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Questions tagged [comments]

Comments are small addenda to each question or answer, intentionally limited in size and formatting and intended to prompt clarifying edits. Can also be used for comments on the blog posts.

5 questions from the last 30 days
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5 votes
1 answer

Why are users allowed to upvote their own Community Bot comments?

When doing my daily reviews across the network, I the often leave a pre-written, generic Community Bot comment on questions/answers. But once, I accidentally upvoted my own Bot comment. And obviously, ...
security_paranoid's user avatar
-4 votes
0 answers

One-line private comment when downvoting [duplicate]

I got a few downvoted questions, and would love to know why. I think it would be really good if it were possible for downvoters to write even a few words as to why they did so. This is not because I ...
Warpspace's user avatar
  • 125
2 votes
0 answers

Link provided when answer is automatically converted into a comment should mention the feature and its triggers

As per title, the page linked to when an answer is automatically converted into a comment doesn't mention automatic conversion of answers into comments. This feature may be helpful, but it ...
stevec's user avatar
  • 1,281
-5 votes
0 answers

When I'm answering a question with comments going back and forth, how do I use chat? [duplicate]

When I'm answering a question with comments going back and forth (for more information from the OP), how do I use chat? Do I: create a new chat room specifically for that question, or use a chat room ...
user5127's user avatar
-13 votes
3 answers

Hiding controversial comments disrupts the flow of the discussion

SE hides comments with low or no upvotes in long discussions to prevent the comment section below a post from getting too long and the user having to scroll to see the next post. This is usually a ...
stickynotememo's user avatar