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1 answer

Why aren't all communities shown in the user profile? [duplicate]

When I go to my own profile, only five communities are shown under Communities. Why aren't all displayed? For one there is an, about, 1340 pixels empty space below the grouping, and the hassle of ...
user3342816's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can I change the website URL displayed on my Stack Exchange profile webpages?

In 2020, in a browser where I'm not logged in to Stack Exchange, I go to my Meta user profile page. That page offers a Profile link at the top left and a Network Profile link at the top right. Below ...
Ray Woodcock's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I undo copying a profile to all SE accounts?

I like having different profiles on different sites. On some, I have quite a long bit of text. Just now, I accidentally hit the "Save Profile and Copy to all Accounts" button. How can I reverse that ...
TRiG's user avatar
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SE website not listed on my profile main page

My profile main page ( My SE websites ( "Software ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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How connected are stack sites' profiles?

I just registered on another stack site that is more of a hobby related, while Stack Overflow is more work related and I do not necessarily want them to be connected. For example in Stack Exchange I ...
Illimar Pihlamäe's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How SE related accounts are sorted by in user profile [duplicate]

How Stack Exchange related accounts are sorted by in user page. Sorted by [rep], [badges] [answers]? Also i have two other accounts with same [rep] my x account has more badges than the y account ...
Rahil Wazir's user avatar
10 votes
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Area-51 not listing all accounts

Over the last week or so I've noticed my Area-51 profile no longer shows all my Stack Exchange accounts, only 8 out of 21, particularly my highest-rep site (Sci-Fi & Fantasy). Is there any ...
SteB's user avatar
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Linked accounts have disappeared from view

For close to 30 minutes now, my profile page on SO and WP are both stating that I have no other accounts on the SE network. I'm logged in on both sites independently. What could be wrong? Edit: I'm ...
kolossus's user avatar
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SE Total Rep Count [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Display combined rep total on Stack Exchange users reputation page Why doesn't the network profile list total reputation and badges across the network? Any chance of ...
Qix - MONICA WAS MISTREATED's user avatar
10 votes
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Reputation Hiccup with Meta [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Reputation display bug… Again When I associated my account from SO with meta, programmers, superuser etc, I got the +100 reputation for the association on all sites. ...
deltree's user avatar
  • 109
4 votes
0 answers

Problem with Profile - Accounts/reputation data [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: The reputation in a site is not updated in some sites I have several accounts on StackExchange. But today I checked my Profile and it seems that Accounts data is invalid for ...
Bo.'s user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

The reputation in a site is not updated in some sites [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Reputation display bug… Again I have visible error on profile in, but profiles on other projects (example: look correct.
Sergey's user avatar
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7 votes
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Area 51 Account not showing in Account List on Profile

I have 12 accounts across the SE network. As of sometime the afternoon, my Area 51 account disappeared from my Account Listing on my account profile page for every site upon which I have an account, ...
Jacob G's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

A message says "You have no other accounts on the Stack Exchange network", but I do

When I open my profile on Stackoverflow and my profile on meta, It says You have no other accounts on the Stack Exchange network I can browse stack and meta safely and I have account on superuser, ...
asdf_enel_hak's user avatar
9 votes
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Why is an incorrect Stack Overflow reputation shown on other sites such as Programmers?

Currently, my reputation on Stack Overflow is 448 as shown in my profile and also the accounts tab on my Stack Exchange network profile. Looking at the accounts overview on the summary tab on my ...
PersonalNexus's user avatar
11 votes
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Duplicate accounts in accounts tab

For this user, his accounts tab shows three entries for "Database Administrators". It's the same account listed three times:
Kyle Cronin's user avatar
  • 37.9k
7 votes
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What happened to my associated accounts list?

"Accounts" tab on my profile only lists Area 51, here and on all other SE sites (example) that I'm using. Thing is, I have about 20-30 accounts linked to each other (see e.g. my SE network ...
Jonik's user avatar
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18 votes
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Show user names (and maybe avatars) on "accounts" tab

The old "accounts" tab showed the flairs, hence included avatars and user names. Since March 25th, this now pulls the view from Stack Exchange. I assume names and avatars are simply not shown on the ...
Arjan's user avatar
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15 votes
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Area 51 Associated Accounts Are Arranged Aimlessly

...I originally didn't plan to go that far but the "Are" kinda convinced me to. As mentioned in this question, there was a recent update which has changed it to sort to a specific order which is ...
Grace Note's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Sorting related accounts by reputation

More and more sites are coming into the SE family. As such, when going into the accounts tab of some users, there is sometimes quite a big number of associated accounts. Until now, they are displayed ...
Eldros's user avatar
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12 votes
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Choose information when copying profile

Could there be a list of checkboxes to single out which information to update when copying profile info to linked accounts? For example, if you had moved and only wanted to update your location ...
user avatar
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Account tab redirects to Area51 with "framing not allowed" error

I had an electronic gadgets account. Now, when I click on my associated accounts tab, I'm redirected to it's Area 51 site with a "no framing allowed".
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar
8 votes
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Copy Profile to Related Accounts button is displayed in all user pages

badp's user avatar
  • 33.6k
11 votes
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Linked Stack Exchange accounts all look the same in accounts tab

I notice that linked Stack Exchange 2.0 accounts all look the same in the accounts tab of a user's profile. I understand that all SE sites in beta look the same, but can anything be done to make the ...
Kip's user avatar
  • 31.2k
23 votes
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Stop repeatedly auto-associating accounts on login!

I want my Meta profile kept unassociated with the others. Maybe that's swimming against the current, but that's what I want. Feature: Don't automatically associate my account when I login. Auto-...
user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Single location for SO/SF/SU user info

With the addition of Server Fault and the future addition of Super User, I can imagine it gets relatively hard to keep track of all that is going on without having three windows open at the same time ...
TheTXI's user avatar
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