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The robots.txt file on does not work, likely because it returns HTTP status code 418 ("I'm a Teapot")

It apparently used to be the case that the robots.txt file on allowed search engines to index some parts of that domain; this robots.txt file was apparently intended to allow ...
alphabet's user avatar
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To find old images in chat, you still have to search with the Imgur URL

I was recently looking for a graph I had posted to a private chat room several months ago. In order to find it, I went to search for messages posted by me containing in the room I knew I ...
Mithical's user avatar
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Special characters in moderators' names break formatting in 'whois' response

The Teachers' Lounge has a chatbot with a whois function listing moderators for a specific site. The response is in italics, but it's a Markdown message, and moderator names with an underscore at the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Post disassociation requests should also apply to the author's messages in chat rooms generated from comments on the post

A while ago I made a question, and later decided to be disassociated from that question. However doing so does not completely disassociate your account from this question. If a comment thread gets ...
Topcode's user avatar
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Getting mails for non subscribed content and no link to unsubscribe

I got a mail from Stack Overflow regarding a chat event. I joined the chat event few months ago and this is the first time I'm getting a mail for that. I checked my email subscription settings and ...
Optimus Prime's user avatar
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Chat RSS feed for tagged/xxx broken

When you use the tagged/ prefix for a search term in chat, you (are supposed to) get all messages with a specific tag. 1 However, the generated RSS link in the lower right corner of the results is ...
tripleee's user avatar
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Countdown in chat room timeout is cut off in mobile view

The time out countdown which is flying in is missing half of the number. Note the 33 here: Can this be fixed please?
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
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Posting a SE site URL in chat results in old logos being oneboxed

When posting a link to a site's homepage in chat, the link automatically oneboxes to the site's logo. However, I discovered a couple of related bugs with it. First, the logo for beta sites has been ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar