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Questions tagged [data-dump]

This tag is about the quarterly creative commons data dumps of all public data in the Stack Exchange network Q&A sites.

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67 votes
2 answers

Where are the Stack Exchange data dumps?

I see a lot of talk around here regarding the Stack Overflow public data dump. Where is it? How can I play with it? Return to FAQ index
84 votes
3 answers

All Stack Exchange data dump releases

I know how to download the latest release of the Stack Exchange Creative Commons Data Dump, but I'm interested in downloading a past release and don't see those listed. Where can I find them?
10 votes
0 answers

What is a pre vote?

As seen in New Vote Types in latest data dump?, some new vote types appeared (likely) exclusively in the Stack Overflow data dump. A couple users helped find out what each one meant. However, what ...
12 votes
1 answer

Checksums for data dumps should be included in the dump announcement and on the dump download page itself

Following on from my previous request for current checksums I'm looking at 2 use cases for a data dump: verifying if a current download for a data dump is correct verifying if a specific historical ...
384 votes
2 answers

Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE

Stack Exchange releases "data dumps" of all its publicly available content roughly every three months via, and also makes that information queryable over the Internet at the ...
152 votes
4 answers

Shifting the data dump schedule: A proposal

My colleague Rosie recently announced that, because of our difficulties predictably getting data dump files to the Internet Archive[1],[2], we are setting more realistic expectations for completing ...
21 votes
2 answers

Could checksums be provided for the july 2024+/'new' SE hosted data dumps?

One of the nice things with the previous 'torrent' based downloads of the dump, and some of the internet archive front ends was that there were built in ways to verify that a download was correct. ...
16 votes
2 answers

Data Dumps - updates and bug fixes

Thanks to everyone who posted bug reports and feature requests related to the updated data dumps process. Below, we’ve detailed some work on those reports and requests. Issues reported on this post: ...
16 votes
1 answer

The per-site data dump downloads are missing metadata files

When the data dumps were hosted on the Internet Archive, it was a torrent that consisted of the torrent file, a number of 7z files for each site, some images for branding, and two text files - readme....
16 votes
1 answer

My consent to the data-dump is not stored server side

When you ask me to consent to certain conditions like I understand that this file is being provided to me for my own use and for projects that do not include training a large language model (LLM), ...
10 votes
1 answer

Last Data Dump has various objects that point to posts that do not exist

As I was working with the last SE data dump, I noticed that there are PostLinks that reference posts that do not exist. As an example, in opensource.meta PostLinks.xml there is a row: <row Id="...
12 votes
0 answers

One of my site data dumps appears to be giving a false positive for having a virus - what should I do?

I'm a moderator at Super User, and downloaded the dumps for that site. The 'main' dump's fine. The dump for meta failed because Windows detected it as having a virus. Since I got it from SE (and other ...
6 votes
0 answers

Individual data dump filenames should contain the dates they were generated

Historically, the data dumps hosted by clearbits or the internet archive were a single, monolithic 'set', and having a single datestamp for the collection made sense. With the current system you're ...
21 votes
3 answers

Latest Data Dump has invalid XML and invalid characters

As I have been looking through the latest StackExchange data dump, it seems like a non-compliant XML serializer was used. There are numerous escape sequences that are simply invalid XML such as &#...
-377 votes
27 answers

Announcing a change to the data-dump process

UPDATE August 29, 2024 This new post has updates related to various bug reports and feature requests. UPDATE August 14, 2024 Over the past week we’ve scaled up the availability of the new page and ...
11 votes
2 answers

How to get SE sstatic images for my website

I've written about 2,500 questions and answers in Stack Exchange sites. About half of them I scrape into my website on GitHub Pages for customized presentation and searching. A short time ago all the ...
9 votes
1 answer

Am I allowed to publicly reshare some JSON file containing SE data created after the introduction of the new data dump process?

I ran across some JSON (magnet link) containing SE data that was created after the introduction of the new data dump process. Am I allowed to publicly reshare it (e.g., on, or ...
10 votes
1 answer

How can Stack Exchange prove a violation to the Data Dump download agreement?

In the last few weeks there has been lot of talks about the new Data Dump process. From people asking if the dumps are watermarked to people pointing out that the user agreement for the download ...
17 votes
1 answer

New Vote Types in latest data dump?

As I was looking through the latest StackExchange data dump, I noticed that in the StackOverflow dump there are a few new VoteTypeIds: 19,29,30,31,32,33 There is no mention of them in SEDE: https://...
8 votes
2 answers

How can I get a notification when a new Stack Exchange dump is made available?

How can I get a notification when a new Stack Exchange dump is made available?
14 votes
1 answer

Create a data dump RSS feed [duplicate]

Since the Stack Overflow data dump will occur monthy, it makes sense to be able to be notified about a new dump and download it. The current solution has been to post a link to the .torrent file on ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can we please have some sort of API to poll for new data dump releases? [duplicate]

I'm writing an application that uses the data dump. However, in order to be effective, this application needs to be kept up to date with the latest data dump. This currently needs to be done manually. ...
9 votes
1 answer

Can I get notified when there's an SE Data Explorer data dump? [duplicate]

As it is now, I'm checking every day if there is a new data dump. If I were notified, I would not have to keep checking.
7 votes
0 answers

How can I get notified about released Stack Exchange dumps? [duplicate]

I am interested in being notified when a new data dump is published on the internet archive. I want to find some way to be automatically notified - ideally an RSS feed, but an email or something else ...
3 votes
2 answers

Checksums for Sept 2017 data dump please

Is anyone facing issues with the data dump (web download) from I've tried downloading the files multiple times over the last few days and I keep running into problems with the xml. (...
32 votes
3 answers

Creative Commons License (BY-SA) Violation: Data dump must not force users to agree to additional terms

The new mechanism for downloading the Data Dump appears to be be live. It still has a checkbox that requires acknowledgement of "additional terms" in addition to those included in the ...
13 votes
1 answer

Are the new data dumps watermarked?

