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Did the emails with notifications about inbox messages stop?

Depending on the settings chosen in preferences, a user is supposed to be shown the recent notifications if they have some notifications in the inbox and they haven't checked it for some period (The ...
Martin's user avatar
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Bounty completed notice (and grace period notification email) happen before bounty ends

The email notice that bounties have ended and are entering the grace period as well as the inbox notification seem to happen before the bounty period is actually over. Several similar requests marked ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Send full comments in email notifications

Because comments can be deleted but emails are permanent (until the receiver decides to delete them), can we have the full comment included in the email notifications, not just the first line. I ...
Mark Hurd's user avatar
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Add a link that takes me to my global inbox to emails telling me I have new messages

When I get an email notifying me of new messages in my SE inbox, I’d like it to include a link that gets me either directly to my global inbox, or, at least, to a Stack Exchange page with the message ...
Joe's user avatar
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Global inbox email says "updates every 3 hours", linked page says "daily updates"

It's only a small one, but I just got an email notifying me of an item in my inbox. The footer shows: However, when I click the link, the page looks like this: As you can see, the email states that ...
Joseph Duffy's user avatar