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Questions tagged [closed-questions]

General questions about questions that have been closed because they are off-topic or otherwise do not meet the criteria defined in the FAQ.

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0 votes
0 answers

Duplicate vote followed by off-topic vote in Staging Ground closes a question as off-topic for reason duplicate [migrated]

Based on this answer posts about Staging Ground should be on-topic here. When reviewers both cast a duplicate vote on a Staging Ground post, the question is marked as a duplicate as expected: When a ...
28 votes
2 answers

"Comments only" lock notice on closed questions mistakenly says that question is still accepting answers

When a question has a "comments-only" lock, the following notice is displayed on top of the question: Locked for X days. Comments on this question have been disabled, but it is still ...
211 votes
1 answer

What is a "closed" or "duplicate" question, and how does question closing work?

Questions can be closed or marked as duplicates. What does it mean for a question to be "closed"? What does it mean for a question to be marked as a "duplicate"? Who can close a ...
161 votes
3 answers

How do you reopen a closed question?

To reopen a closed question, up to five (5) people✝ with the ability to cast reopen votes must agree that the question is suitable for the site and cast votes to reopen the question. But: How does ...
1 vote
1 answer

Closure of shopping related questions best option? [closed]

I just saw the following post on Super User (Stack Exchange site): posting 138651 The post was closed, but it seems like it would have been better to edit the question to what I think ...
1 vote
2 answers

How can I proceed with SEO questions on Stack Overflow? [closed]

I was looking for some good questions about SEO and URL structure, because it is an essential part of web programming, especially when you are thinking about URL manipulation with PHP. But the best ...
10 votes
0 answers

Have there been analyses to see if views of well-received answers are reduced by closure as duplicate which try to control for other factors?

This is a narrowly-scoped question; I'm just curious if this has been investigated quantitatively. Background only: I spent some substantial time and effort and love and coffee writing this answer to ...
-8 votes
0 answers

Is answering closed questions via comments allowed? [duplicate]

When a question is closed, you can still comment on it. Say that you know the answer to the question. Are you allowed to answer it in a comment?
11 votes
4 answers

General policies on answering closed questions in the comments?

There has already been a question regarding questions answered in comments. There have been a few situations when the question was closed unanswered by the community and then answered by another user ...
22 votes
0 answers

2023: a year in closing

One of the traditions we have here on MSE as the calendar year changes, is to post some statistics about post closures and reopenings across the network for the preceding calendar year. In light of ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why was question closed as "does not appear to be about programming" when 2/3 close-voters voted for "belongs on"? [closed]

Question 77283401 was closed as This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. because 2 people voted "belongs on" and 1 ...
14 votes
0 answers

Implement {duplicate}, {closed} etc. tags as UI elements, rather than appending text [duplicate]

At this point, I am very much used to closed/duplicate questions being marked with [closed] or [duplicate] text in their title: But what exactly is stopping us from implementing it as an actual ...
-14 votes
2 answers

Feedback about joining a new Stack Exchange site (with suggestions)

I'm not questioning the moderator decision; this is about the experience. I'm an experienced Stack Overflow user, but I just joined this Web Applications Stack Exchange site today to ask a related ...
14 votes
1 answer

What's the longest question duplicate chain on SE?

I wonder what the longest question duplicate chain is on SE. For example, Matching files with various extensions using for loop is closed a duplicate of Brace expansion with variable?, which is closed ...
24 votes
0 answers

Questions closed for multiple community-specific reasons should be clear about that fact

It happens sometimes - especially on Stack Overflow - that a question will receive three close votes for community-specific reasons (i.e., as off-topic), and each voter will choose a different reason. ...
-24 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't Stack Exchange allow multiple questions in a single post? [duplicate]

I do understand the need for this when the questions are unrelated. But why does it have to be even when the questions are related? Perhaps, I've asked a few questions on one of the sites, and it was ...
3 votes
0 answers

The correct community to ask a question about antenna modules used with Arduino (nRF24L01)

What is the correct community to ask a question about antenna modules, more specifically, the nRF24L01 wireless module? I asked a question about the module's transmitter antenna gain and field ...
5 votes
1 answer

Ranking users with most edits and close votes on a specific tag

A while back I asked this question about writing a query which would rank users based on their number of close votes on posts related to a specific tag: Table of users ranked based on their number of ...
-10 votes
1 answer

Feature request for close reasoning?

I asked question (on meta) on why a post was closed, because it made no sense, and that post was closed as well? ...a member for 11 years on Server Fault, so been here a long time and this makes no ...
5 votes
2 answers

Table of users ranked based on their number of close votes in a specific tag

I am trying to get the list of users that have the most number of close votes (tallying each type of close votes; i.e. Duplicates, Too Broad, Need MRE, Not About Programming, etc.) in a specific tag. ...
7 votes
2 answers

What can I do to make my broad, off-topic, closed question better?

Okay so I asked a fairly broad question with other possible answers regarding what is Wikidata? See here. I agree that this is quite a broad question and there are other places on the internet that ...
11 votes
0 answers

Site email says closed questions are not visible to the public: wrong

The website documentation has been corrected, but this email form letter is still inaccurate From: Stack Overflow <[email protected]> Subject: Your question has been closed ... ...
14 votes
1 answer

Is "Lunatic Speculation" a reasonable reason to close a question with 18 upvotes, 5 answers, 5 stars? [closed]

The question: Travelling by bus The comment above the close reason: I voted to close not because the asker didn't know what he was asking, but because the question is a lightning rod for lunatic ...
12 votes
4 answers

Why aren't the rules for minimum research effort being enforced consistently? [closed]

Recently, a guideline to demonstrate a "minimal understanding of the problem being solved" was made mandatory on Stack Overflow: "Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem ...
4 votes
0 answers

Plural forms are needed for close notice

There's only single form for question close notice: Closed $closedAgo$ by $closeUsersComma$. For the purpose of localization we need different plural forms for that type of sentence since $...
0 votes
2 answers

Why can't I post a question anymore after getting a several downvotes? [duplicate]

When I try to ask a question on SO, but my question is too obvious, the question gets closed. After that, I tried to ask a question again, but I couldn't post it. Why does this happen?
10 votes
2 answers

How can a noob ask questions about "how to start with this cool stuff"?

I want to express my doubts and disappointments that I get from Stack Exchange. For example, I am a programming beginner using the programming-related sites in the Stack Exchange network, and I ...
-14 votes
2 answers

Why am I getting so many closed and deleted questions recently? [closed]

Am I really that bad in writing? Am I really getting worse and worse? I am a part of The Community (I am proud that I can write it in capitals; there is no sarcasm in here) for at least 10 years. I've ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is “needs details or clarity” connected to the help center article on questions that are automatically blocked for not meeting quality standards? [closed]

I have noticed that dozens of old questions have been recently unilaterally closed in Web Apps SE as “needs details or clarity”, or closed as duplicates of questions also closed as “needs details or ...
3 votes
3 answers

Why was this question considered "offtopic" and closed? [closed]

How can I install the Buzz bundle on Symfony 2.2.0? Just out of curiosity, how come a question about symfony is offtopic on a programming site?
-12 votes
1 answer

Why are these questions closed? [closed]

Refs: ...
1 vote
0 answers

What's the purpose of same sentences with and without plural forms?

There're a couple of the same sentences in Your post has been associated with a similar question. If that question doesn’t answer your issue, edit your question to highlight the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why can't I see who voted to close my question? [duplicate]

Normally users with the close/reopen votes privilege can see who voted to close a question. However, when I check a closed question I posted I can't see who voted to close it. I thought I recalled ...
1 vote
0 answers

Flag to put a closed question in the Reopen queue (just like we have for the Close queue) [duplicate]

A few days ago, I found an interesting question on Music.SE that was closed. I wanted it to be reopened, but I couldn't find any typo or small problem that I can fix with an edit to put it into the ...
48 votes
8 answers

Notify close voters when a closed question gets edited

As mentioned in this discussion, a question closed because it was not well-phrased is currently very unlikely to be reopened after an edit clarifying the issues. Those who voted to close should at ...
6 votes
0 answers

What percentage of closed questions that get submitted for review are eventually re-opened?

Just curious, what percentage of questions that get submitted (and/or re-submitted) for review by the post owner get eventually reopened after the "significant edit" option was added to the ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Do questions have to restate all implications of supplied content to be acceptable? [closed]

In other words, do questions have to meet encyclopedia level verbiage requirements to be helpful? In the case of this question on Server Fault (which I didn't pose): Debian update failed My first ...
27 votes
0 answers

2022: a year in closing

Let’s take a look at how last year looks in terms of closing across the network. Please welcome stats that highlight how many questions were closed on different Stack Exchange sites in 2022. The same ...
6 votes
0 answers

Closed post message "List of close voters is only viewable by users with the close/reopen votes privilege" is misleading

It says List of close voters is only viewable by users with the close/reopen votes privilege Apparently, that's not the case as mentioned in How could we improve our planned post notice improvements?...
6 votes
2 answers

Users should be able to save an answer draft on a closed question if it's edited for reopening

I recently came across a question that had been closed for being unclear, but I think I knew what the asker meant, so I edited the question and checked the box to have it reviewed for reopening. I ...
4 votes
3 answers

Should a question's closed reason be changed from NARQ to duplicate if a duplicate is found?

I just answered a C# question that was asked by someone who clearly doesn't know C#. The question was almost immediately closed. I don't have a problem with the question being closed, but I do have ...
3 votes
1 answer

Measure against frustration when question has been closed or deleted [duplicate]

It happened many times that I wanted to answer a question on SO. I did some research, edited a text, corrected typing errors using Microsoft Word (my English is not particularly good) and created and ...
12 votes
3 answers

How to ask a "Where to start" question?

I have this issue: I've been asked to develop a c# with DB with a "magnetic card", Where to start? But the thing is how should I ask a generic where to start if any where to start ...
-12 votes
2 answers

Invisible placeholder-stub-answers-with-autodelete-timeout to avoid "Question closed!" frustration

Motivation: Once again I spent time creating an elaborate answer on Stack Overflow, only to find the page locked when I was done, because people were not satisfied with the details given. Sometimes ...
3 votes
1 answer

Contesting Duplicates and other Moderation Errors

Quite often I read questions that are closed as Duplicate or as not constructive and think: "it's not a duplicate or it is constructive, and I have just the answer he/she is looking for". I ...
7 votes
2 answers

Can Community Moderators and Stack Overflow employees post answers on closed questions?

Since this doesn't appear to have been asked before: Can elected moderators (and Community Managers, and other Stack Overflow employees) post answers on Questions that have been closed? This would ...
15 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to recover how people voted to close a question post-close?

When the question has close votes (<5), and you click on "Close" link, in the dialog for closing it shows you how many people voted for each of separate options (e.g. 1 voted as Duplicate, 3 voted ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can answers to closed questions in search results get a 'closed' label as well?

Going through search results, answers have the same title as their questions, but lack the '[closed]' status indicator if the thread has been closed. This is an example from a search here on Meta. ...
-8 votes
1 answer

What makes people upvote a question? [duplicate]

Whenever I ask a question on any site (especially meta sites), its answers get more upvotes than itself (especially the accepted answer), even if the question is very poorly received, and sometimes ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Can I replace a closed question which has no answers or comments?

If I have a closed question with no answers or comments, can I edit the question enough that I make it an entirely different and better question?

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