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Questions tagged [global-inbox]

Use for the drop-down global inbox and its functionality; for the notifications themselves, include the [notifications] tag.

15 questions from the last 365 days
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Notifications are either not marked read soon or at all [closed]

I've been seeing this on Firefox Floorp & Zen Browser (all Firefox-based) for months. I just tried this: either get a new notification, mark it as unread, right > open link in new tab, then ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
5 votes
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Inbox notification count does not update for chat [duplicate]

The inbox notification count does not update when I get a new unread chat ping. For example, before: After: However, if I get a new notification on StackExchange sites (for example, via a comment), ...
Petəíŕd the Wizard's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Two hard to count the inbox notifications from chat

A decade ago, in 2014 some guy named Jeff Tweeted1: There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors. Well, somehow this seems applicable here:...
VLAZ's user avatar
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12 votes
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What exactly triggers the "new items in your Stack Exchange inbox" email?

I have the new inbox items email notification set to daily: I check the inbox (i.e. click the inbox icon on top bar) very frequently, many times every day, and after I check the items, I mark them as ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Reading the full comment addressed to me on a question that got deleted quickly afterwards

I commented on a question ( over on Math.SE. When I returned a minute or two later, the question had been deleted, and I could see in my inbox that ...
Henrik supports the community's user avatar
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Have the inbox improvements of a couple of years ago been rolled back?

A few minutes ago I opened my inbox -- I do not remember for certain which page I was on, but it was probably a chat page -- and managed inadvertently to mark all of the unread entries as read, as if ...
phoog's user avatar
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Inbox is no longer immediately marking item as read when middle-clicking to open in new tab

The inbox used to mark an item as read when I use my middle mouse button to open the item in a new tab. It no longer does this. It does recognize that I clicked it, but requires me to click the ...
starball's user avatar
  • 29.1k
13 votes
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No pong for the ping! No inbox notifications for chat pings [duplicate]

Well, I may have moved my main-site activity elsewhere, but I still talk to people in chat here, so I very much prefer receiving notifications when they ping for me. I mean, how else will I pong them? ...
Andreas condemns Israel's user avatar
4 votes
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Long unbreakable text in notification summary causes timestamps to overflow in global inbox [duplicate]

There's an item in my inbox for which the relative timestamp (2 days) overflows the envelope icon to mark it as (un)read: This happens in several browsers (Safari and Chrome on macOS, Edge on Windows)...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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On, the inbox message count erroneously briefly shows 0 upon page reload

On the homepage, the inbox message count erroneously shows 0 upon page reload. Example: Tested with the latest version of Chrome on Windows 10.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
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Inbox count badge doesn't disappear when clicking on last notification

I'm not able to reproduce this consistently, but often when I click on the last remaining unread notification in my inbox, it goes to the question but doesn't remove the count badge. So there's a &...
Barmar's user avatar
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When there are multiple comments on my post, have the notification lead to the oldest

Currently if multiple comments on one of your own posts, you get a single notification, not multiple. What happens is that all comment notifications for the same post are grouped together, only the ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 15.7k
2 votes
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Missing some comment notifications on my answer

I followed What would you like to change about the moderator election process? for a while, but the notifications blew up my inbox, so I unfollowed it. I can't find the exact time I unfollowed it, but ...
ColleenV's user avatar
  • 27.1k
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Will edited comments to one post notify the poster multiple times? [duplicate]

I checked the What events trigger an inbox notification? and searched for "edit" but didn't find this specific problem about "edited comments". Since "Another user comments on ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Allow users to remove notifications in their inbox

Deleted comments on followed posts persist in the global inbox is marked as status-bydesign - if you have already seen a notification, then it is never removed from the inbox. That includes if the ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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