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239 votes
3 answers

Why haven't the statements to the Register been retracted?

Why haven't the statements made by the Stack Exchange director of community: In response to an email from The Register, Stack Exchange director of community Sara Chipps said, "On Friday, we ...
thebjorn's user avatar
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52 votes
2 answers

Have there been any statements from the CEO in relation to the current crisis of confidence?

I have just read the blog post, An Interview with Stack Overflow CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar. The interview contains nothing in relation to the current situation where moderators are resigning and at ...
4386427's user avatar
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207 votes
9 answers

Open hostility from SE staff towards the community - trying to understand it

Upon multiple occasions SE staff members have expressed open hostility towards the community as a whole, as well as towards specific members of the community. Specific references are avoided here ...
anonymous user's user avatar
101 votes
2 answers

What is on the mind of Stack Exchange management?

I can understand that as a for-profit and venture backed corporate entity, Stack Overflow Inc. has to make money and/or make a nice exit, even if it means ... antagonizing the very community that ...
Graviton's user avatar
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