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Questions tagged [flag-queue]

For questions about the list of all raised flags that need handling by moderators. An (somewhat) equivalent list existed in the tools for users > 10K but that feature is now defunct.

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8 votes
2 answers

What should be done with the [flag-queue], [flag-dashboard], and [moderator-queue] tags?

There seem to be 3 different tags on Meta Stack Exchange that are seemingly all about the same topic (the flag dashboard for moderators located at /admin/dashboard on a site), or very similar topics: ...
V2Blast's user avatar
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In the flag queue, make it more obvious when there are flags on the per-site-meta

The flag queue for moderators looks like this (when empty): Even it may not be obvious to the uninitiated, my attention as a moderator is mainly on the left side (where the red text is), because this ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • 28.3k
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Flags from per-site metas are not forwarded to main anymore [closed]

The forwarding of per-site-meta flags to the main site is broken. After a flag of mine on a per-site meta is pending since two months, I got suspicious and flagged one of my own meta posts on a site ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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Don't invalidate NAA flags on answers simply deleted and then undeleted by OP [duplicate]

Quite often I've flagged answers as NAA and my flag has been marked as helpful but the answer has remained days later. Most of the time it's because the answer has been edited, and I can see some ...
PeterJ's user avatar
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Flag comments render embedded links but they are not clickable

Problem: If a flagging user puts a (markdown) link in a flag comment, eg: This answer is a duplicate of [another answer](some url) when viewed by a moderator in the flag queue, the another answer ...
Bohemian's user avatar
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Allow moderators to convert non-answers to comments on other answers from within the flag queue

The "convert to comment" tool available from the "mod" link underneath an answer allows moderators to specify the URL or ID of the post that should be the parent of the newly converted comment, as ...
Air's user avatar
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Automatically load comments when expanding post in flag queue

When processing comment flags, my workflow looks like this: Expand post Expand comments Delete comments Delete/dismiss flag Which has one too many steps in it. For comment flags, there's basically ...
Undo's user avatar
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Show the user's annotation count in the flag queue

Often when dealing with flags, I don't bother to look at the user - it takes time, and most often doesn't yield any useful information. But when a user has been annotated by another moderator (or me, ...
Undo's user avatar
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Expand links to posts in flags inline

I was staring down an evil-looking flag the other day, and it had a bunch of links in it like this: Currently, to handle this I have to: take a deep breath click on the first link Go back to the ...
Undo's user avatar
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Let me double-click on the question expander to autosize it to the question

I have a flag in my site's queue: I'd like to see the rest of the question (there's some backstory, he had a bad experience with pumpkins), and currently I would fumble around with the little divider ...
Undo's user avatar
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Display tags with questions on moderator flag queue

The flag queue displays the title of the question (and the initial text of the flagged post). It would be good if the tags were displayed too. It would help give context to the question in general, ...
Bohemian's user avatar
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6 answers

Let's get rid of the 10K flag queue

The 10K tools are pretty cool... You get a birds-eye view of activity on the site, a "dashboard" view of what's happening. Some of the individual tools haven't scaled particularly well with ...
Shog9's user avatar
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More info/power in moderator admin dashboard when converting answers to comments

After using the queue for a couple of weeks now, I keep wishing it did more. Here's feature request 1. Scenario: When clicking "convert to comment" on a flagged answer, if there are no ...
Bohemian's user avatar
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Unify the flag indicator and flag queue between meta and main sites [duplicate]

The flag queue on meta sites is separate from the flag queue on main sites. It's one more thing to check, and it's low-volume so there's no incentive to check it often because it would be empty most ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Why do I see already reviewed items in the flag queue

Today I reviewed a lot of flags and noticed that items I already reviewed still appear in the flag queue which was getting annoying the more items I reviewed. According to this not so old post there ...
juergen d's user avatar
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Add delete button on-the-fly when reviewing flags [closed]

If you have the privilege to delete answers with negative score, a delete button is shown in the flag queue: But if the answer did not have a negative score before and I downvoted it then there is no ...
juergen d's user avatar
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How is the close queue being emptied so quickly [duplicate]

Recently (perhaps even yesterday) the close queue was something like 130K. This morning it's dramatically smaller—just over 28K at the moment, and still falling fast. How have 100K items been ...
Chris's user avatar
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Are "not an answer" flags on score<0 answers helpful?

Does flagging posts as "not answer" with negative score, which are obviously not answers, help at all? It can help keeping SO nice and clean. But it floods the moderators' queues. The community might ...
flx's user avatar
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The expanded help text for comment flags shows a variable name instead of a value

As a new mod, I systematically went through the system and expanded every helpful-looking block of text in sight. When I went to expand the help text for handling comment flags in the queue sidebar, ...
Undo's user avatar
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Deleting an answer should turn the button text to "Undelete Answer" in the flagged post que if it's the last delete vote

I keep a check on the flagged posts regularly to accept and reject the flags, though, one thing bugs me is the Delete Answer button, because, even after casting a vote, it doesn't disappear. What ...
Mr. Alien's user avatar
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Can't view vote counts in the 10k queue

I just noticed that in the meta flag queue, I can't view up/downvote counts after clicking the number. It looks like this has been borked and fixed before. Plz fixy?
Undo's user avatar
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What happens to a close casting window if you close a question from the flag tools tab?

Steps to reproduce: Be careful, this is very specific situation. Go to flagging tools and try to find a question, which is going to be closed (question, which has 4 close votes) and click the close ...
TLama's user avatar
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Why is my month-old flag still active? [duplicate]

I flagged a post as a duplicate over a moth ago, and it is still active: Why is that? Before you say this is a duplicate of Why does it take so long to review a flag suggested by a user?, let me ...
The Guy with The Hat's user avatar
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Flagged question count is wrong

I have a "3" currently in the number of flagged posts: However, when I click on the number, the list is empty. On the side-bar of the list, I can see this here: But again, on any of the linked lists,...
uncovery's user avatar
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Eeeek! The LHC has imploded the universe! [duplicate]

If I use a mod-binding vote (from the context of the queue) on a post in the flag queue that has 1 close vote, I get this error: Eeeeek!
Manishearth's user avatar
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Why do I see a flag? [duplicate]

Someone (or thing) flagged a post. I took action on it, so there's nothing I can do about it. However, it still shows that there is an open flag on the menu. Why? If there's nothing I can do, why ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Flag queue not showing own-flags

The flag handling queue has recently stopped showing me flags that originated from me. Oddly, the flag counter does continue to show that they exist. This is problematic because I often use the site ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Weird flags in review queue?

I just saw some weird flags in the flag review queue -- see the circled description below. I saw a couple of these -- are they someone's weird idea of a custom flag reason, or a bug? This one is on a ...
Ernest Friedman-Hill's user avatar
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This question needs undefined more close votes [duplicate]

I saw a question in the 10k review queue that had 4 close votes. When I voted to close it, I got this: This always happens after I vote to close in the 10k queue (it just happened again when there ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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The question-expanding drag-handle is missing from the 10k flag queue

The expanded view of a flagged answer used to show a preview of the question, which could be expanded via a drag handle... which has recently disappeared. Please sir, could it be added back? Chrome ...
Matt's user avatar
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Link to title is showing up twice for items in moderator queue

Currently, when an item is expanded in the moderator queue, the title is shown twice: Why is it in there twice? I'd expect (and I could have sworn) that it only showed once until now.
casperOne's user avatar
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My fingers are too fat for the "No further action" dialog

It's Sunday afternoon. It's snowing outside, and I have a pounding headache. A perfect time to go through the flags queue on my little tablet. ...Except, some of the flags are completely bogus. And ...
Shog9's user avatar
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Show the full post by default in the flag queue

The first thing I do for 99% of flags I review in the 10k flag queue is click the ">" so I can see the full, rendered post. Seeing the mangled preview of a post with no formatting makes my eyes bleed ...
Matt's user avatar
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Are the Stack Overflow edit queue and flag queue becoming slower due to technical issues or growth?

Is SO suffering a performance loss from the network / hosting infrastructure, or is there an unexpected audience these days ? I have noticed for several days that the edit suggestions approval take ...
Seki's user avatar
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Some ideas for making the flag queue more manageable

(Given the popularity of my previous question, I thought I'd spin off the 'positive' bits here, for more constructive discussion.) Here are a few ideas for making the 10k flag queue more manageable (...
Benjol's user avatar
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Very old questions in flag queue

I'm not really interested in seeing flags for posts that are 2+ years old, I mean, I just can't muster any enthusiasm for whether Juan Manuel's question from nearly four #?!$ years ago is off topic or ...
Benjol's user avatar
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Please uncomment the "agree with flag" button in the 10k flag tools!

9 times out of 10 when reviewing flags you agree with the original flag. However, you've still got to click "flag or disagree", choose the flag reason and then click "ok". Sure, it doesn't seem too ...
Matt's user avatar
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Show hyperlinks automatically in moderator/10K flag queue

While going through the Super User mod flag queue this morning, I ran across a flag by Community: As you can see, it shows the answer body in plain text. I suspected that the answer was nothing more ...
studiohack's user avatar
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The closing dialog push down the blocks shown in the flag page

I voted to close a question on meta from the flag page, and the page appeared as in the following screenshot: Comparing the previous screenshot with the following one, it is evident that the chat ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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Combine flag and edit queues from main and meta on SE 2.0 sites

Abstract There's no need to have two flag queues (one for meta, and one for main) for moderators to check. There's also no need to have two edit queues, if suggested edits were allowed on meta sites....
Kevin Vermeer's user avatar
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Identify unregistered users in flag queue

So far, there's only one way to differentiate posts listed in the flag queue. Between questions and answers, questions show the user-card in blue (as it always has) and answers have an additional "...
Jeff Mercado's user avatar
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Why is marking a flag as Invalid from /tools not a binding choice even when a Diamond User is marking it as Invalid?

Generally, most actions taken by Stack Exchange Diamond Moderators are binding. However yesterday I discovered that this is not true in this single case. Diamond Moderators have access to flagged ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
15 votes
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Flag queue still shows some closed questions

I was going through the flag queue and I found this question that was closed one hour ago and still was showing up with a "very low quality" and a "too localized" flags. I don't know if there's a ...
Aleadam's user avatar
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10k+ users can see flags now, but can't unflag [closed]

The new flag queue for 10k+ users is very interesting, but it lacks a crucial feature: Actually disagreeing with the flags shown. Those who think a contribution deserves a flag, will add their own ...
Pekka's user avatar
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Same question listed on three rows in the flag list

One identical question was listed three times on the flags page: It probably should be on one line, not sure if it has 1 or 3 flags.
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