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Questions tagged [edits]

For questions about the process of editing, how edits work, and other general inquiries about the edit system.

40 questions from the last 365 days
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Unfollow on edit? Please revert [duplicate]

Over the last few weeks I've noticed that when I follow a post, it can automatically be unfollowed upon an edit of that post - at least that applies to questions as per my recent experience with this ...
W.O.'s user avatar
  • 4,505
5 votes
0 answers

Give the edit posts privilege to users with a history of good suggested edits [duplicate]

Currently, the only way to unilaterally edit posts is to have 2,000 rep (1,000 on beta sites). Many users, for one reason or another, have experience editing but don't post very often, and hence take ...
Starship's user avatar
  • 7,940
4 votes
0 answers

Where are the popups like “How to tag” and “How to format” when editing questions on sites where I have <2000 reputation?

See the pictures to compare the differences on the Suggested Edits page of now and before. (I show the suggested edit's rejected version, as there are small changes on it). Now (the change happened to ...
user1176409's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Why do clear, accurate, appropriately detailed posts still get edited?

I've read "Why can people edit my posts? How does editing work?" in the Help Center, and I understand that what I post on the Stack Exchange network is licensed. So I don't doubt that others ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to align images to the top in a table?

I don't know if this question was answered before. Is there a way to align images to the top in a table: Picture one Picture two
Danielillo's user avatar
  • 1,010
10 votes
1 answer

Could I rewrite my answer after it got an upvote?

I researched a topic and posted an answer to a question, then conducted additional research and decided that the initial version contains factual inaccuracies and should be substantially rewritten ...
ain92's user avatar
  • 203
0 votes
0 answers

How can I bypass the editing grace period? (make two revisions within 5 minutes) [duplicate]

I want to make an uncontroversial formatting change, then make a possibly controversial change to a post's content. The thing is, I want them to be separate revisions so that if someone rolls back the ...
wjandrea's user avatar
  • 660
-7 votes
2 answers

Can tag edits no longer allow you to submit closed posts for review in the reopen queue?

Currently, when editing a closed question, you can check “Submit for review” which I think places it into the reopen queue. An edit solely changing tags can do this as well. But, questions aren’t ...
Starship's user avatar
  • 7,940
-24 votes
2 answers

Account suspension for excessive editing: What's an acceptable number of edits within a given timeframe? [closed]

A moderator just suspended my Math SE account for 7 days because of excessive editing of one of my posts (edit history), while I edited the post only three times today (August 22, 2024). The last one ...
Amir's user avatar
  • 69
-13 votes
1 answer

Should the vote lock-in time period be increased?

Too often it seems to happen, that there is an answer that describes in detail a procedure which requires re-booting the computer at the end. To re-boot computer, I have to close all windows, and all ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 1,063
-6 votes
1 answer

I can still edit comments on deleted posts [duplicate]

Apparently I can edit a comment on a post that I deleted:
Lucenaposition's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Page jumps to top when inline editing question and answers simultaneously

As someone who likes to inline edit both question and all answers at the same time to reduce multiple bumping, I noticed since recently that the page jumps to the top when the question is currently on ...
Meta Andrew T.'s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How can one search for a word that was removed during an edit?

I'd like to search for a word that was edited out of one of my questions. I don't know which question. How can one search for a word that was removed during an edit? (Input: word; output: list of ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Unable to edit the duplicate list

I have the javascript dupe hammer on SO. I closed Uploading image file to php server as a duplicate earlier today, and I was just trying to edit the duplicate list to add a more appropriate question. ...
Barmar's user avatar
  • 2,613
45 votes
2 answers

"Comment reserved for system use" when trying to edit with an edit summary

Trying to leave an edit summary gives me this error message: Comment reserved for system use. Please use an appropriate comment. This occurs both for anonymous and logged-in edits, for answers and ...
bobble's user avatar
  • 8,314
-2 votes
1 answer

The keyboard shortcut E sometimes edits a post that isn't the post currently visible to the user

The keyboard shortcut E sometimes edits a post that isn't the post currently visible to the user. Example (I pressed E to edit) with this URL: Tested with the latest version of Chrome on Windows 10.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
12 votes
0 answers

Tags disappeared after edit

I don't know how to repro, but I observed one case of tags that disappeared after an edit on this post. Refreshing the page fixed the issue, but that's still unexpected. I was using the latest ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

How do I revert an edit to my question? [duplicate]

Someone else edited my question inappropriately (IMO). What is the right way to revert their changes? There is a Rollback link for all the other revisions in the history but not for the top one, just ...
sds's user avatar
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1 vote
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Does "popular tags” need to be repeated in the “How to tag?” suggestions when editing a question?

My question is shown in the title. If someone does not understand my question, you can see it in the picture below: There are two things that can be seen from the picture: "favor using existing ...
user1176409's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Cannot paste into SE code blocks when Editing, breaks text editor and Markdown preview

There seems to be something wrong with the text editor when editing code inside ``` code blocks. I've noticed this when editing questions. Copy code from my IDE Edit a question Highlight all of the ...
pkamb's user avatar
  • 4,739
2 votes
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For how long can I edit comment... really?

