's count ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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Why are diacritics not supported in tags consistently?

Recently, it came up that there does not seem to be a way to support é in the tagging syntax. This seemed like a bizarre unicode bug at first (something which would be especially bizarre from a ...
cwallenpoole's user avatar
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Why does the list of Ignored Tags disappear in the sidebar after page refresh? [duplicate]

I was setting up some ignored tags today, and I noticed that after adding an ignored tag through the sidebar UI, the Ignored Tags section disappears after you refresh the page, and won't show up again ...
Bob's user avatar
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Tag search results different from main window and truncated when adding tag to a question

When searching for a tag while writing/editing a question, the results are: different in ordering compared to searching it in the in-app site's "Tags" page (as opposed to "Questions"/"Users"). less ...
Noein's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Multiple tags search broken when searching as anonymous user?

When I input [asdf][lisp] into the search field on, without being logged in, only one tag remains. Is it broken?
Smit Johnth's user avatar
21 votes
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Why isn't the predictor predicting?

Since "Jan 8 at (more or less) 19:57" the predictor or Tag Future Report hasn't been updated. This could screw more than one Recommended/Interesting tabs of Stack Overflow users. How often does this ...
Braiam's user avatar
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Why SO, SU and SF allow to style the tags?

Maybe it is a bug, but on SO, SF, SU and their metas is it possible to style the tags: #[meta-tag:featured] #*[meta-tag:featured]* ##[meta-tag:featured] ###[meta-tag:featured] [meta-tag:featured] **[...
nicael's user avatar
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Too many tags in the search query stop the live activity-notification bar

I've been working for a long time with an occasionally updated search string to keep track of the tags I want to follow. This has already caused problems with the searchbox but you can work around ...
Jeroen Vannevel's user avatar
2 votes
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Overflow causes partially visible tag names on /users with long tag names [duplicate]

On the /users page, the top tags responsible for the bulk of your reputation gains are shown underneath your username and reputation for that selected period. In the instance that your tag names are ...
Flyk's user avatar
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16 votes
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Tags are not showing up on the right side of the screen

This is on Stack Overflow. On Meta I'm able to see what the tags are on the right side of the screen. In fact, I think yesterday or some point earlier today I saw tags on the right side of the screen (...
puretppc's user avatar
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Undeleting a question can also undelete blacklisted tags [duplicate]

The question and revision history. When the question was deleted, we hadn't yet blacklisted homework. Once the question was undeleted, the system recreated it. It probably shouldn't do that. ...
Charles's user avatar
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Really long tags push user info down [duplicate]

If really long tags are selected for a question, it pushes the user info down: Windows 7 Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m Wrapping the tags would look better:
SwDevMan81's user avatar
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Diamond moderator rollbacks can resurrect blacklisted tags

Example revisions. A diamond moderator rolled back a question to a state where it had homework. This effectively recreated the tag, despite it being blacklisted. This should not happen, and is not ...
Charles's user avatar
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How to find tagged questions?

Earlier it was possible to see the list of tagged questions at the tag's page, for example Now all of these questions shows no questions: Is there ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Search results showing questions without the searched for tag in results

Recently, I was surfing on & I have found one bug in Question filter. I was looking under the java tag and yet I saw questions which were not tagged java The incorrectly shown ...
bugZero's user avatar
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Why is the text of a short tag excerpt getting trimmed on the Tags page view? [duplicate]

On the Tags page of Pets.SE, some of the tags are long and understandably they are trimmed for display (strangely from the front!). There is at least one tag, "diet", which I think is short enough ...
JoshDM's user avatar
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Added tag on edit is already visible before edit is reviewed and approved

When I review a person's question, remove an irrelevant tag and then add a relevant one, the added tag remains visible on the question once I've clicked 'Save Edits' and the removed tag has ...
Aage's user avatar
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Limit tag autocompleting in search

It is great that we have the auto-completion of tags in the search box. When I enter i.e. [*sql*] then all the SQL tags get included in my search automatically and I have a live refresh on them in ...
juergen d's user avatar
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Tag excerpt cuts in the tag page

