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Questions tagged [community-user]

For questions about the user named Community present on Stack Exchange sites.

10 questions from the last 365 days
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5 votes
1 answer

Why are users allowed to upvote their own Community Bot comments?

When doing my daily reviews across the network, I the often leave a pre-written, generic Community Bot comment on questions/answers. But once, I accidentally upvoted my own Bot comment. And obviously, ...
security_paranoid's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

On the homepage, why does it say Community bot modified x hours ago? [duplicate]

I was looking for questions to answer in At the bottom of the image, it says Community Bot 1 modified 3 hours ago. I think users want to see the latest activity of a question ...
user5127's user avatar
-22 votes
1 answer

Why does the community bot only have 1 reputation? [duplicate]

I recently edited my post from an unlogged browser, and the edit goes to the community bot, as its profile also says: I do things like ... Own suggested edits from anonymous users So why can't it ...
Apoorva Shukla's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Why community bot is a moderator on the Area 51, but a bot in Area 51 discussion zone and other sites?

Per the tag wiki of area-51 and this official staff post, questions about Area 51 are explicitly on-topic here and should not be closed as "only applicable to one specific site". Simple ...
user1176409's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Allow sites to customize the threshold (currently 20) for comments to trigger a flag from the Community user

When comments below a question or answer exceed 20, there is an automatic flag raised to moderators (PostTooManyCommentsAuto), which also points out that comments are not intended for extended ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
  • 2,707
-9 votes
1 answer

Don't bump "dead" questions [duplicate]

Community Bot visits old questions and bumps them so that they can receive answers and hopefully have an accepted answer eventually. However, many answers are old, and the OP sometimes hasn’t visited ...
Pierre Paquette's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

The “View all” community buttons in the Community user's site profiles link to a server error page

When I click the “View all” community button on the Community bot profile page, it links to the page as shown below: It shows that “Oops! Something Bad Happened!”. Is there any reason for this error?...
user1176409's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Why is the Community user's reach infinity?

Why does the Community user's profile have infinity in its "reached" section? It's definitely not a number. This is how it looks like:
user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

What are the conditions and events that trigger the Community User to reopen questions?

I noticed that the Community User bot has reopened questions on various SE sites, based on the stats from the “2023: a year in moderation” meta posts. However, I don’t know what makes the Community ...
galacticninja's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Talking to the Community user [closed]

Is it possible to talk to the Community user? If not, why? So you may know it's a bot that sometimes bumps old unanswered questions, owns community votes, own downvotes on permanently deleted ...
user avatar