I have just seen this: Followed by this (after hitting "Cancel"): One of these information is in contradiction with another. What is the exact value of timeframe where I can edit my ...
trejder's user avatar
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3 votes
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Remove the 'resetting any rude or abusive flags' note from the rollback tooltip

The tooltip for the rollback button in a revision history is: sets the current revision to this version of the post, resetting any "rude or abusive" flags However, the 'resetting of red ...
CPlus's user avatar
  • 3,110
5 votes
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The keyboard shortcut E for edit stopped working on own posts or community wiki posts, for users without full editing privileges [duplicate]

Example: The keyboard shortcut E doesn't work for me on this question. . However, the keyboard shortcut E works on other questions I've tried: question 1, question 2, question 3. I use Chrome+Win10. I ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
25 votes
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The policy of editing out “noise” should be proactively explained and more easily referred to and justified

Across the network, but especially on Stack Overflow, it's considered important to edit questions and answers to remove noise. Of course I agree with this policy; it's part of what keeps the sites ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Only add the "edited by" label for big changes, and not "Edit tags"

Editing tags is a minor change; "Edited by ..." should be added only for big edits/ improvements. Personally, I find "Edited by ... Kilroy" distracting, not helpful.
Denis's user avatar
  • 107
-15 votes
2 answers

Possible incentive problem since edits bump questions

I posted Is armageddon more fair in a Vickrey auction? in Chess Stack Exchange on February 9th 2023. It was bumped a year later when someone edited my post on 18th March 2024. Why doesn't this create ...
BCLC's user avatar
  • 390
9 votes
1 answer

Does it make sense to be able to unilaterally edit Qs and As but not be able to unilaterally approve edits?

I've just realized that while my current level of site permissions on one of the SE sites allows me to edit other people's questions and answers at will, it does not allow me to unilaterally approve ...
temporary_user_name's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Is it discouraged to use headings in questions?

I am referring to this edit of a question of mine. Basically, all heading markup was removed and some were replaced by boldening them (**). Despite being just a cosmetic change, I was wondering what ...
thothal's user avatar
  • 281
-10 votes
1 answer

Protected questions should have a higher reputation requirement for editing and approving edits

When a question is protected it requires a certain minimum reputation to answer it. At least on politics SE this is mostly used for questions that are highly politized or opioniated. And it works in ...
quarague's user avatar
  • 159
5 votes
1 answer

Display author name while editing a question or answer

I was editing an answer and wanted to say "we can also write this if [author name] agrees" but noticed that the author name was written nowhere on the post edit page interface. I had to open ...
hsandt's user avatar
  • 175
5 votes
1 answer

Should I make edits immediately after receiving feedback when asking for improvements on meta?

I made this post on Stack Overflow Meta, asking if there's anything wrong with my answer. Not long after, there's a comment giving feedback for improvement to my answer. I found this feedback useful ...
Dhafin Rayhan's user avatar
30 votes
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Let's remove spam/offensive edit suggestions from the original poster's inbox as quickly as we can

Some of us have taken it upon ourselves to seek out the worst of what finds its way to Stack Exchange so that the majority of users don't have to see any of that. That's how the spam and rude flags ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 56.4k
2 votes
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Will edited comments to one post notify the poster multiple times? [duplicate]

I checked the What events trigger an inbox notification? and searched for "edit" but didn't find this specific problem about "edited comments". Since "Another user comments on ...
An5Drama's user avatar
  • 121
-9 votes
1 answer

Can you comment or vote on a revision? [duplicate]

How do you comment on a revision? example It would also be nice to have a vote button to appreciate a revision change.
Gabe's user avatar
  • 107
-23 votes
1 answer

I suggest to do a flag button inside an edit block [duplicate]

There isn't an individual flag for edits: we can't use a special flag relating to someone who edits a post of another user. Now the only way to draw a moderator's attention about someone's edit is to ...
Loviii's user avatar
  • 66
-18 votes
2 answers

What can I do (besides a rollback) if I disagree with an edit of my post?

Suppose I consider someone's edit of my post bad or useless. I do a rollback. Now I want to draw attention of moderators to the user who did this bad edit. What should I do in this case? Update: ...
Loviii's user avatar
  • 66
-6 votes
1 answer

Update/recreate question with unhelpful answers [duplicate]

I asked a question a couple of months ago: How to mitigate risk of having cash with you when abroad? The answers were unhelpful I added on a comment: "be street-smart" and similar ...
berdario's user avatar
  • 156
-15 votes
2 answers

It appears that people are making simple edits and answers just for reputation points

I hesitate to ask questions on Stack Exchange as usually I will get lots of edits and answers, but usually the edits are formatting and spelling, and the answers are simplistic (e.g., read the ...
Tom Cumming's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to make small edits to meta posts to change my vote?

If I see a meta answer that I voted on a long time ago, but I now have a different opinion on the topic and want to change my vote, is it okay to make a minor edit to the post so I can change my vote?
Someone's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Should you undo your vote after an answer was edited?

Let's say you upvote an answer because it answers the question and helps OP fix a problem. Within a couple of minutes of upvoting, this answer is edited slightly - not enough to change it completely ...
Neph's user avatar
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