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How should we deal with Coursera homework related questions?

After the post about removing the homework tag I have a kind of related question. I am active in the Scala category and its creator, Martin Odersky is giving a class on Coursera with something like ...
Christopher Chiche's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Is answering homework question considered cheating? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Is [homework] an exception? How to ask and answer homework questions? It's bothering me if someone was asked to do report or has a homework question and asks for help here ...
M.Sameer's user avatar
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What percentage of questions asked here are people doing their homework?

I've long been out of college, never cheated, but knew plenty of students who cared nothing about learning and would cheat anytime they could. I can't help but think that a large percentage of ...
dyasta's user avatar
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Anti-plagiarism feature/API

Given that the better SO does its job the better a resource it is for cheating on homework, should it have an API for teachers/instructors/professors to use to detect it? I'm thinking of something ...
BCS's user avatar
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Teachers/Graders: How do you handle students asking homework questions on SO

I was a TA for an undergraduate programming course and I've been considering doing it again. Since I'm sure some of my students would be requesting solutions to their homework here, I've been thinking ...