Are the new data dumps watermarked? I.e., can someone identify which user downloaded them?
27 votes
2 answers

Last Data Dump is completely missing ContentLicense for Comments

I noticed that in the latest data dump, the Comments.xml files do not provide a ContentLicense for any of the rows, even though it is available in SEDE. Here is an example of looking at the first few ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Does SE plan to decline providing future versions of the data dumps to individuals who may use or share it for training LLMs?

The recent changes to data dump requires an agreement (emphasis is mine): I understand that this file is being provided to me for my own use and for projects that do not include training a large ...
10 votes
2 answers

Do the new Data Dump terms of use allow commercial use NOT involving LLMs?

Announcing a change to the data-dump process says that the data dump download will be gated behind the following checkbox: "I understand that this file is being provided to me for my own use and ...
30 votes
4 answers

Options for community data dump

We are in the process of automating the community data dump process and have reached the stage where we need to decide how and where to host the exported files. We expect to have one data dump for all ...
12 votes
0 answers

Opining on, and making a case for additional classes of data dumps

The data dumps traditionally were primarily meant as an insurance policy against the company going rogue. Considering that the company 'now' sees the dumps as something they can turn into a product, ...
26 votes
3 answers

Even without the checkbox, are SE's changes legal?

This relates to StackExchange's planned changes to the data dump process: Announcing a change to the data-dump process One important point that I haven't seen anyone mention is that, in order to ...
46 votes
2 answers

How can SE gate access to the Dump that will allow individuals access to the data while preventing "misuse" by for-profit organizations?

I read this answer written by Jody Bailey: We are looking for ways to gate access to the Dump, APIs, and SEDE, that will allow individuals access to the data while preventing misuse by organizations ...
35 votes
10 answers

Why are people so unhappy about the OpenAI partnership? Am I missing something?

I'm reading the answers at Our Partnership with OpenAI, and a lot of people seem very unhappy about the partnership. I feel violated, cheated upon, betrayed, and exploited. And so on. But... why? ...
12 votes
1 answer

What are the indices used in SEDE?

I'm writing an application that uses the Stack Exchange Data Dump. I've imported the most recent dump into SQL Server 2014 on my local development machine. I wrote a query that runs very slowly on my ...
41 votes
1 answer

Why does the SEDE ReviewTaskResults table not include user data, which is all public anyway?

I wanted to do some data mining on the SEDE, and I ran across a limitation which I cannot understand. The Data Explorer table ReviewTaskResults currently contains the following information: Id ...
68 votes
0 answers

Data Dumps Releases: Timeline Updates and Clarification

We release our quarterly Data Dump towards the end of every quarter. We begin processing the Data Dump at the beginning of the last month of a quarter, but for the past three quarters, we’ve run into ...
82 votes
6 answers

Dump of my own Stack Exchange content

Is there a way to quickly save all my Stack Exchange content across all Stack Exchange sites, as hundreds of HTML pages? (for me probably 15 or 20 sites: SO, dsp.SE, unix.SE, etc.)? The ideal way ...
3 votes
2 answers

CC Data-dump: Are images included?

I am wondering whether images that are embedded into posts are included in the cc data dumps? If so, how?
7 votes
1 answer

Periodically publish a data dump of all IDs in the image ID space (and make it available in SEDE)

I see that Imgur has an API to query for image IDs in its ID space, but is not an API endpoint (and SE is moving off Imgur anyway). Say I want to get all the IDs of images in Stack ...
11 votes
1 answer

How can I download the Stack Exchange data dump from through the command line?

I am trying to download the Stack Exchange data dump from through the command line using the internetarchive python package developed by, as follows: pip install ...
38 votes
1 answer

Delay in Data Dump release

Our quarterly publication of the Stack Exchange Network data (the “data dumps”) is currently delayed. While the process of copying and uploading data was scheduled to begin on Sunday, December 3rd, we’...
166 votes
31 answers

Interesting queries on Data Explorer [closed]

Let's collect some interesting queries for the Stack Exchange Data Explorer here. How many upvotes do I have for each tag? (how long before tag badges?) SELECT TOP 20 TagName, COUNT(*) AS ...
315 votes
13 answers

June 2023 Data Dump is missing

The data dump usually gets refreshed the first weekend of the month, every 3 months. The current data dump is still from March. Is there just a problem and it's delayed like in the past? Relevant ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why is the 'Favorite' count so low in the Stack Overflow data? [duplicate]

In the Stack Overflow database, there is a column called "favorite count". I have found that favorite count indicates users find the question interesting or save it for later review. I have ...
72 votes
1 answer

Possible delay in Data Dump release - now targeting September 5th

As you probably know, it’s time for the quarterly publication of our data (affectionately known as the “data dumps”). The process of copying, uploading, and publishing the data over a notoriously ...
97 votes
0 answers

Will SE shut down the free API for good? [duplicate]

SE has intentionally disabled the data dump. And the CEO has stated to the press that he plans to charge AI companies for access to the data. Given these developments I think it is almost inevitable ...
14 votes
2 answers

Is SE in violation of the CC BY-SA 4.0 license by not providing data dumps?

SE is no longer providing data dumps for the content contributed by their users. CC BY-SA 4.0 states: No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally ...
64 votes
11 answers

The company's commitment to the data dumps, the API, and SEDE

Many words have been written around the company's commitment to the ongoing existence of the data dumps, the API, and the Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE). Much of that text can be confusing or ...

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