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Why community bot is a moderator on the Area 51, but a bot in Area 51 discussion zone and other sites?

Per the tag wiki of area-51 and this official staff post, questions about Area 51 are explicitly on-topic here and should not be closed as "only applicable to one specific site". Simple ...
user1176409's user avatar
11 votes
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Why was this discussion on Area 51 deleted by Community♦?

I thought I was going crazy searching for this discussion until I found I wasn't the only one who remembered it existing. Here's an link, and a screenshot of how the page currently ...
gandalf3's user avatar
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Community is inconsistent with account lists [duplicate]

Here we see Community's list of accounts. She has 106 communities (does that exclude beta sites?) and has 1 rep on all of them. But over at her Network Profile, she only has one account, on Area 51: ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 21.3k
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Community♦ has two badges on Area 51

The recent problem with the Community♦ user made me curious and I tried to see whether there were other oddities with that special user. Its reputation should be 1 everywhere and it shouldn't have any ...
Morwenn's user avatar
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10 votes
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Why does Community User on Area 51 have random profile picture?

Community User of Area 51 has a random profile picture. Can we update it's profile picture with our standard profile picture? Edit: The community user got a random profile picture again.
Himanshu's user avatar
  • 33.7k
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Community User has just 1 account?

I noticed that Community♦ user was active recently(I lost 4 reps on SO and gained 4 on MSO) so I just checked the profile for him/her/it. First of all, I just noticed that only Area51 account was ...
hjpotter92's user avatar
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