In the tag page the excerpt of some tags cut some starting words. E.g. Excerpt of new-users tag is: New users are those users who may be new to the Stack Exchange Q&A format, and generally have ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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Tags on unanswered page do not correspond to actual questions shown

When I tried to show unanswered JavaScript questions not related to jQuery on SO, it showed on the right that it was showing questions tagged with "javascript not jquery" (example). However, both the ...
Qantas 94 Heavy's user avatar
4 votes
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Possible bug in tag-based search when searching in "Unanswered" section

Searching via the search box I was looking for unanswered questions in the "Unanswered" section and searched using this query [javascript] [jquery]. This tag search gave results from the "Questions" ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Suggested edit to add status-completed tag? [duplicate]

I just noticed a very strange suggested edit on Meta: What is up with this? I thought users couldn't add moderator tags, and, by extension, suggest them. Have I stumbled across a gasp bug? Maybe ...
user avatar
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Searching for perl* tags accidentally includes regex

When you use a wildcard tag search on questions with any perl* tag, it erroneously includes the regex tag in the search set: Notice the regex tag at the bottom. It should not be there, because ...
tchrist's user avatar
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Top Users page clips long tag names

I just noticed this. Hey! I'm there! But that's beside the point. The point is that Nick Craver is there too. Nick seems to like really long tag names, so his profile shows up like this: Akk! ...
Undo's user avatar
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13 votes
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Does retagging the question need peer reviews?

As far as I know if a user has crossed 500 rep, he can retag the questions and it doesn't go through peer review. But when I retagged this question on Stack Overflow, it did go through peer review ...
Noel's user avatar
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Incorrect skills showing under my userid

I believe the technical skills that are shown below the handle are picked up from However, in my case android is showing up as adobe. Please see the screenshots below:
unlimit's user avatar
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Tag ranking shows different tables for logged in user

I'm seeing different tables for the jax-ws tags when I'm logged into SO and when I'm logged out. Logged in: Logged out: As you should be able to see, when I'm logged in, I'm second to last in the ...
kolossus's user avatar
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It seems I can remove my locked downvote of a question after retagging?

Today I downvoted one question and later I changed my mind but it was too late. Then I realized that there was one tag missing (array), so I retagged with my privileges and it was possible to remove ...
Saullo G. P. Castro's user avatar
1 vote
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Can't Add css-columns Tag

I've tried at least 4 times on this question to add the tag css-columns, but each time after I save it disappears. When I type it in the tag box, it shows up and even has a tag wiki associated with it,...
Jason's user avatar
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15 votes
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Tags don't want to play with 🍌s

[tag:🍌] As can readily be seen, tags seem to discriminate against bananas and don't want to play with them. I thought SO was a place of no discrimination against other origins, but it seems the ...
Xeo's user avatar
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missing post on stackoverflow .htaccess tag

I just asked a question on SO and then a second later when I returned to the main page I couldn't find it. I have repeatedly refreshed and searched the whole page using the search function of my ...
Adam Brown's user avatar
-1 votes
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Number of questions tagged not adding up right

When browsing questions in StackOverflow with a particular tag, and viewing on the Newest tab, on the top-right, there's the total number of questions with that tag. Refer to such a link: https://...
Jerry Dodge's user avatar
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False 'followers' in the tag popup?

The is no py tag on Stack Overflow, but on mouseover (after I temporarily created it), I see this: How does one follow a non-existent tag? Someone might have created it in the past, and 3 people ...
tshepang's user avatar
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Editing tags when there's long tag names breaks the edit box

This can best be displayed with an example. When the question has a lot of long tags the edit tags button wraps over to a new line. Clicking on it most of the tags disappear to the left of the ...
ben is uǝq backwards's user avatar
0 votes
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Inconsistent number of questions for windows tag

On there seems to be a problem with displaying the number of question tagged with windows. If I type [windows] in the search box or click on the windows tag under a question tagged ...
Ivaylo Strandjev's user avatar
4 votes
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tags not rendered correctly in comments [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: `[tag:]` should work in comments See my comment for example. tags should be rendered like this tag.
Sam I Am's user avatar
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Some post tags don't have titles [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Hovering over tag links removes the title attribute While working on a userscript, I found a weird inconsistency in the markup of the front page of Super User: Some tags don'...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar