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Questions tagged [chat-bookmarks]

This tag is for questions about the chat conversation bookmark feature found on the conversation tab on the chatroom info page

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Please let me edit the titles of chat bookmarks

In chat, you can bookmark a series of messages, going from your start message to your end message. Afterwards, it'll show up at /rooms/<roomID>/conversation/<title>. This is useful for ...
Mithical's user avatar
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In a bookmarked conversation, quoted text is displayed incorrectly [duplicate]

When I use quote (i.e., a message starting with ">") in chat, it displays fine both in chat and in transcript. But if the same message is rendered differently if it is a part of a ...
Martin's user avatar
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Oneboxes of bookmarked chat conversations overflow on to the side

A bookmarked chat conversation's onebox overflows onto the side when the screen is skinny: As you can see, other kinds of oneboxes (there's a question there) resize properly. However the white box of ...
bobble's user avatar
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Blockquotes don't render in bookmarked chat conversations

When reading a bookmarked chat conversation, blockquote formatting doesn't work (the > shows up as if it was plain text). Here's an example conversation: It doesn't break in the transcript or in ...
bobble's user avatar
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Show conversations in a user chat profile in two columns

When a conversation is bookmarked in chat, it is added to two places: Conversation tab in the room info - example. Conversation tab in the user profile of the user who bookmarked it - example. As ...
Martin's user avatar
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"Bookmark Conversation" throttle should not take effect on error

Chat bookmarks can only be created once every 30 seconds. If you attempt to create a conversation bookmark in chat, but a bookmark with that name already exists, you will get an error message but you'...
Jason C's user avatar
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Bookmarked conversations don't show the (see full text) link on big posts

Multiline posts in chat can stretch beyond the regular message size limits, and get quite long. Very long messages get cut off past a certain point and have the remainder of their content hidden, and ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
7 votes
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Chat conversations tab's tooltip text is missing an "of"

I noticed an apparent bug in the text when I hover the "conversations" tab in a chat room, it looks like the text is a little grammatically wrong: The text reads: a chronological list ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
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Bookmark onebox is hiding the reply arrow

When posting a direct reply in chat, there is an arrow indicating this, which links to the replied message. However, when the reply is a bookmark link, the bookmark onebox is swallowing the arrow: To ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
5 votes
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"See full text" link sometimes does not show in bookmarked conversations

For certain long messages in chat, the "see full text" link and/or scroll bar appears in normal chat transcripts, but not in a bookmarked conversation. For example: From transcript: From ...
Jason C's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Make it more obvious that you can bookmark a conversation from the transcript if it is spread between days or time periods

Chat room transcripts are divided by day, and then by time of day if the chat room is active enough. For example, the transcript from yesterday for the Tavern on the Meta is split up like this: The ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
8 votes
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Show which room a bookmarked chat conversation is in, without clicking through?

Every chat room has a link for conversations bookmarked in that room. But users also have a bookmarks list, and that list includes all of that user's bookmarked conversations across the network. ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
9 votes
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Is it possible to bookmark a conversation in chat, which has messages in two different days?

I know that there is 400 messages limit for a conversation. But in rooms with low usage it is possible that an interesting conversation spans more than one day. Is it somehow possible to bookmark a ...
Martin's user avatar
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10 votes
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How do I remove bookmarked chat in a chat room?

I recently had a conversation with one of the chat room owners about removing bookmarked chats in chat rooms. The purpose of having bookmark, according to me, is to keep a track of useful ...
rohan-patel's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How can I bookmark a chat?

I am unaware of the feature for bookmarking a chat on Stack Overflow. I saw some users having a bookmark of a particular part of chat in the room. So, from where can we bookmark a particular part ...
Lalit Poptani's user avatar
23 votes
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Take selected parts of a conversation and bookmark it in Chat

Currently the "Bookmark a conversation" feature is great. It provides just what a user needs in a busy chat room; get in, get the important stuff from the bookmarks and get out. Though ...
phwd's user avatar
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More information when failing to bookmark a conversation in chat

Bookmarked conversations in chat have a limit of 400 messages. If you try to bookmark too many messages, you get the error: Can the error include how many messages I attempted to bookmark? Currently ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar