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Questions tagged [grammar]

For reporting grammatical errors in UI elements and for guidance/suggestions on grammatical standards for posts.

33 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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23 votes
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It should be “large number” of off-topic comments, not “high amount”

See this, one of the notices for why a post is locked (emphasis mine): This post has been locked due to the high amount of off-topic comments generated. A link to a chat room will be posted in the ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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14 votes
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Add commas to tag list warning

Here don't say 'github chrome' say 'github', 'chrome'
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
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So you're saying that multiple close votes from users can total up to one?

I know this is an extremely small grammar problem, and that it is rather pointless to fix it, but when a question has 4 close votes and you hover your mouse over the "close" button for about half a ...
mindstormsboi's user avatar
13 votes
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'x people chatting' tooltip in sidebar doesn't make sense!

Hovering over the 'x people chatting' link in the sidebar shows: 11 users active in 3 rooms the last 60 minutes It should probably be: 11 users active in 3 rooms in the last 60 minutes
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
  • 19.3k
13 votes
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An exclamation point is not a word!

I was just editing an old question whose title ended with an exclamation point. I left the punctuation; I thought it was appropriate, since the question describes a surprising and counterintuitive ...
jscs's user avatar
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12 votes
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Can we actually suspend accounts excessive discussion?

Yes, you read that right, but no, we cannot. Yet here it is: This account is temporarily suspended excessive discussion in comments. I think the "due to" was skipped, and it should read &...
Joachim's user avatar
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12 votes
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Chat banner has strange grammar

When I traveled to just now, I noticed that the banner when you're not logged in says this Welcome to The Stack Exchange Network chat! You'll need 20 reputation to talk here. ...
Chris Loonam's user avatar
12 votes
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Grammatical error (inelegance at the very least) in a close reason

I posted this on but it applies to the whole network so I'm reposting here. One of the canned messages for closing a question reads Please clarify your specific problem or add additional ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 25.9k
11 votes
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Punctuation error in Improve Post error message

In the Suggested Edits review queue, if you select Improve and then immediately press save (without making any improvements), this error message appears: You seem to be improving a post however, you ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
9 votes
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Dash on different line as commenter's username

In the comments section, I have noticed that often if the user's username gets carried over to the next line if it is too long. That is fine, but I have noticed that when this happens, the dash that ...
applemonkey496's user avatar
9 votes
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Incorrect grammar on StackApps registration page sidebar

The sidebar of the StackApps registration page states: You'll also receive parameters for authentication users via OAuth 2.0. I believe this should read: You'll also receive parameters for ...
nickb's user avatar
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7 votes
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Please fix the grammar on the first sentence of the Stack Exchange Network description popup

Currently, when you click the button towards the top left saying "Stack Exchange", a popup titled "Stack Exchange Network" appears. Below it, it says (emphasis added by me): Stack ...
Starship's user avatar
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Chat conversations tab's tooltip text is missing an "of"

I noticed an apparent bug in the text when I hover the "conversations" tab in a chat room, it looks like the text is a little grammatically wrong: The text reads: a chronological list ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
6 votes
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Settings are inconsistent on whether descriptions end in periods or not

On the user settings page (your Meta SE one is here) the smaller-font descriptions sometimes end in periods and sometimes don't. This guidance says "Don’t use periods in interface copy unless it’...
bobble's user avatar
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The "You can accept your own answer in <period>" alert is missing a period․

When trying to accept your own answer too early, you get an alert like You can accept your own answer in 11 hours According to the Stacks design guidelines, it is missing a period; it's a full ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Area 51 fulfilled commitment message in rep history is incorrect

Yesterday I fulfilled my commitment for Moderators, and this is the message in my rep history on Area 51 (click to enlarge image): It says "referred user fulfilled commitment", but that message means ...
ProgramFOX's user avatar
  • 12.8k
6 votes
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Comma splice in pending edit mouseover notification

When a 3k-rep user browses to a post that has a pending suggested edit, the edit link changes to edit (1). When you mouse over it, the title text displayed is: 1 edit to this post is pending, ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
6 votes
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Comma splice in message for nonexistent tag wiki

In the Tagged Questions list for a tag that has no tag wiki yet (see to find current examples), the message at the top reads The bleep-bloop-blop-blorp tag ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
6 votes
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Can we change "You have 1 new answer; 1 new comment" to something grammatically correct?

When you get new answers and comments, Stack Overflow tells you "You have 1 new answer; 1 new comment." As far as I understand, that's not how semicolons work. Here are a couple suggestions for what ...
Jason Swett's user avatar
5 votes
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Strictly Necessary cookies text: "then" not grammatically correct

When customizing cookie settings, the following is shown under Strictly Necessary (click for bigger/sharper image): These cookies are necessary for our website to function properly and cannot be ...
Mast's user avatar
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5 votes
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Make tooltip text ending on user tab sorting order consistent. Only the "participation" tab contains dot at the end

Tooltip for "participation" tab contains the . at the end, but there's no dot for all other tabs: I suggest to remove it here as well. Adding the dot to the all other instead I can't ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
3 votes
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Missing period in confirm new account dialogue

The following sentence in the Confirm your new account dialogue (this is when you visit a site on the network where you don't have an account and click "Join this community") should end with ...
bad_coder's user avatar
  • 28k
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Chat 'enable desktop notification' should probably be '...notifications'

enable desktop notification and disable desktop notification don't sound right - shouldn't it be plural? You're enabling/disabling it for multiple notifications... enable desktop ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
  • 19.3k
3 votes
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Careers has incorrect grammar in tooltip on My Profile Page

On the page, when one is adding experience, with the IsCurrent checkbox ticked and the <input id="tags"> with focus, the class="field-help" for="Tags" ...
user66001's user avatar
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2 votes
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Different tooltip text for Sign Up tab

On the page tooltip for Sign Up tab says (emphasis is mine): Sign up to {SiteName} Same tab on the page
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
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What to do about mistaken copyediting if reverting a bad reversion gets rejected?

What can be done if a well-meaning but misinformed editor changes a question away from standard English and attempts to fix it are rejected as "completely superfluous"? Example This example will be ...
CynicallyNaive's user avatar
1 vote
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Extra space in the "select a browser" message for iOS app

If you tap on some image or another link that cannot be opened in the app, and default browser is not set yet you will see a message: Seems there is an extra space between sentences. This is ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
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Possible double space in the message for already voted for close posts

App Version: 1.6.4 Device: iPad Air 2 (Wi-Fi) OS Version: Version 10.2.1 (Build 14D27)
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
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It's been 1 days since you asked your last question

There is a bug when you need to take a break from questions. It says It's been 1 days since you asked your last question. And I am personally ticked off when there is bad grammar on a website of ...
bleh's user avatar
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Typo in the new post activity div on SO and title on other SE sites

The new post activity div which gives info about the number of questions on Stack Overflow says 1 new questions This is grammatically incorrect, but only in the case of 1 question; if there are ...
Dipen Shah's user avatar
1 vote
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Possible to rank a user or SE site based on language "grade" level?

Jeff Atwood wrote about how Stack Exchange is a clever way to trick programmers into becoming better writers. This sparked some curiosity. Is there a way to see if my writing has improved over time?...
makerofthings7's user avatar
0 votes
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StackOverflow Careers candidate search user guide uses the term "hone in on" when it should be "home in on"

In the StackOverflow Careers candidate search user guide under the heading tips on maximising search results we have the following sentence Our goal with the candidate search on Stack Overflow ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

"log in" should be "login"

Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar