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Questions tagged [flag-dialog]

For questions about the flag dialog which appears when clicking on the "Flag" link/button below a question or an answer.

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15 votes
1 answer

Flag a Question dialog bug

I was attempting to flag a question which is when I came across a strange thing. I clicked the flag link which opened a Dialog where it asked for options like "very low quality" and "other" radio ...
Andro Selva's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Flagging a multipart question with multiple duplicates

I know that the issue of flagging a question that has more than one duplicate has been brought up before, but what is the protocol for flagging a multipart question where each part has its own ...
jonsca's user avatar
  • 16.7k
4 votes
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Give comment box for 'invalid flag' option

When marking a flag as invalid, there should be a text box, so some logic can be given. For example, it someone marked it 'not an answer', and I want to state why it is.
Lance Roberts's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Add a warning to the "low quality" flag option

Something to the effect of "Flagging a question/answer for Low Quality should be reserved for extreme cases only. If you can edit this question to make it better, please do so."
user avatar
2 votes
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Bring flag dialog in front of flag ack. boxes

Sometimes there are multiple answers to a question that need flagging. The 'Thanks...' acknowledgement box that persists after the first flag can float in front of the dialog for the next flag, ...
martin clayton's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

“Unable to load popup” when trying to flag posts

I seem not to be able to flag anything on this computer. Whenever I click flag, I receive the little orange box saying “Unable to load popup - please try again (click on this box to dismiss)”. I use ...
Mormegil's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why is the flag option "it doesn't belong here" missing?

I'm trying to flag a question for closing in Stack Overflow. Why is "It does not belong here.. doesn't belong here because.." missing in the flag menu for Stack Overflow? The same is present on ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
2 votes
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The flag dialog under bad posts has gray text [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: The flag pop up on heavily downvoted answers has grey text When answers get downvoted enough, their text turns gray. Unfortunately, the gray text style carries over to the ...
Pops's user avatar
  • 69k
10 votes
2 answers

Flag dialog radio button sometimes fails to be selected

Sometimes, the main radio button for "it needs moderator attention" in the flagging dialog doesn't get selected even when one of the needs-mod-attention reasons is chosen. Submitting flags when that ...
Pops's user avatar
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10 votes
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The new, fancier flag dialog doesn't allow full backtracking [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Back button missing in new flagging menu The improved flagging dialog is fancy and shiny and nice, no question about it, but it contains a small navigation problem. More than once ...
Pops's user avatar
  • 69k
14 votes
0 answers

Could we make the new flagging dialog draggable maybe? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: New flagging dialogue gets in the way I like the new and improved flagging dialog, but could you maybe make it draggable? It covers up the item that you are trying to flag, which ...
Kip's user avatar
  • 31.2k
34 votes
3 answers

The new flagging dialog gets in the way

The old flagging dialog box politely "stepped aside" or wasn't so big that it prevented a quick re-scan of a post and possibly a copy/paste of things in the post you wanted to highlight to the mods. ...
Kev's user avatar
  • 19.3k
12 votes
2 answers

Clicking the flag button twice on a post occludes the text box

Click on the flag button Click on Requires Moderator attention Click on the flag button again . Profit!
perbert's user avatar
  • 17.2k

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