Questions tagged [clbuttic]

Use for questions about censorship filter fails, including such clbuttic questions as how to cook poopake mushrooms in Middleintercourse and the means of buttbuttination of various politicians.

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4 votes
5 answers

Don't include vulgar words in the URL

Whatever specified in question title ends up in the URL of the post. As a result, if a question contains strong language in its title, there's a strong chance it won't be accessible by people behind ...
mmx's user avatar
  • 17.1k
-11 votes
4 answers

Confirmation if cursing is present

I had no idea that cursing was not automatically filtered/flagged/censored on the site, until I had a user flip out on me for downvoting his answer. Since the site has a strict no cursing policy, how ...
djdy's user avatar
  • 332
-18 votes
3 answers

Feature request: SafeOverflow

Defaults to true. If set to true replaces all instances of known swear words with replacements (comical or * based). If false renders the content as originally presented. Benefits: Reduces ...
Quibblesome's user avatar